Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Scandals

  • Politics in Indonesia: Presidential Election 2014, Jokowi vs Prabowo

    With only one more week to go before the Indonesian people will go to the ballot boxes on 9 July 2014 to vote for Indonesia's next leader, speculation and news about the presidential race has become intense. On social media, discussions among Indonesians about the election are intense and emotional. This is exacerbated by the high level of uncertainty with regard to the outcome of the election. Recent surveys indicate that the initial large gap between candidates Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Prabowo Subianto has nearly vanished.

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  • Prabowo Subianto: Dictatorship, Nazi-Video & International Relations

    In the past week, commotion occurred in Indonesia related to the presidential election (which is scheduled for 9 July 2014). This commotion, which involved two 2001 interviews by award-winning American journalist Allan Nairn, a Nazi video, and US ambassador Robert O. Blake Jr, was related to controversial presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto, former army general and former son-in-law to Indonesia’s second president Suharto. The 2014 election has become a tight race between Subianto and market favourite Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo.

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  • Corporate Corruption in Indonesia: the Case of Cipaganti Karya Guna Persada

    The director of Indonesian publicly listed company Cipaganti Citra Graha, Andianto Setiabudi, together with chairwoman Julia Sri Redjeki and commissioner Yulinda Tjendrawati have been named suspects in a new embezzlement case by the West Java police. The three people are accused of embezzling funds and equity from the Cipaganti Karya Guna Persada cooperative. More than 8,700 people had invested a minimum amount of IDR 100 million (USD $8,333) in the cooperative’s profit sharing program (for a return of 1.5 percent per month).

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  • Survey: Majority See Prabowo Subianto Guilty of Human Rights Violations

    A survey conducted by Lembaga Survei Indonesia (Indonesian Survey Institute, abbreviated LSI) shows that about 51.5 percent of respondents believe that current presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto was involved in the kidnapping and disappearance of political activists in May 1998. Subianto - commander in chief of the Kostrad (the Indonesian Army's Strategic Reserve Command) in the period March to May 1998 - has since long been linked to human rights violations in Jakarta’s May 1998 riots as well as in East Timor in the 1980s.

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  • Yudhoyono Appoints Lukman Saifuddin as New Religious Affairs Minister

    Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who will end his second term as president in October 2014, is expected to appoint Lukman Saifuddin as the new Minister of Religious Affairs on Monday (09/06) or Tuesday (10/06) next week. The position of Religious Affairs minister has been vacant since Suryadharma Ali stepped down from his post in late May 2014 to focus on his defense after being named a suspect (by the country’s Corruption Eradication Commission, KPK) in the hajj pilgrimage fund-corruption case.

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  • Corruption Case Indonesia: Minister of Religious Affairs Suryadharma Resigns

    Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs Suryadharma Ali resigned from his ministerial post today (26/05) after having been named a suspect in a corruption case by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) last week. Ali is accused of mishandling the country’s hajj pilgrimage fund. This fund is centrally managed by the government and contains deposits paid by people who want to make the holy journey to Mecca (Saudi Arabia). Ali resigned in order to concentrate fully on his defense in the graft case.

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  • Corruption in Indonesia: Suryadharma Ali Suspect in Hajj Pilgrimage Case

    The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) of Indonesia has named Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs Suryadharma Ali (who is also Chairman of the Islamic political party PPP) a suspect in a graft case. Reportedly, Ali engaged in self-enrichment by deliberately mishandling state funds that were allocated for the hajj pilgrimage covering financial year 2012-2013. Funds allocated to the hajj pilgrimage to Mecca totaled over IDR 1 trillion (USD $87 million) in that year. KPK spokesman Johan Budi confirmed the case.

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  • Golkar-Gerindra Coalition's President: Aburizal Bakrie or Prabowo Subianto?

    Two influential Indonesian political parties, Golkar and Gerindra, may form a coalition in order to nominate a presidential and vice-presidential candidate for Indonesia's presidential election that is scheduled for 9 July 2014. After the PDI-P, which won the legislative election on 9 April 2014 with approximately 19 percent of the vote, Golkar (15 percent) and Gerindra (12 percent) came in second and third. However, both these parties contain a leader who has presidential aspirations.

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  • Owners of Controversial Tujuh Bukit Plan IPO on Indonesia Stock Exchange

    The owners of Tujuh Bukit, a gold and copper project located near Banyuwangi (East Java), are planning to conduct an initial public offering on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the third quarter of 2014. The project zone is estimated to contain at least 1.6 million ounces of gold and 60 million ounces of silver. If construction of the mine can be realized this year, then gold production can start in 2016. Construction of the copper mine is expected to start in 2019. Through the IPO, USD $75 million is targeted to be raised (used for concession development).

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  • Corruption in Indonesia: the Corruption Perceptions Index of 2013

    Transparency International has released its Corruption Perceptions Index of 2013. This index assesses "the degree to which corruption is perceived to exist among public officials and politicians" in 177 countries around the world. Berlin-based and non-partisan Transparency International uses polls to determine perceived corruption in the selected countries. Indonesia rose four spots from 118 in last year's index to 114 in the 2013 edition but held the same score as last year (3.2 points).

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Latest Columns Scandals

  • Corruption in Indonesia: Rudi Rubiandini Guilty of Receiving Bribes

    On Tuesday (29/04), Jakarta's Anti-Corruption Court sentenced Rudi Rubiandini, former Head of Indonesia's oil & gas regulator SKK Migas, to seven years in prison for money laundering and accepting bribes from Singapore-based Kernel Oil Pte Ltd and Indonesia-based Kaltim Parna Industri. These bribes were given in exchange for securing a win in an oil tender. In addition, Rubiandini was imposed a fine of IDR 200 million (or another three months in prison). Rubiandini was reported to not file an appeal to the court's verdict.

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  • No Severe Impact Latest Indonesian Tax Scandal on Bank Central Asia

    The tax crime case which involves Bank Central Asia (BCA), Indonesia's largest lender by market value and the second-largest bank by assets, is not expected to have a significant impact on the performance of the shares of BCA. Earlier this week, Hadi Poernomo (Director General of taxation from 2002 to 2004) was questioned by Indonesia's Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on allegations of accepting bribes in exchange for tax exemptions - worth of IDR 375 billion (USD $32.8 million) - granted to BCA.

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  • Can Joko Widodo Accelerate the Democratization Process in Indonesia?

    With Indonesia's presidential election approaching (9 July 2014), investors - both domestic and foreign - have become more hesitant to commit to large investments, instead preferring to wait for the election results first. Obviously, investors want to see a 'market friendly' president to lead Southeast Asia's largest economy for (at least) the next five years; a ruler who can safeguard a conducive investment climate. For the Indonesian people, a just ruler is needed; one who can improve Indonesia's political and social issues.

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  • Corruption Scandal: Head of SKK Migas Arrested on Alleged Bribery Charges

    Late on Tuesday evening (13/08), the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) arrested Rudi Rubiandini, head of the Upstream Oil and Gas regulatory special task force (SKK Migas) for allegedly accepting bribes amounting to USD $400,000 from Kernel Oil Pte Ltd, which is headquartered in Singapore. Four other people were also arrested in connection with this case. Rubiandini is currently being questioned by the KPK. The institution has one day to determine Rubiandini's legal status.

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  • Towards Indonesia's Presidential Elections: a Profile of Prabowo Subianto

    If presidential elections were to be held today, it is probable that Prabowo Subianto would be chosen by the Indonesian electorate to become Indonesia's next president. Various surveys indicate that Prabowo, a former high military officer as well as a successful businessman, is the most popular person to replace incumbent president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in mid 2014 when new presidential elections will be held (which are not joined by Yudhoyono as he is finishing his second and final term as president).

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  • Indonesia’s 2014 Presidential Candidates; a Profile of Aburizal Bakrie

    Although Indonesia’s next presidential election will be held in mid-2014, Aburizal Bakrie already announced in 2012 that he would run for the presidency on behalf of the Golkar party, one of the leading political parties of Indonesia and once the strong political vehicle of Suharto during the New Order regime (1965-1998). However, Bakrie, chairman of Golkar and often referred to by his nickname 'Ical', is one of the most controversial figures in modern Indonesian politics and business.

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  • The Tough Road of Yudhoyono's Democratic Party towards the 2014 Elections

    Last Saturday, the Democratic Party (PD) selected Indonesia's president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as the new chairman of the crumbling political party through an extraordinary congress in Bali. Yudhoyono thus replaced former chairman Anas Urbaningrum, who resigned from his post last month after being accused of involvement in a corruption case. It will be Yudhoyono's task to repair the image of his PD party, while still performing his duties as president.

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  • Agreement Reached in Separation of Bakrie Group and Bumi Plc

    Yesterday it was announced that the Bakrie Group, one of Indonesia's most controversial and richest conglomerates, has signed a heads of terms agreement that sets out conditions for the Bakrie's withdrawal from London-listed coal miner Bumi Plc. Bumi Plc, having the largest coal deposits in Indonesia at its disposal, was established in 2010 by British financier Nathaniel Rothschild and the Bakrie Group to bring coal assets to European investors.

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  • President Yudhoyono Back to Take Leadership of his Crumbling Democratic Party

    Just a few years ago, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's Democratic Party (in Indonesian Partai Demokrat or PD) enjoyed huge popularity among Indonesia's population. More than one fifth of the electorate voted for the 'Democrats' in the 2009 parliamentary election, a notable achievement in Indonesia's pluralistic society. In particular, the party's hard stance towards corruption was likened by the people. Now, however, the party crumbles under its own weight.

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Associated businesses Scandals