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Latest Reports Federal Reserve

  • Three Companies Newly Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

    Today, three Indonesian companies will be listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). These companies are Victoria Investama (VICO), Multipolar Technology (MLPT), and Bank Mestika Dharma (BBMD). This year so far, 21 Indonesian companies have conducted their initial public offering (IPO). Eight others are still planning to conduct one in 2013. Indonesia's stock exchange has seen large capital outflows in the last month due to international concerns about a stop to the US quantitative easing program.

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  • Morgan Stanley: Indonesia's Securities Vulnerable to Capital Outflows

    After the World Bank signaled slowing economic growth in Indonesia, American multinational financial services corporation Morgan Stanley also detects problems in Southeast Asia's largest economy. According to Jonathan Garner, chief Asia and emerging-market strategist for Morgan Stanley, Indonesia’s stock market is the most vulnerable stock market in Southeast Asia in terms of sudden capital outflows. Morgan Stanley downgraded Indonesia's equities to underweight from equal weight and labeled the country as "a relatively over-owned country".

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  • Large Outflow of Funds From Indonesia's Main Stock Index on Friday

    Yesterday (07/06), the main index of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IHSG) fell by a total of 2.7 percent to close at 4,865.32 points. The size of this single day fall of Indonesia's IHSG has not been seen since November 2011 and illustrates waning confidence in Indonesia's economy. For eleven days in a row, foreign investors have been engaged in net selling as they have been concerned about ongoing uncertainty regarding the price hike of subsidized fuel, the continuing trade deficit as well as the steady fall of the IDR rupiah.

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  • Asia Development Bank (ADB) Also Warns for Asset Bubble in Asia

    Similar to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Asia Development Bank has warned that Asia can become hit by an asset bubble as central banks are loosening monetary policy. Besides Japan's program to inject USD $1.4 trillion into the domestic economy, America's Federal Reserve and United Kingdom's Bank of England will increase their money supplies to spur economic growth. These measures can result in economic overheating as well as asset bubbles across the Asian region.

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Latest Columns Federal Reserve

  • Recovery Continues: Indonesia's Stock Index (IHSG) Gains 1.92%

    Asian stock indices were up on Thursday (27/06) after economic growth of the United States in Q1-2013 was lower than expected. Paradoxically, this had a positive effect on global stock indices as speculation arose that the disappointing growth rate would convince the Federal Reserve to continue its quantitative easing program. It also had a good affect on Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG), which gained 1.92 percent and ended at 4,675.75. The index was well on its way to close a gap (at 4,743-4,801) but was blocked by mixed European openings.

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  • Indonesia's Index Falls 0.24 Percent; US Indices Rebound on Positive Data

    The main stock index of Indonesia (IHSG) fell 0.24 percent to 4,418.87 on Tuesday (25/06) as foreign investors continued to sell parts of their Indonesian stock portfolios. In fact, after selling USD $68 million worth of stocks on Tuesday, foreign investors have now sold more stocks than they bought in 2013. From its record high of 5,214 on 20 May 2013, the IHSG has now fallen 15 percent. After the speech of Ben Bernanke one week ago (19/06), investors have been pulling out money from emerging markets, including Indonesia.

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  • Indonesia Plagued by Capital Outflows as Investors Leave Emerging Markets

    After several years of significant foreign capital inflows into Indonesia, a sharp contrast has been visible in recent weeks. Global panic that followed in the days after Ben Bernanke announced that the Federal Reserve intends to withdraw its quantitative easing program in 2014 (if economic recovery of the USA continues), hit Indonesia hard. It triggered a massive capital outflow from the country's stock exchange (IDX) as well as from government securities (Surat Berharga Negara, or SBN).

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  • Indonesia's main Stock Index (IHSG) after Ben Bernanke's Speech

    Similar to the Jakarta Great Sale event, Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) trades its stocks at low prices as foreign investors have sold large parts of their Indonesian stock assets in recent weeks. Last week, foreign investors sold IDR 4.9 trillion (about USD $492.4 million), meaning that this year's accumulated foreign net buying has evaporated. Will these sales continue? Yes, I think so. Foreigners have invested about IDR 144 trillion in Indonesia's capital markets between 2007 and Q1-2013. As such, there is still plenty to sell.

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  • Another Day of Losses for Indonesia's Main Stock Index (IHSG)

    On Friday's trading day (21/06), Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) was still under the spell of the unrest that emerged because of Ben Bernanke's announcement of a possible stop to the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing program in 2014. Moreover, weak manufacturing data from China also continued to cause negative market sentiments. The IHSG fell 2.48 percent to 4,515.37, its lowest closing since 11 February 2013. Foreign investors sold about USD $228 million more stocks than they bought.

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  • Federal Reserve and China Cause Global Distress Among Investors

    Concerns about an ending to the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing program and falling industrial activity in China as well as China's credit crisis made many investors decide to sell assets on stock markets around the world on Thursday (20/06). Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) was just one of the many victims of this global unrest. The index weakened 3.68 percent to 4,629.99 points as foreign investors mostly sold their Indonesian assets, resulting in significant lowered share prices of Indonesia's big cap companies.

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  • Impact of Federal Reserve's Quantitative Easing on Indonesia's IHSG

    On Wednesday (19/06), Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) posted a 0.70 percent fall to the level of 4,806.66 points as foreign investors continued to sell more Indonesian stocks than they bought. Moreover, the IHSG did not receive any support from the Asian region, where most stock indices weakened. Similar to Europe and the United States, Asian markets were eagerly waiting for results of the meeting of the Federal Reserve on Wednesday evening and thus mostly refrained from trading during the day.

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  • Small Gain for the IHSG Despite Uncertainty about Subsidized Fuel Price

    Despite weakening stock indices in the United States on Friday (14/06), most Asian indices were up on Monday (17/06) and impacted positively on the main index of Indonesia (IHSG). On the other hand, market participants are still waiting for the outcome of the plenary session of Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) regarding the approval of the increase in the price of subsidized fuel. The market is speculating that the price increase will be approved even though a number of political parties oppose the plan.

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  • Two Important Questions in Indonesia's Highly Volatile Market

    Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) moved wildly last week. During the first two days of the week, the index fell to 4,609.95 points, which is considerably below its record high level of 5,214 on 20 May 2013. However, on the last trading day of the week (14/06), a 3.32 percent recovery occurred. Generally, it were domestic market participants that supported the IHSG. Foreign market participants continued to sell parts of their Indonesian stock portfolios. Total foreign selling totaled IDR 9 trillion (USD $910.4 million) last week.

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  • Strong Rebound in Indonesia's IHSG, BI Rate Hike Well-Received

    On Friday (14/06), the main stock index of Indonesia (IHSG) jumped 3.32 percent to 4,760.74 points as financial market participants were optimistic about the effects of the higher central bank interest rate that was announced the day before. Moreover, Indonesia's IHSG was supported by a green wave across Asian stock markets, which was partly due to a strong rebound in markets in the United States on Thursday (13/06). Stocks in Indonesia's banking and property sectors were the top-gainers on Friday's trading day.

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