Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports China

  • China Interested to Develop Industrial Zone in North Kalimantan

    Several Chinese companies that are ranked in the Fortune 500 are exploring investment in Indonesia, including North Kalimantan, as part of their follow-up initiative after the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) that was held on 14–15 May 2017 in Beijing. This event, visited by Indonesian President Joko Widodo, is a platform for working out action plans for investment in the areas of infrastructure, energy and resources, production capacity, trade, financial cooperation, and the identification of major projects.

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  • Stock Market & Currency Indonesia: New Record after Holiday

    After the week-long holiday Indonesian stocks made an impressive return on Monday (03/07). Indonesia's benchmark Jakarta Composite Index surged 1.38 percent to 5,910.24 points, another record high position, led by financial and telecommunication stocks. Investors were in the mood to buy Indonesian shares after the long holiday. Moreover, positive Chinese economic data and Indonesia's easing core inflation provided more reasons for investor appetite.

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  • Stock Market Update Indonesia: What Makes Markets Move Today?

    Most stocks in Asia were in the red zone on Wednesday morning (21/06) as oil entered bear territory after prices continued to tumble (with Brent at seven-month lows) due to rising oil output in Libya and Nigeria. Meanwhile, Chinese shares seem to enjoy limited support only from the decision of US index provider MSCI to add China's mainland stocks to one of its key benchmarks.

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  • Commodity Watch Indonesia: Coal Price Expected to Rise

    The coal price is expected to rise in the remainder of this year as China seems eager to limit domestic coal output, while global coal demand is predicted to rise in the second half of 2017. After a steep decline in May, coal prices have been recovering in June. So far this month, coal prices rallied around 10 percent to slightly above USD $80 per ton (Newcastle index, July contracts).

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  • How Many Islands Does Indonesia Have? Government to Count

    Indonesia is known as the world's largest archipelago. However, local authorities do not exactly know how many islands Indonesia actually has. Back in 1996 the central government made a rough estimate of 17,500. However, rising concerns about illegal fishery and radical Islam as well as growth of protectionism (the battle for natural resources) has made the Indonesian government eager to turn the rough estimate into precise knowledge. However, this will not be an easy undertaking.

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  • Mining in Indonesia: Coal Price to Remain Stable on China Policies

    Despite seeing a supply surplus in Asia, coal prices are expected to remain stable in the foreseeable future supported by expectations of Chinese intervention into domestic coal production. China is the world's largest producer and consumer of coal and therefore the main determinant of the coal price. On Friday (19/05), the Newcastle coal index (May 2017 contracts) rose 0.27 percent to USD $74.25 per ton.

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  • Footwear Imports into Indonesia Surge High in Q1-2017

    Players in Indonesia's footwear industry are concerned about the sharp growth of imports of footwear (shoe) products into Indonesia, by far outpacing growth of footwear exports. Data released by the Indonesian Footwear Association (Aprisindo) show footwear imports into Indonesia rose 17 percent year-on-year (y/y) in 2016, while over the past two years exports of footwear products were recorded in the range of 3 - 4 percent (y/y).

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  • Stock Market Update: Indonesia's Jakarta Composite Hits New Record

    Indonesian stocks continue to expand into record high territory. On Wednesday (05/04) Indonesia's benchmark Jakarta Composite Index gained 0.45 percent to close at 5,676.98 points, a fresh new record high position. Indonesia's main stock index is currently "hot" due to several internal and external factors. However, a new report released by Morgan Stanley may make investors a bit cautious as valuations for Indonesian stocks have been rising sharply recently.

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  • Deindustrialization in Indonesia's Ceramic Industry due to ACFTA?

    Elisa Sinaga, Chairman of the Indonesian Ceramic Industry Association (ASAKI), is concerned about the zero percent import duty policy (applied per 2018) for Chinese ceramics that are shipped into Indonesia. This policy could lead to massive ceramic imports from China and encourage the deindustrialization in Indonesia's ceramic sector.

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  • Trump's Trade Policies Positive for Indonesia's Footwear Industry?

    Indonesia's exports of footwear to the United States (USA) are expected to reach the value of USD $1.5 billion in 2017, up 12 percent year-on-year (y/y) from USD $1.34 billion last year. This increase is expected to come on the back of US President Donald Trump's eagerness to limit imports from China by introducing higher tariffs. This policy should now open up opportunities for Indonesian footwear exporters.

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Latest Columns China

  • Indonesia's Coal Price Soaring, Reason for Euphoria? Or Not?

    Indonesia's November 2016 coal price broke a record. The nation's benchmark thermal coal price (locally known as the Harga Batubara Acuan, HBA) - a monthly price set by Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry and which is based on domestic and international coal indices - jumped 22.9 percent month-on-month (m/m) to USD $84.89 per metric ton this month, the highest monthly HBA price rise ever recorded. Compared to the start of the year, Indonesia's coal price has now risen 59.6 percent, the sixth straight monthly gain. But is this reason for euphoria?

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  • Financial Market Update Indonesia: What Happened Last Week?

    Many things happened this week. A devastating terror attack in Nice (France) killed at least 84 people, while - at the time of writing - a coup attempt occurred in Turkey (that seems to have failed). However, these events have little impact on the performance of global stocks and currencies (with the obvious exception of the Turkish lira). Wall Street touched record highs, while Indonesian stocks rose to a 13-month high and the Indonesian rupiah strengthened to a four-month high. Lets take a closer look at the performance of these markets over the past week.

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  • Indonesian Companies in Focus: Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia

    Steel pipe and tube manufacturer Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia (Spindo), which has the largest steel pipe production capacity among manufacturers in Indonesia, is expected to show solid corporate earnings in the period ahead as the company bought raw materials for its production process when the hot-rolled coil (HRC) price was near its lowest at USD $265 per ton. Investa Saran Mandiri expects that Spindo's earnings will improve markedly starting from the second quarter of 2016 as the HRC price has risen to USD $485 per ton in May 2016.

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  • PBOC Expects GDP Increase, In Spite Of Export Losses

    When we are looking at economic forecasts for potential growth prospects in Indonesia, it makes sense to have an idea of what is happening in the peripheral regions. China is still used as a firm indicator of where we are headed with emerging markets and here we will look at some of the reasons why the People's Bank of China's (PBOC) is still expecting growth even if potentially negative factors occur.

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  • Steel Price Rises but China and Other Steel Producing Nations Divided

    The price of steel has surged 20 percent to USD $365 per ton in April 2016 from USD $305 per ton at the start of the year. The primary reason for the higher steel price is China's plan to curtail the country's installed steel production capacity by a further 150 million tons over the next five years. In recent years the steel price has dropped significantly due to the global oversupply, mainly originating from the chronic steel oversupply in China where domestic demand declined amid the nation's economic slowdown.

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  • Expansion Alibaba to Indonesia to Cause Rising Trade Deficit with China?

    The USD $1 billion acquisition of Southeast Asia-based e-commerce platform Lazada Group SA by China's e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd may give rise to a larger flow of Chinese products into Indonesia. Lazada is an e-commerce platform that operates in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Southeast Asia is an interesting market for Alibaba as only 3 percent of retail sales are conducted online in this region, implying huge growth opportunities. Meanwhile, Alibaba has been eager to expand abroad as growth in China has been slowing.

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  • International Relations Indonesia-China: Illegal Fishing Case

    Indonesian Minister of Maritime and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti said Indonesia could raise the (illegal) fishing dispute between Indonesia and China - that occurred near the Natuna Islands in the South China Sea over the weekend - at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea if China's authorities fail to respect Indonesia’s sovereignty over its sea territory. Last Saturday (19/03) a Chinese ship (Kway Fey 10078) was spotted fishing illegally within Indonesia's Exclusive Economic Zone in the South China Sea. Its crew was arrested and ship confiscated. However, two armed Chinese coast guard ships arrived to intervene.

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  • International Monetary Fund (IMF) Sees Indonesia's GDP Growth at 4.9%

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects Indonesia's economy to expand 4.9 percent year-on-year (y/y) in 2016, slightly up from a 4.8 percentage point (y/y) growth of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2015. On Tuesday (15/03) Luis Breuer, IMF Mission Chief for Indonesia, said the Washington-based lender projects limited growth (+0.1 percent) of Indonesia's private consumption this year. Regarding growth of investment and government spending in 2016, the IMF holds a more positive view. On the same day, the World Bank cut its forecast for Indonesia's 2016 GDP growth by 0.2 percent to 5.1 percent.

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  • Business Update Indonesia: BKPM Wants Desk for Chinese Investors

    In order to improve communication and avoid language barriers, the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) plans to open a special service desk for Chinese investors. BKPM, the investment services agency of the Indonesian government, sees language barriers between Chinese investors and Indonesians as a major obstacle; one that blocks foreign direct investment from China into Indonesia. The new desk, specifically for investment from China or Hong Kong, should improve communication hence improving realization of China's investment plans.

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  • Snapshot of the Indonesian Economy: Risks, Challenges & Development

    Tomorrow (05/02), Statistics Indonesia is scheduled to release Indonesia's official full-year 2015 economic growth figure. Nearly all analysts expect to see a figure that reflects the continuation of slowing economic growth. Southeast Asia's largest economy expanded 5.0 percent in 2014 and this is expected to have eased further to 4.7 percent or 4.8 percent in 2015 on the back of (interrelated) sluggish global growth, low commodity prices, and weak export performance. Domestically, Indonesia has or had to cope with high interest rates and inflation (hence curtailing people's purchasing power and consumption as well as business expansion).

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Associated businesses China