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Latest Reports Governance

  • Inefficient Use of Indonesia's State Budget; Fake Villages & Local Public Officials’ High Travel Expenses

    It is assumed by many that the Indonesian government does not make efficient use of the annual state budgets. This is also the reason why Indonesian President Joko Widodo stated recently that one of his key ambitions for the next five years is to make more efficient use of the state budget (“each rupiah of the state budget needs to be used productively”).

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  • Indonesia Launches One Map Policy Geoportal to Improve Investment Climate

    The Indonesian government launched the One Map Policy Geoportal (KSP Geoportal). This policy involves a more detailed map of land use, hence aiming at resolving overlapping claims - as well as preventing the emergence of new cases - across the country, including in forest areas. The map was launched by Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Tuesday (11/12).

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  • Meikarta, One of Indonesia's Troubled Property Projects?

    Although in local media Indonesian property developer Lippo Cikarang is aggressively advertising its ambitious Meikarta project to the consumer, there is uncertainty whether the developer indeed collected all necessary permits required to construct the new township. Meikarta is marketed as a 500-hectare property development project with 100 hectares of open green space, 250,000 units of prime residential property, and 1,500,000 m2 of prime commercial space.

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  • What is the Biggest Obstacle to Business & Investment in Indonesia?

    Not the lack of (soft and hard) infrastructure development in Indonesia, or the lack of quality human resources, nor corruption or protectionism but the difficulty to obtain the necessary permits from the local governments are the biggest obstacle to investment and business in Indonesia according to a survey that was conducted by the Regional Autonomy Watch (KPPOD) in the 32 regional capital cities across the Archipelago.

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  • Survey Shows High Degree of Confidence in Jokowi's Indonesia

    A survey from Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) shows that Indonesians' confidence in the performance of President Joko Widodo's government has risen. The survey signals that some 67 percent of the Indonesian population are satisfied with the government's performance, significantly higher compared to 42 percent in 2015. Reform-minded Widodo, often called Jokowi, has been in office since October 2014. However, he has to guide the nation amid global and domestic challenges (sluggish economic growth, low commodity prices and monetary policy changes of key central banks that trigger capital inflows/outflows).

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  • Weak Governance in Indonesian Mining Sector: Overlapping Mining Areas

    R. Sukhyar, Director of Mineral and Coal at the Indonesian Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry said that 184 mining business licenses (Indonesian: Izin Usaha Pertambangan, or IUP), needed for exploration and mining activities, have been revoked this June because of overlapping mining areas and illegal administration. The revoked permits concerned mining areas in Jambi (99 revoked licenses), South Sumatra (83), and South Sulawesi (2). This case is another illustration of weak governance in Southeast Asia’s largest economy.

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  • Continued Emergence of Scandals Undermines Trust in Indonesian Politics

    Today, most Indonesian newspapers opened with negative headlines concerning the country's political arena. In Indonesian politics, scandals - whether connected to corruption or other issues - are frequently reported and seriously undermine people's (both domestic and foreign) confidence in the nation's governance. In today's newspapers, three cases were center of attention and illustrate the problems within Indonesia's political elite.

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Latest Columns Governance

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