Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Property

  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 17 May 2015 Released

    On 17 May 2015, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as updates on Indonesia’s current account balance and trade balance, Indonesia’s interest rate environment, human capital development, the forest moratorium, foreign ownership of property, and more.

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  • Foreign Ownership Indonesian Property; Is it Possible?

    Without giving details about the time frame, Indonesian Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said that the government will soon allow foreigners to own luxurious apartments in Indonesia. This move would be the government’s latest move to boost the slowing economy. Currently, private foreign individuals cannot purchase property or own land in Indonesia. This prohibition has been in place for many years as Indonesian authorities were concerned that foreign ownership of Indonesian property and land would surge significantly.

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  • IPO Pembangunan Perumahan Properti on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

    Indonesian property firm Pembangunan Perumahan Properti (PP Properti), which conducts its initial public offering (IPO) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) this month, expects to raise IDR 908.8 billion (USD $69 million) for further business expansion through this corporate action. This figure is much lower than its initial target of IDR 1.57 trillion. PP Properti plans to sell 35 percent of the company’s enlarged capital. The price per share is set at IDR 185 with the offering period between 11 and 13 May 2015.

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  • Economic Update Indonesia: Car & Cement Sales in First Quarter 2015

    Two important indicators to measure the condition of an economy are car and cement sales as both statistics provide valuable information about people’s purchasing power (and consumer confidence) as well as infrastructure and property development. In the first quarter of 2015, Indonesia’s car and cement sales declined (compared to the same period in the preceding year), triggering concern that economic growth will fall accordingly. In the first quarter of 2014, Indonesia’s GDP growth had already slowed to 5.14 percent (y/y).

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  • Cement Sales Growth in Indonesia Limited due to Politics & Commodities

    Indonesian cement sales in 2014 reached 59.9 million metric tons, up 3.3 percent from domestic sales in the previous year but below the target that was set by the Indonesian Cement Association (ASI). The ASI targeted a sales growth rate of between 3.5 percent and 4.0 percent year-on-year. This sales target had in fact already been revised down from 6 percent (y/y) due to weak cement sales amid uncertainties brought about by Indonesia’s ‘political year’ (legislative and presidential elections) as well as weak global commodity prices.

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  • Cement Consumption in Indonesia Declines in 2014

    Growth of cement sales in Indonesia is estimated to have slowed in 2014 amid uncertainties brought about by the ‘political year’ (referring to the fragmented results of the country’s legislative and presidential elections and which led to the postponement of various infrastructure projects and other investments in Indonesia). Other factors that impacted negatively on cement sales this year were the central bank’s higher interest rate policy, low commodity prices and weakening purchasing power.

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  • Impact of Higher Subsidized Fuel Prices on Indonesia’s Property Sector

    The Indonesia Property Watch (IPW) expects that property prices in Indonesia will rise in early 2015 as a result of the recent subsided fuel price hike. On 18 November 2014, the Indonesian government raised prices of subsidized low-octane gasoline and diesel by more than 30 percent in an effort to create more fiscal room for economic and social development. The central bank responded to this move by raising its key interest rate (BI rate) by 25 basis points to 7.75 percent in an attempt to combat accelerated inflation.

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  • Business Trips & Tourism in Indonesia Boost Hotel Development

    As the number of foreign tourists rise rapidly and there is increasing demand for conferences, exhibitions and business meetings, Indonesia will see a massive inflow of investments for the construction of hotels and condominium hotels (condominium hotels combine features of apartments and hotels). In 2015, the value of new (condo) hotels projects is estimated at IDR 38.5 trillion (USD $3.2 billion), up 57.3 percent from last year. Locations that attract tourists and locations close to education centers are the primary choice.

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  • Ceramic Industry in Indonesia: Rising on Property & Infrastructure Projects

    The ceramic industry in Indonesia is expected to grow about ten percent in 2015 amid the country’s +5 percentage point GDP growth. Economic expansion translates to increased purchasing power of Indonesian consumers and the ceramic industry is one of the industries that will benefit from this. Moreover, as Indonesian President Joko Widodo targets +7 percent GDP by the end of his term, new infrastructure and property projects are to rise as well. As such, domestic ceramic demand will increase accordingly.

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  • Infrastructure & Property Development: Indonesian Cement Firms Benefit

    Cement sales in Indonesia are expected to rise as the new Indonesian government aims to ramp up infrastructure development while - in the long term - Indonesian banks will lower interest rates. Lower interest rates give rise to enhanced property development in Southeast Asia’s largest economy. The country’s three leading cement producers are expected to benefit significantly from these developments. These companies are Semen Indonesia, Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, and Holcim Indonesia.

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Latest Columns Property

  • Indonesian Companies in Focus: Logistics Firm Mega Manunggal Property

    Mega Manunggal Property, an Indonesia-based logistics property company that is primarily focused on the development and provision of logistics facilities related to warehouses and office buildings, is expected to see rising net income and revenue in the years ahead supported by growing demand for modern warehouses, logistics services, enhanced operational efficiency, and an increase in rental prices. Mega Manunggal Property is part of the Argo Manunggal Group, a group that is active in various sectors including textile, steel, property, mining, and insurance.

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  • Impact of Indonesia's Infrastructure Development on Property Sector

    With the Indonesian government showing its commitment to push for infrastructure development, the property sector of Indonesia is expected to get a boost as infrastructure development opens access to new areas. For example, Indonesia's first high-speed train project that is to connect Jakarta and Bandung (in West Java) is expected to give rise to new economic centers and cities along the 142 kilometers-long railway. Moreover, existing property in the proximity of a new infrastructure project should lead to significantly rising property prices.

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  • Indonesian Companies in Focus: Pembangunan Perumahan (PP)

    Corporate earnings of Indonesian state-controlled construction and investment company Pembangunan Perumahan (abbreviated PP) are in line with analysts' forecasts. In the first quarter of 2016, PP's revenue rose 30.6 percent (y/y) to IDR 2.58 trillion (approx. USD $195 million), while net profit rose 5 percent (y/y) to IDR 98 billion (approx. USD $7.4 million) from the same quarter one year earlier. These figures indicate the company experienced a solid start of the year.

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  • Foreign Ownership Landed Houses & Apartments in Indonesia (Update)

    Foreigners (expats) can buy a landed house or apartment in Indonesia (under the so-called 'right-of-use' category, locally known as hak pakai, which is weaker than the ‘right-of-ownership’ category or hak milik). However, the government set various requirements (including a minimum price). A new regulation stipulates a foreigner is not allowed to rent out his Indonesian property to other parties (authorities have the right to scrap the foreigner's 'right-of-use' title if he breaches this prohibition). Ferry Mursyidan Baldan, Indonesia's Agrarian and Spatial Planning Minister, provided an update on the issue of 'foreign property ownership in Indonesia'.

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  • Indonesian Consumer Group: Don't Buy Property at Jakarta's Land Reclamation Area

    The Indonesian Consumer Protection Foundation (YLKI) advises investors and consumers not to purchase property (yet) on the artificial islands that form part of the grand USD $40 billion land reclamation project (National Capital Integrated Coastal Development, abbreviated NCICD, also known as the Giant Sea Wall) off the coast of North Jakarta. Most property developers - including Agung Podomoro Land - have already started to advertise (and sell) property units on these islands despite these developers are yet to obtain all necessary permits.

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  • Corruption in Indonesia: Agung Podomoro Land & Pluit City

    One of Indonesia's largest listed property developers - Agung Podomoro Land - saw its shares plunge 10 percent on Monday (04/04) after the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), the country's anti-graft agency, named the company's President Director Ariesman Widjaja a suspect in a bribery case that also involves a Jakarta legislator. Allegedly, Muhammad Sanusi, legislator of the Jakarta provincial assembly and member of Prabowo Subianto's Great Indonesia Party (Gerindra), accepted money in exchange for support related to the Pluit City project.

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  • Indonesia's BI Rate Cut Not Enough to Boost Household Consumption?

    The decision of Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia), last week, to cut its key interest rate (BI rate) by 0.25 percent to 7.00 percent and to cut the reserve-requirement ratio for commercial banks' rupiah deposits by 1 percent to 6.5 percent is a decision that should boost household consumption in Indonesia in 2016, improve people's purchasing power, give rise to a stronger automotive and property sector, and boost liquidity at local banks (hence providing room for an acceleration of credit growth in Southeast Asia's largest economy).

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  • Ceramic Industry of Indonesia Weakens on Slowing Property Sector

    Utilization of Indonesia's installed ceramic production capacity fell from 92 percent in 2014 to 62 percent in 2015, while the country's ceramic sales plunged 28.6 percent (y/y) to 350 million square meters over the same period. Elisa Sinaga, Chairman of the Indonesian Ceramic Industry Association (ASAKI), said ceramic sales have fallen over the past two years due to slowing economic growth and the sluggish property sector. Sales are expected to remain stagnant in 2016.

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  • Cement Industry Update: Semen Indonesia in a Good Position

    As cement sales in Indonesia are expected to rise nearly 10 percent (y/y) to 66.4 million tons in 2016 on the back of government-led infrastructure development, investment growth and accelerating GDP growth, three cement producers are set to benefit. The three market leaders in Indonesia's cement industry that should see higher sales are Semen Indonesia, Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa and Holcim Indonesia.

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  • Property Indonesia: Bumi Serpong Damai Expected to Perform Well

    Indonesian real estate developer Bumi Serpong Damai could be one of the country's property developers that benefits the most from an improving Indonesian economy in 2016 due to the firm's availability of land reserves in a number of regions. Purchasing power is expected to accelerate, authorities eager to boost mortgage lending, a possible BI rate cut somewhere in 2016, while many - among the young and large population - will buy their first house or apartment in the next couple of years.

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