Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Elections

  • Subscriber Update - Zooming in on the 2020 Local Elections of Indonesia

    In recent times, almost each year can be labelled a ‘political year’ for Indonesia as a big number of elections – regional or central – need to be organized. While the year 2020 is not as big in terms of political elections compared to 2019 (when Indonesia’s presidential and legislative elections were held) it is still an important year as some 100.3 million Indonesians were eligible to vote in the 2020 regional elections.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Research Report Released: August 2018 Edition

    On Friday 07 September 2018 Indonesia Investments released the August 2018 edition of its monthly research report. The report aims to inform the reader of the key political, economic and social developments that occurred in Indonesia in the month of August 2018 and also touches upon key international developments that impacted on the Indonesian economy.

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  • Presidential Election Indonesia: Widodo Announces His Running Mate

    Incumbent President Joko Widodo is expected to announce his running mate for the 2019 presidential election this evening (Thursday 09/08). All local media are gathered at Plataran Restaurant in Menteng (Central Jakarta) where the leaders of those political parties that support Widodo meet for an announcement. Also present is former chief justice of Indonesia's Constitutional Court Mahfud MD. Thus, it seemed clear who had been selected as Widodo's vice presidential candidate.

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  • Prabowo Subianto to Select Sandiaga Uno as Vice-Presidential Candidate?

    Indonesia Investments received information that presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto has selected Deputy Jakarta Governor Sandiaga Uno to become his vice-presidential candidate in the 2019 presidential election. The choice for Uno is allegedly accepted by Subianto's Gerindra party as well as by the National Mandate Party (PAN) and Prosperous Justice Party (PKS).

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  • Local Elections Indonesia: Who Are Winning Based on the Exit Poll?

    On Wednesday (27/06) around 150 million people are estimated to have cast their vote for the local elections in 169 regions across Indonesia (in two Papuan districts elections were delayed due to administrative and security reasons). There have not been any reports of disturbances (including fraud) and we can therefore assume that the elections went peacefully (and fair) across Indonesia.

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  • Bank Indonesia Delays June Monthly Policy Meeting by One Day

    Earlier this week, Wednesday 27 June 2018 was declared a public national holiday by the Indonesian government through Presidential Decision No. 48/2018. Reason being the local elections that are held in 171 regions across Indonesia. A free day would provide more opportunities for workers to cast their vote. Earlier, the Indonesia Stock Exchange had already confirmed that it would operate as usual on this regional election day.

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  • How Indonesian Elections Lead to Rising Consumption & GDP Growth

    Bambang Brodjonegoro, Indonesia's Minister of National Development Planning, said there occurred a 20 percent increase in non-government consumption ahead of Indonesia's presidential election in 2014. Considering 2018 and 2019 are political years (with regional elections in 2018 and legislative and presidential elections in 2019), we can expect to see a new boost for consumption in Southeast Asia's largest economy.

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  • Despite Political Year Analysts Expect Plenty of IPOs in 2018

    Despite the "political year" several Indonesia-based securities firms expect to see big appetite from local companies to conduct an initial public offering (IPO) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2018. In 2018, Indonesia will see a new round of regional elections (to determine local leaders) across the country. These elections are likely to trigger new political tensions, particularly as the country's legislative and presidential elections are to be held the following year.

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Latest Columns Elections

  • Indonesia's Intervention in Fuel Prices Thwarts Private Investment

    There is concern that the Indonesian government's plan to curb price increases of (non-subsidized) fuels in Indonesia will impact negatively on private investors' enthusiasm to invest in Indonesia's oil and gas industry. Earlier this week Arcandra Tahar, Deputy Minister at the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, informed that the government wants to regulate prices of fuels in order to keep inflation in check.

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  • Presidential Election Indonesia 2019: Another Jokowi-Prabowo Battle?

    Indonesia's 2019 presidential election is likely to become another battle between incumbent President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Gerindra party Chairman Prabowo Subianto. Both men had already been engaged in a fierce contest in 2014, one that was only narrowly won by Jokowi. On Wednesday evening (11/04) Subianto formally accepted the mandate of the Gerindra party to compete as presidential candidate in the 2019 presidential election (scheduled for 17 April 2019).

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  • In Times of Elections Consumer Goods Companies Are Great Stock Picks

    Consumer goods companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange are expected to experience two good years in 2018 and 2019 due to the presence of the "political years" (regional elections in 2018 followed by legislative and presidential elections in 2019). Traditionally, consumption rises amid these "parties of democracy" and therefore those consumer goods companies with strong brands are expected to see rising sales in this period.

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  • Business & Politics: Eyeing Indonesia's 2019 Presidential Election

    Investors will need to keep an eye on Indonesia's political years of 2018 (regional elections) and 2019 (legislative elections) as the outcomes can have a big impact on the investment climate and business climate of Indonesia. Most eyes will be on the legislative and presidential elections of 2019.

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  • Rising Influence Hardline Islam & Billionaires Club on Indonesian Politics

    After having carefully followed the 2017 gubernatorial election in Indonesia's capital city of Jakarta, there are a couple of worrying signs. One, the rising influence of hardline Islam on Indonesian politics (and prosecution). Two, the rising influence of a handful of Indonesian "billionaire" businessmen, led by controversial Prabowo Subianto, who seek the highest political power within Southeast Asia's largest economy. Three, the cooperation between the two aforementioned forces as they each strive to fulfill their (separate) ambitions.

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  • Politics in Indonesia: Jakarta's 2017 Gubernatorial Election

    It is not a coincidence that ethnic, religious and social tensions have risen in Indonesia ahead of Jakarta's gubernatorial election on 15 February 2017. Indonesian Police is currently making over hours as various people, including political and religious leaders, have been reported to police for blasphemy or hate speech. One of the people that is being trialed is incumbent Jakarta Governor Basuki Purnama Tjahja (Ahok), who is one of the three men who compete to become the capital's next governor.

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  • Forest Fires & Haze: Link between Indonesia's Local Elections and Fires

    With the forest fires still raging on parts of the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan, damaging the tropical environment, while the toxic haze still spreads to other parts of Southeast Asia, having caused an estimated 500,000 cases of respiratory tract infection as well as 19 casualties, the ongoing disaster has been labelled a crime against humanity. A new and interesting research report, released by Dr. Herry Purnomo (scientist at the Bogor-based Center for International Forestry Research), points to a link between local elections and spikes in Indonesian forest fires.

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  • Indonesia Presidential Election: Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo vs Prabowo Subianto

    It had been speculated for a while, but yesterday the official declaration of Indonesia's presidential candidates and their running mates (the vice-presidential candidates) were presented. In the upcoming election, scheduled for 9 July 2014, Jakarta Governor Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo will face Prabowo Subianto, former army general and former son-in-law to president Suharto (Indonesia's second president), in a battle for the country's presidential seat. What is there to tell about this battle?

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