Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Electricity

  • Indonesian Government Makes Fund Available for Geothermal Exploration

    Bloomberg reported that the investment agency of Indonesia's finance ministry will start a fund of IDR 3 trillion (USD $302 million) to finance the exploration of geothermal energy resources in Indonesia this year. Saritaon Siregar, the agency’s chairman, said this in an interview at a conference in Jakarta this week. The investment fund is in line with Indonesia's intention of lowering its dependency on expensive and environmentally unfriendly fossil fuels as a source for energy and electricity.

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  • Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN), Indonesia's Leading Gas Company

    Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) is a government controlled gas firm that forms Indonesia's largest natural gas transportation and distribution company. It operates a distribution network that extends for 3,865 kilometers and a transmission pipeline network that measures 2,047 kilometers. PGN plays an important role in Indonesia's electricity production as it sells about 40 percent of its total sales volume to the country's power generation industry. It also forms one of the largest Indonesian companies in terms of market capitalization.

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  • Indonesian Government Will Continue to Increase the Electricity Rate This Year

    The Ministry of Energy and Resources stated that the Indonesian government will go ahead with the increase in electricity rates this year. Up to the end of this year, electricity rates will increase every quarter by about four percent to reach a total increase of 15 percent. In early January, the first rate increase was introduced by raising the tariff of electricity sold by state-owned Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), the sole electricity provider in Indonesia. 

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  • Indonesia's January Inflation Rate Increases by 1.03 Percent

    Today, Statistics Indonesia (BPS), a non-departmental government institute, stated that the inflation rate of January increased due to the government's decision to raise electricity tariffs and due to massive floods in Jakarta and other cities. January's headline inflation is 1.03 percent. The year-on-year inflation rate now stands at 4.57 percent; still within Indonesia's Central Bank's target of 4.5 ±1 percent.

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Latest Columns Electricity

  • What about Indonesia's Coal Mining Sector? A Short Overview and Analysis

    Coal is one of the most important commodities for Indonesia in terms of state revenue as it accounts for about 85 percent of the country's total mining revenue. Therefore, when global coal prices fell sharply from 2011 (amid a slowing global economy), Indonesia felt the impact. In a response to lower coal prices, Indonesian miners actually increased coal output thus placing more downward pressure on coal prices and profit margins. Although the coal industry will remain frail for some time to come, long-term prospects are still strong.

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  • Financial Victims of Sharp Rupiah Depreciation: Garuda and PLN

    As companies' financial results of 2013 slowly start to be released, two reports - so far - have raised eyebrows due to significant declines in net profit. These are publicly listed, but majority state-owned, airline Garuda Indonesia and fully state-owned electricity firm Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). Both companies felt the impact of the sharply depreciating Indonesia rupiah exchange rate. The currency fell over 21 percent against the US dollar in 2013 due to capital outflows amid looming US tapering and current account deficit concerns.

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  • Indonesia Designs Three Scenarios for Infrastructure Funding in the RPJMN

    The government of Indonesia - through its Ministry of National Development Planning (known as Bappenas) - designed three funding scenarios for Indonesia's infrastructure development in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN 2015-2019). The lack of appropriate infrastructure is one of the bottlenecks to Indonesia's development. The scenarios involve the amount of funds and other requirements for infrastructure investment. The three scenarios are divided into a 'full scenario', a 'partial scenario' and a 'baseline scenario'.

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  • Paving the Way for Geothermal Energy Development in Indonesia

    Asep Sugiharta, an official at the Ministry of Forestry, said that a new bill has been submitted to Indonesia's parliament (DPR) which is expected to open up the potential for geothermal power development in Indonesia. Currently, geothermal exploitation is lawfully defined as a 'mining activity' (Law No. 27 2003) and therefore prohibited to be conducted in protected forest and conservation areas (Law No. 41 1999), even though geothermal mining activities have a relatively small impact on the environment (compared to other mining activities).

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  • Royal HaskoningDHV: Supporting Indonesia's Hydropower Development

    Bertrand van Ee, Chairman of International engineering and project management consultancy Royal HaskoningDHV joined the Netherlands Prime Minister Rutte, Minister Ploumen and Minister Dijksma on their trade mission to Indonesia from 20 to 22 November 2013. During this visit, TIRASA and Royal HaskoningDHV signed a Head of Cooperation Agreement with the intention to collaborate in developing a total of 100 MW of small scale hydropower plants in Indonesia in the next 5 years, starting with feasibility studies in the targeted regions.

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  • Indonesia Consumes more Electricity but Investments still Needed

    State-owned electricity provider Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) stated that consumption of electricity in Indonesia grew 7.2 percent to 90,48 terawatt hour (twh) in the first six months of 2013 compared to the same period last year. Head of PLN's Commercial Division, Benny Marbun, explained that Indonesia's industrial sector particularly consumed more electricity. Although industrial customers of PLN only grew by 4.5 percent in Semester 1-2013 (YoY), industrial electricity consumption grew 8.3 percent (YoY).

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  • Indonesia's Budget Deficit Reaches IDR 25.9 trillion as of May 2013

    Data released by a department of Indonesia's Ministry of Finance showed that the country's budget deficit amounted to IDR 25.9 trillion (USD $2.64 billion) on 31 May 2013. This figure is equivalent to 16.9 percent of the target that is set in the 2013 State Budget (IDR 153.3 trillion). The IDR 25.9 trillion deficit translates to 0.27 percent of Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP). The maximum amount of deficit - as stipulated by the State Budget Law of 2013 - that is allowed to be maintained is equivalent to 1.65 percent of GDP.

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  • April Deflation and Orderly May Day Demonstrations Support Indonesia's IHSG

    The release of Indonesia's April deflation figure (0.10%) and orderly May Day demonstrations provided a good environment for investors to continue purchasing Indonesian stocks (despite uncertainty about Indonesia's subsidized fuel policy. Moreover, positive Asian stock indices - in combination with positive European openings on Wednesday - made the Indonesia Stock Index (IHSG) rise to a new record level of 5,060.92 points on Wednesday (01/05/13), a 0.53 percent gain.

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  • The Ongoing Quest for the Reduction in Indonesia's Fuel Subsidy

    The heavily subsidized fuel price of Indonesia is likely to be raised next month according to Indonesian media sources. Various high officials, including Economic minister Hatta Rajasa, discussed the possibility to raise the fuel price from IDR 4,500 (USD $0.46) to IDR 6,500 (USD $0.67) per liter starting from May. This increase will only apply to private passenger cars, and not to motorcycles and public transportation. However, president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has not made up his mind yet.

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Associated businesses Electricity