Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports GDP

  • Delayed Government Projects Cause Slowdown in Indonesia's Cement Sales

    Although Indonesia's January cement sales showed robust growth of 15 percent to 4.65 million metric tons (year-on-year), the country's cement sales in February slowed to 8.2 percent (4.39 million metric tons) compared to a year earlier; The slowest pace of growth in six months. Strong annual GDP growth has caused a rise in property and infrastructure projects but a delay in some government projects might be behind the slower cement sales growth in February.

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  • UBS Revises up its GDP Estimate for Indonesia due to Stronger US Demand

    Global financial services company UBS has revised up Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP) number as it expects the country to benefit from increased exports to the United States. The Switzerland-based company predicts that Indonesia's economy will grow by 6.3 percent, instead of the previous estimate of 6.0 percent. Recently improved economic growth in the USA is cited as the engine of growth for Indonesian exports later this year.

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Latest Columns GDP

  • News from Indonesia; COVID-19 Crisis Intensifies; 2nd Wave Resembles Tsunami

    Right at the very start of July 2021, Indonesian President Joko Widodo announced ‘emergency measures’ (in Indonesian called Pemberlakukan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat Darurat, or PPKM Darurat, which roughly translates to the Enforcement of Restrictions on Activities in Society) in a renewed effort to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia.

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  • Latest Economic, Political and Social Updates from Indonesia

    For Indonesia, the month of April 2021 was particularly dominated by the arrival of Ramadan, the holy fasting month for the Muslim community. From the evening of 12 April 2021 Muslims fast (typically from sunrise to sunset) up to 12 May 2021. It is also known as a period of intensified praying and reading the Qur’an for the Muslim community as well as higher focus on generosity.

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  • Report Indonesia Investments - Light at the End of the Tunnel?

    The other day, I had a conversation with my neighbors – a married couple who run a bakery and café in the city center of Yogyakarta. From previous conversations I knew that their business is heavily affected by the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Even up to the point that they had to find a cheaper school for their oldest daughter.

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  • Subscriber Update - Bank Indonesia Goes for Another Interest Rate Cut

    It came as a big surprise to us when the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) announced on 19 November 2020 (the day it concluded its two-day monetary policy meeting) that it decided to cut its benchmark interest rate (the seven-day reverse repo rate) by 25 basis points to 3.75 percent. Bank Indonesia also cut its deposit facility and lending facility rates by 25 basis points to 3.00 percent and 4.50 percent, respectively.

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  • September 2020 Report Indonesia Investments; Infrastructure in Focus

    Across the world, concern over the COVID-19 pandemic grew in September 2020 as the number of new COVID-19 cases continued to rise rapidly. Worldwide, at the end of September 2020, some 34 million people have been infected with the virus, while more than one million people have died after contracting the virus.

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  • Analysis of Indonesia’s Economic Growth in Q2-2020; Feeling the Peak Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis

    On 05 August 2020, Statistics Indonesia (BPS) released Indonesia’s gross domestic product (GDP) data for the second quarter of 2020. These data, which were highly anticipated among analysts and policymakers, are crucial to comprehend how – and to what extend – the self-imposed social and business restrictions (made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic) have impacted on the Indonesian economy.

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  • Economic Update Indonesia; World Bank Upgrades Indonesia to Upper-Middle Income Country

    Good news at the start of July 2020. The World Bank upgraded Indonesia’s economic status to an ‘upper-middle income country’ (from ‘lower-middle income country’) per 1 July 2020. The key consideration for the World Bank was that Indonesia’s gross national income (GNI) per capita increased from USD $3,840 in 2018 to USD $4,050 in 2019. This means that an upgrade was needed (see the table below).

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  • Indonesia Investments' July 2020 Report; A Modest Rebound

    It is becoming clearer by the day that economic growth in Indonesia, in 2020, will be derailed enormously. Analysts and authoritative institutions (both international and domestic ones) have, again, cut their forecasts for Indonesia’s economic growth in Q2-2020 (decisions that obviously also have consequences for Indonesia’s full-year 2020 economic growth outlooks).

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