Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports GDP

  • Delayed Government Projects Cause Slowdown in Indonesia's Cement Sales

    Although Indonesia's January cement sales showed robust growth of 15 percent to 4.65 million metric tons (year-on-year), the country's cement sales in February slowed to 8.2 percent (4.39 million metric tons) compared to a year earlier; The slowest pace of growth in six months. Strong annual GDP growth has caused a rise in property and infrastructure projects but a delay in some government projects might be behind the slower cement sales growth in February.

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  • UBS Revises up its GDP Estimate for Indonesia due to Stronger US Demand

    Global financial services company UBS has revised up Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP) number as it expects the country to benefit from increased exports to the United States. The Switzerland-based company predicts that Indonesia's economy will grow by 6.3 percent, instead of the previous estimate of 6.0 percent. Recently improved economic growth in the USA is cited as the engine of growth for Indonesian exports later this year.

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Latest Columns GDP

  • Indonesia's Main Stock Index (IHSG) Falls 1.37 Percent on Thursday

    Asian stock markets were mixed on Thursday (30/05). Particularly Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index (HSI) was negatively influenced by Wednesday's falling stock indices in Europe and the USA. In this context, Indonesia's main index (IHSG) was hit as well and fell 1.37 percent to 5,129.65 points. Moreover, the continuing decline of the IDR rupiah makes market participants less enthusiastic to purchase Indonesian stocks. Foreigners were also anxious to sell part of their stock portfolios.

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  • Indonesia's Government Revises Down Tax Revenue Target of 2013

    In the revised state budget, Indonesia's government has lowered its forecast for tax revenue in 2013. Originally, the government expected to receive IDR 1,193.0 trillion (USD $122.4 billion) but the figure has been tuned down to IDR 1,139.3 trillion (USD $116.9 billion). Minister of Finance Chatib Basri stated that the forecast for tax revenue has been revised down by IDR 55.1 trillion, while the figure for export duties has been raised by IDR 1.4 trillion. Indonesia's tax-to-GDP ratio in 2013 has been changed to 12.11 percent from 12.87 percent.

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  • Import-Export Trade and Investment between USA and Indonesia

    Although the United States continues its traditional focus on direct investments in developed countries, primarily in Western Europe, there has been a significant rise in US investments in Indonesia in recent years. Whereas US investments in the developed economies of Western Europe is mostly found in the financial sector and through holding companies, in developing Asia, the US is more focused on the manufacturing sector due to lower production costs. In the last two years, the US emerged as the second-largest investor in Indonesia after Japan.

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  • A Small Gain for the Indonesia Stock Index on Wednesday (IHSG)

    Positive American and European stock indices on Tuesday (14/05/13) made a good impact on Asian stock indices on Wednesday (15/05/13), including Indonesia's main index (IHSG) which is heading towards the 5,100 points line. Although many foreign investors were eager to sell their Indonesian assets, support from other Asian stock indices kept the IHSG within the green zone. At the end of the trading day, it stood at 5,089.88 points, a 0.16 percent rise.

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  • Indonesia's Cement Consumption Grows 8.6% in January - April 2013

    Cement consumption in Indonesia increased 8.6 percent to 18.11 million tons in the first four months of 2013. Demand was particularly supported by property and housing projects in the bigger cities of Indonesia. Another pillar of support was found in the development of various infrastructure projects (including those within the framework of the government's ambitious MP3EI plan). The Indonesian Cement Association expects this year's cement consumption in Indonesia to rise to 61 million tons in total.

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  • The Issue of Inequality Within Indonesia's Booming Economy

    The economy of Indonesia is booming with gross domestic product (GDP) surpassing six percent on an annual basis. And the country's strong economic fundamentals are confirmed by increasing international attention. But within the context of this economic growth it is important to take a look at whether economic growth is shared by all segments of Indonesian society. If, for example, only the higher classes of Indonesia would benefit from the economic boom, it could give rise to social issues in the future.

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  • Indonesia's Economic Growth and Top Companies in Consumer Industries

    It is no secret that Indonesia's economy has been booming in recent years and is appearing more and more on the radars of foreign investors. In the 2000s it was the commodities sector that brought much profit for Indonesian companies that were engaged in the extraction of natural resources such as coal, palm oil, and rubber. The outbreak of the global financial crisis in the late 2000s, however, ended the commodities boom abruptly, while other sectors came to the fore as Indonesia's new gold mines.

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  • Indonesia's Main Stock Index (IHSG) Bounces Back after Two Days of Losses

    The upward movements of both American and European stock indices on Friday (03/05/13) provided good support for today's performances of indices in Asia, including the Indonesia Stock Index (IHSG). After having been hit hard for two consecutive trading day's, the IHSG rebounded despite foreign investors still selling off their Indonesian stocks. Others, however, use this momentum to hunt for stocks that are now considered cheap after last week's fall.

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  • S&P Downgrades Indonesia's BB+ Credit Rating from Positive to Stable

    International financial services company Standard & Poor's (S&P) downgraded its outlook on Indonesia’s BB+ rating from positive to stable as the agency assessed that Indonesia's reform momentum is fading and the external profile is weakening. The decision came as a surprise as Indonesia's government had just declared to reduce its massive spending on fuel subsidies starting from next month. These subsidies were the main reason why S&P had not upgraded Indonesia's credit rating to investment grade yet.

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  • Investment Grades: International Confidence in Indonesia's Resilient Economy

    One piece of evidence of international confidence in the Indonesian economy is the steady upgrades in the country's credit ratings by international financial services companies such as Standard & Poor's, Fitch Ratings and Moody's. In late 2011, Fitch Ratings was the first to reinstate Indonesia's investment grade status after a 14-year hiatus. In January 2012, Moody’s followed suit citing the country’s resilient economy. S&P may follow soon, depending on the fuel price hike issue.

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