Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Federal Reserve

  • QE3 and BI Rate Concerns Impact on Indonesia's Stock Index and Rupiah

    Concerns about the looming end of the Federal Reserve's monthly USD $85 billion stimulus program (known as quantitative easing or QE3) in combination with the deteriorating domestic economy of Indonesia has caused Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) to plunge 1.95 percent in the first trading session of 13 November 2013. The Indonesian rupiah exchange rate depreciated 0.28 percent to IDR 11,600 according to Bloomberg. These developments happen one day after the decision of Indonesia's central bank to raise the BI rate to 7.50 percent.

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  • Indonesian Government Preparing Additional Policy Approach Package

    The government of Indonesia is busy preparing an extra package of policy responses aimed at stabilizing Indonesia's financial markets. Previously, the government had released a sort of 'rescue package' in late August after the rupiah depreciated sharply and the country's stock indices plunged. Panic had emerged due to the looming end of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing program. Coupled with internal issues, it resulted in robust capital outflows from Indonesia. The new package will be released in October.

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  • Indonesia Turns into Bullish Market as Quantitative Easing Continues

    The Federal Reserve's decision not to change its quantitative easing program seems to have led to a bullish market in Asia. Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) rose 4.37 percent to 4,658.2 points after the first session on Thursday's trading day (19/09). All sectoral indices were up, with the property sector in leading position. Big cap stocks, in particular, performed well. Investors are relieved that the Fed did not alter its stimulus program. Thus, funds are expected to continue flowing to emerging markets, including Indonesia.

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  • Federal Reserve Continues Quantitative Easing at US $85 Billion a Month

    Despite widespread speculation that the Federal Reserve would tone down its quantitative easing program (QE3) by approximately USD $10 to $20 billion after the FOMC meeting on Wednesday (18/09), the central bank of the USA decided to continue its monthly USD $85 billion bond-buying program as it downgraded its outlook for US economic growth to between 2.0 and 2.3 percent. Chairman Bernanke said that the economic context of the USA is still far from conducive to alter its strategy.

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  • Bank Indonesia Raises its Benchmark Interest Rate (BI Rate) to 7.25%

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) has raised its benchmark interest rate (BI rate) and deposit facility rate (Fasbi) by 25 basis points to 7.25 percent and 5.50 percent respectively on Thursday (12/09). It is the fourth time since June that Bank Indonesia raised the interest rate. Previously, it maintained a historic low BI rate of 5.75 percent for 16 months. The increase is one of the measures taken to control inflation, stabilize the rupiah exchange rate and to ensure that the current account deficit is managed to a sustainable level.

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  • G20 Summit Russia: Indonesia within the G20 Group of Major Economies

    The G-20 summit in St Petersburg (Russia), which is held on Thursday (05/09) and Friday (06/09), is not expected to result in unanimous support for a military action against Syria as China and Russia are opposing strongly to such an action. Indonesia's president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono stated that Indonesia takes the middle road regarding the Syria-case. Apart from Syria, other topics that are discussed include the possible ending to the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing program, global economic growth and financial stability.

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  • IMF: Change in Global Dynamics, Emerging versus Developed Economies

    On Wednesday (04/09), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) released a report that describes a change in the current global economic dynamic as developed economies are showing signs of recovery, while growth in emerging markets is slowing down. These two developments are interrelated because stagnating developed economies from the late 2000s meant that investors started to look for lucrative assets in rapidly-growing emerging markets, including Indonesia.

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  • Central Bank of Indonesia Raises its Benchmark Interest Rate to 7%

    Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia) decided to raise its benchmark interest rate (BI rate) by 50 basis points to 7.0 percent on Thursday (29/08) in order to support the weakening rupiah amid slowing global economic growth. The rupiah has been on a long losing streak and has fallen to its lowest level against the US dollar in four years. The BI rate had already been raised in June and July from a historically low 5.75 percent to 6.50 percent. Today, an extra meeting was scheduled to discuss policy measures.

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  • China's Financial Figures Impact Positive on Most Asian Indices

    Both China's imports and exports in July 2013 showed a rebound as they increased above expectation. Exports of the world's second-largest economy rose 5.1 percent (YoY), while imports surged 10.9 percent (which suggest improving domestic consumption). These results led to most Asian markets being up on Thursday (08/08). China's economy has been slowing down amid weak global demand and efforts to avert a credit boom. In 2012, the country's economy expanded 7.8 percent, the slowest pace in 23 years.

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  • Capital Outflows from Indonesia as Fed's Quantitative Easing May End

    Emerging markets, such as Indonesia, have been feeling the impact of a recovering economy in the United States. Last month, the Federal Reserve announced that, if the economy of the USA continues its improving trend, it will end its quantitative easing program gradually in 2013 until a complete stop in 2014. As Indonesia is one of the emerging economies that benefited from the spillover effects of the Fed's monthly bond-buying program, the country now feels the negative impact of the possible stop to the program.

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Latest Columns Federal Reserve

  • Keynote Speech of Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati

    At the annual “Fitch Ratings Indonesia Credit Briefing”, which was organized on 20 March 2019 in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati was invited to present her keynote speech. This year's theme of Fitch Ratings’ annual event in Jakarta was "The Election, Macro-Economy and Credit Market", and therefore Sri Mulyani’s speech focused on two topics: (1) the elections and (2) the economy.

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  • Monetary Policy Indonesia: the Need for Hawkish Statements Reduces

    In line with expectations, the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) kept its benchmark BI 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate at 6.00 percent at the February policy meeting that was held on 20-21 February 2019. Also the deposit facility and lending facility rates were kept at 5.25 percent and 6.75 percent, respectively.

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  • Currency Update: Strong Rupiah Performance in the First Month of 2019

    The Indonesian rupiah appreciated markedly in January 2019, and reached its strongest level since the end of June last year. The benchmark JISDOR rate of Bank Indonesia ended the first month of 2019 at IDR 14,072 per US dollar, strengthening from the level of IDR 14,481 per US dollar at the last trading day of 2018. Or, in other words, the rupiah managed to appreciate 2.82 percent against the greenback in the first month of 2019.

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  • Indonesian Stocks Down, Bank Indonesia Active to Defend Rupiah

    Indonesia's benchmark Jakarta Composite Index fell 1.24 percent to 6,229.63 points on Tuesday (24/04). The performance of Indonesian stocks were in line with the general trend in Southeast Asia. Due to rising US treasury yields (touching nearly 3 percent, its highest level since January 2014) investors withdraw their funds from riskier assets in emerging markets. Concerns over US inflation and the fiscal deficit are behind the rising US treasury yield.

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  • Indonesian Economy: Accelerating Growth or Another Bleak Quarter?

    On Monday (06/11) Indonesia's Statistics Agency (BPS) is scheduled to release Indonesia's third quarter GDP data, important information that is closely followed by investors and analysts. While most analysts expect to see accelerated economic growth in the third quarter, others remain skeptical as Indonesia's gross domestic product was disappointing in the first two quarters of the year amid bleak domestic consumption.

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  • Indonesian Stocks at Record High Despite Foreign Outflows

    After touching a new all-time record high level last week, analysts are optimistic that Indonesia's benchmark Jakarta Composite Index will surpass the psychological level of 6,000.00 points later this year. Last Friday (25/08) the benchmark index of Indonesia reached 5,915.36 points, a new record, while market capitalization touched IDR 6,481.8 trillion (approx. USD $483.9 billion).

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  • Bank Indonesia Leaves Key Rate Unchanged at June Policy Meeting

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) decided to leave its monetary policy unchanged at the two-day policy meeting in June 2017 that was concluded on Thursday (15/06). As widely expected it kept the benchmark 7-day reverse repurchase rate at 4.75 percent, as well as the deposit facility and lending facility at 4.00 percent and 5.50 percent, respectively. These existing levels are regarded to keep financial markets and the economy stable.

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  • Central Bank of Indonesia Leaves Interest Rates Unchanged in April

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) kept its benchmark interest rate (seven-day reverse repo rate) at 4.75 percent at the April policy meeting (19-20 April 2017), while its deposit facility rate and lending facility rate stayed at 4.00 percent and 5.50 percent, respectively. Bank Indonesia considers the current interest rate environment appropriate to face global uncertainties as well as rising inflationary pressures at home.

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  • Bank Indonesia May Keep Key Rate at 4.75% throughout 2017

    Bank Indonesia, the central bank of Indonesia, is expected to maintain its benchmark interest rate (the seven-day reverse repurchase rate, or reverse repo) at 4.75 percent in the remainder of 2017. Priasto Aji, economist at the Asian Development Bank (ADB), says Bank Indonesia may not need to adjust its key interest rate at all this year even though there is looming further monetary tightening in the USA.

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  • Bank Indonesia Keeps Key Interest Rate at 4.75% in March 2017

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) left its interest rate policy unchanged at the March 2017 policy meeting. This decision was in line with expectations especially after Bank Indonesia officials had stated that they see few room for monetary easing in the foreseeable future considering the US Federal Reserve is likely to raise its key rate several times this year (which could encourage capital outflows from Indonesia), while inflationary pressures in Indonesia are rising.

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