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Latest Reports Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

  • Democracy in Indonesia: Presidential Election between Jokowi and Prabowo

    Wednesday 9 July 2014, is a big day for Indonesia as on that day the Indonesian people will vote for the successor of incumbent Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono who had been given the mandate to lead two five-year presidential terms between 2004 and 2014 (and who is the only president in the era of Reformasi that was re-elected by the people). Now, the people have to choose between Joko Widodo (Jokowi), joined by running mate Jusuf Kalla, and Prabowo Subianto, who is joined by running mate Hatta Rajasa.

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  • Indonesia Election: LSI Survey Shows Rebound in Popularity of Joko Widodo

    After having seen his lead over rival Prabowo Subianto narrow considerably in recent months, the latest survey released by the Indonesia Survey Circle (LSI) today (07/07) indicates that presidential candidate Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo’s popularity has rebounded, although the race remains tight. According to the survey, Jokowi and running mate Jusuf Kalla secured 47.8 percent of respondents’ votes, slightly higher than their rivals Prabowo Subianto and running mate Hatta Rajasa at 44.2 percent.

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  • SBY’s Democratic Party Supports Prabowo Subianto in Election

    Incumbent Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s Democratic Party (Partai Demokrat, abbreviated PD) announced that it will support the Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa pair in the upcoming presidential election on 9 July 2014. Previously, the party had declared neutrality. On Monday (30/06), PD Executive Chairman Syarief Hasan stated that the party’s leadership advises all its members and supporters to back Prabowo Subianto in his quest to become the next Indonesian president.

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  • Political Stability Needed in East Asia to Enhance Higher Economic Growth

    The start of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015 will turn the ASEAN region into a strong economic block. However, the region should enhance political stability and foster economic justice. These are the two basic conclusions drawn in the World Economic Forum on East Asia in Manila (the Philippines) on Thursday (22/05). This forum is a meeting place for state leaders, global businesses, politicians as well as scholars. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was one of the attendees.

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  • Coalition Golkar and PD? Aburizal Bakrie & Pramono Edhie Wibowo

    According to the latest information, Golkar and Partai Demokrat (PD) may form a coalition which will nominate Aburizal Bakrie (Chairman of Golkar) as its presidential candidate and Pramono Edhie Wibowo (PD member, a former army chief and incumbent President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's brother-in-law) as its vice-presidential candidate. Golkar is Indonesia's second-largest political party, while PD is the fourth-largest party based on the result of the April legislative election.

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  • Chairul Tanjung Replaces Hatta Rajasa as Indonesian Economic Minister

    Chairul Tanjung, one of the richest businessmen of Indonesia, will replace Hatta Rajasa as Indonesia's Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs after the latter - who is also chairman of the PAN party - stepped down from his post to focus on his vice-presidential bid (as running mate of Prabowo Subianto) in the 2014 presidential election (scheduled for 9 July 2014). Today (16/05), Indonesian President Yudhoyono inaugurated Tanjung in the state palace. Tanjung only has five months left in office as a new government will be inaugurated in October 2014.

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  • Indonesia Presidential Election Update: Jokowi-Kalla versus Prabowo-Hatta?

    The Indonesian presidential election, scheduled for 9 July 2014, is most likely to become a battle between Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and Prabowo Subianto. Although this had already been expected as both men can rely on popular support (according to various surveys) and have the political backing of important political parties, a number of developments on Tuesday (13/05) seem to confirm this expectation. Moreover, there is more clarity about the vice-presidential candidates that will join the July election.

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  • Hatta Rajasa Pairs with Prabowo Subianto in Presidential Election?

    In Indonesian media it was reported today (13/05) that Hatta Rajasa, the current Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, will meet President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono this afternoon. It is speculated that in this meeting Rajasa wil ask permission to resign from his post in order to be able to run as Prabowo Subianto's running mate in the presidential election (9 July 2014). A 2008 law stipulates that ministers need to resign when participating in the election (as presidential or vice-presidential candidate) to avert a possible conflict of interest.

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  • Muhammad Lutfi Replaces Gita Wirjawan as Indonesia's Trade Minister

    Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono will officially appoint Muhammad Lutfi as the new Trade Minister on Friday (14/02), thus replacing Gita Wirjawan who requested to step down as Trade Minister on 31 January 2014 in order to focus solely on his presidential bid. Muhammad Lutfi will only have eight months time to head the Trade Ministry because a new Indonesian government will be inaugurated in October (legislative and presidential elections are scheduled for April and July 2014).

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  • Gita Wirjawan Resigns as Trade Minister to Focus on Presidential Bid

    Indonesia's Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan announced on Friday (31/01) that he resigned - with immediate effect - from the cabinet in order to focus on his ambition to become the next president of Indonesia in the 2014 presidential election, scheduled for 9 July. Wirjawan aims to be selected as presidential candidate in the Democratic Party’s presidential convention. The Democratic Party (PD), the political vehicle of current President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, was the largest party at the 2009 elections but has since lost popularity.

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Latest Columns Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

  • Indonesian Parliament Approves Agus Martowardojo as Central Bank Governor

    Current Finance minister Agus Martowardojo is approved by Indonesia's Parliament (DPR) to replace Darmin Nasution as governor of Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia) in May 2013. Martowardojo, who has been active in banking for over two decades and had a successful term as head of state-controlled Bank Mandiri, was finance minister since May 2010 after taking over from Sri Mulyani, who was pressured out of Indonesian politics.

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  • First Execution in Indonesia Since 4.5 Years and Muslim Militants Killed in Raid

    Last Thursday night, a Nigerian drug dealer, imprisoned since 2004, was executed by firing squad near Kepulauan Seribu to the north of Jakarta's coast. This execution is the first since the execution of three Islamic radicals (who were involved in the 2002 Bali bombings) in 2008. Meanwhile, on Friday morning, counter-terrorism squad Densus 88 killed three suspected Muslim militants that robbed a jewelry store in Tambora, West Jakarta.

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  • Agus Martowardojo Nominated for Governor of Indonesia's Central Bank

    President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has nominated Agus D.W. Martowardojo, currently serving as Finance minister, to replace Darmin Nasution as governor of Bank Indonesia, Indonesia's central bank. Nasution, who has been governor since September 2010, will see his term end in May this year. To become the next governor, Martowardojo still needs approval of Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR), and that might be a bottleneck.

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  • Local Governments and Private Sector Should Join Hands to Develop Infrastructure

    Indonesia's central government hopes that local governments team up with the private sector to develop the country's infrastructure. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said that there are two ways through which local governments can stimulate its infrastructure development: cut expenses on other fields and use it on infrastructure development instead, or, invite the private sector to participate in public-private partnerships (PPPs).

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  • President Yudhoyono Back to Take Leadership of his Crumbling Democratic Party

    Just a few years ago, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's Democratic Party (in Indonesian Partai Demokrat or PD) enjoyed huge popularity among Indonesia's population. More than one fifth of the electorate voted for the 'Democrats' in the 2009 parliamentary election, a notable achievement in Indonesia's pluralistic society. In particular, the party's hard stance towards corruption was likened by the people. Now, however, the party crumbles under its own weight.

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  • Towards Next Year's Legislative Elections: PD, Golkar and PDI-P

    Next year, Indonesia will have new parliamentary and presidential elections. Now already, these elections are highly relevant as political parties need to find ways to gain popular support and need to look for the right presidential candidates. Political parties or coalitions of political parties that receive at least 20 percent of the votes during the parliamentary election, are allowed to nominate a presidential candidate. Thereafter, a presidential election - in which a few candidates participate - will decide the next Indonesian president.

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