Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Scandals

  • Drama at Indonesian Food Processing Company Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food

    There is still no end in sight to the drama at Indonesian food processing company Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food. An emotional Joko Mogoginta, the company's president director, walked out of the General Meeting of Shareholders on Friday (27/07) after several hours of debate saying that a "hostile takeover" had happened.

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  • Shares of Mitra Keluarga Karyasehat Plunge after Death Baby

    During the first trading session on Monday (11/09) shares of Mitra Keluarga Karyasehat, Indonesia's largest listed hospital operator in terms of market capitalization, plunged 4.27 percent to IDR 2,020 per share after a high degree of negative attention in Indonesian media. This weak performance is linked to a scandal that emerged over the weekend.

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  • Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food's Shares Volatile on Monday

    Shares of Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food, the Indonesian food manufacturer and distributor that is plagued by a scandal, shows a volatile performance on Monday (24/07). After having plunged 24.92 percent to IDR 1,205 a piece on Friday, its shares continued to tumble after markets opened on Monday. It fell to IDR 905 per share shortly after opening. However, after about 40 minutes it started to show a great recovery.

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  • Update: Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food's Shares Plunge after Rice Scandal

    Shares of Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food, an Indonesian company that is engaged in food processing, rice processing and the palm oil business, tumbled by a whopping 24.92 percent on Friday (21/07) to IDR 1,205 a piece. This huge loss followed after the raid and sealing of a factory owned by Indo Beras Unggul, a subsidiary of Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food.

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  • Indonesian Woman Arrested in Kim Jong Nam's Murder Case

    The second woman that was arrested in Kim Jong Nam's murder case is an Indonesian citizen named Siti Aishah, who originates from Banten in the western part of Java. Malaysian authorities announced the arrest of the Indonesian citizen. This was later confirmed by Indonesia's Foreign Affairs Ministry. Kim Jong Nam, the estranged half-brother of the North Korean leader, was poisoned on Tuesday (14/02) at Malaysia's Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Indonesian authorities requested consular access in order to provide legal assistance to the Indonesian citizen.

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  • Military Ties Indonesia-Australia Cut Over Offensive Material

    After suspending cooperation with US multinational banking and financial services firm JP Morgan Chase (for the underweight rating, a double downgrade), Indonesia has also suspended military ties with Australia after 'offensive training materials' were seen at the Special Air Service base in Perth where members of the Indonesian Special Forces (Kopassus) were doing military training. Major General Wuryanto, Indonesian military spokesman, said on Wednesday (04/01) that all forms of cooperation between the Indonesian and Australian military have been suspended.

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  • Corruption in Indonesia: Should Food Import Quotas Be Scrapped?

    Indonesia's Regional Representatives Council speaker Irman Gusman will be removed from his position on Tuesday (20/09) after being named a suspect by the nation's anti-corruption watchdog (Corruption Eradication Commission, or KPK) in Indonesia's latest corruption case. Allegedly, Gusman accepted a IDR 100 million (approx. USD $7,500) bribe for lobbying to manipulate West Sumatra's sugar import quota. Earlier this year State Procurement Agency Bulog imposed the quota to a company called CVSB. It is yet another graft case related to Indonesia's import quota system for food commodities.

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  • Remarkable News: Indonesia to Make Gay Sex a Crime?

    A group of Islamic activists in Indonesia, called the Family Love Alliance (in Indonesian: Aliansi Cinta Keluarga, or AILA), are pushing for an amendment of an existing Indonesian law that criminalizes sexual acts between adults and minors of the same gender. AILA activists filed for a judicial review of this law at Indonesia's Constitutional Court and want authorities to include sexual acts between adults of the same gender. The existing law mandates a maximum prison sentence of 15 years.

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  • Confusion about Indonesia's Executions of Drug Smugglers

    Just after midnight in the early hours of Friday (29/07) Indonesia executed four people by firing squad - three Nigerians and one Indonesian convicted drug traffickers - on the remote Nusa Kambangan island (part of the province of Central Java). The government gave the green light for these executions, resisting fierce international criticism, as it remains committed to its "war on drugs". However, the fate of ten other inmates who were recently moved to Nusa Kambangan to face their imminent executions remains unknown.

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  • Controversial Issues in Indonesia: Executions & Human Rights

    Despite fierce international criticism, Indonesia will go-ahead with the executions of 14 convicted drug traffickers, including 10 foreigners (from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, India and Pakistan). According to local media coffins have already arrived at the Nusa Kambangan prison island (Central Java) where executions usually take place, while the families of those who face imminent executions have already been informed. The executions, by firing squad, are expected to be conducted tonight or tomorrow (traditionally around midnight).

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Latest Columns Scandals

  • Corruption in Indonesia: Rudi Rubiandini Guilty of Receiving Bribes

    On Tuesday (29/04), Jakarta's Anti-Corruption Court sentenced Rudi Rubiandini, former Head of Indonesia's oil & gas regulator SKK Migas, to seven years in prison for money laundering and accepting bribes from Singapore-based Kernel Oil Pte Ltd and Indonesia-based Kaltim Parna Industri. These bribes were given in exchange for securing a win in an oil tender. In addition, Rubiandini was imposed a fine of IDR 200 million (or another three months in prison). Rubiandini was reported to not file an appeal to the court's verdict.

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  • No Severe Impact Latest Indonesian Tax Scandal on Bank Central Asia

    The tax crime case which involves Bank Central Asia (BCA), Indonesia's largest lender by market value and the second-largest bank by assets, is not expected to have a significant impact on the performance of the shares of BCA. Earlier this week, Hadi Poernomo (Director General of taxation from 2002 to 2004) was questioned by Indonesia's Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on allegations of accepting bribes in exchange for tax exemptions - worth of IDR 375 billion (USD $32.8 million) - granted to BCA.

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  • Can Joko Widodo Accelerate the Democratization Process in Indonesia?

    With Indonesia's presidential election approaching (9 July 2014), investors - both domestic and foreign - have become more hesitant to commit to large investments, instead preferring to wait for the election results first. Obviously, investors want to see a 'market friendly' president to lead Southeast Asia's largest economy for (at least) the next five years; a ruler who can safeguard a conducive investment climate. For the Indonesian people, a just ruler is needed; one who can improve Indonesia's political and social issues.

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  • Corruption Scandal: Head of SKK Migas Arrested on Alleged Bribery Charges

    Late on Tuesday evening (13/08), the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) arrested Rudi Rubiandini, head of the Upstream Oil and Gas regulatory special task force (SKK Migas) for allegedly accepting bribes amounting to USD $400,000 from Kernel Oil Pte Ltd, which is headquartered in Singapore. Four other people were also arrested in connection with this case. Rubiandini is currently being questioned by the KPK. The institution has one day to determine Rubiandini's legal status.

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  • Towards Indonesia's Presidential Elections: a Profile of Prabowo Subianto

    If presidential elections were to be held today, it is probable that Prabowo Subianto would be chosen by the Indonesian electorate to become Indonesia's next president. Various surveys indicate that Prabowo, a former high military officer as well as a successful businessman, is the most popular person to replace incumbent president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in mid 2014 when new presidential elections will be held (which are not joined by Yudhoyono as he is finishing his second and final term as president).

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  • Indonesia’s 2014 Presidential Candidates; a Profile of Aburizal Bakrie

    Although Indonesia’s next presidential election will be held in mid-2014, Aburizal Bakrie already announced in 2012 that he would run for the presidency on behalf of the Golkar party, one of the leading political parties of Indonesia and once the strong political vehicle of Suharto during the New Order regime (1965-1998). However, Bakrie, chairman of Golkar and often referred to by his nickname 'Ical', is one of the most controversial figures in modern Indonesian politics and business.

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  • The Tough Road of Yudhoyono's Democratic Party towards the 2014 Elections

    Last Saturday, the Democratic Party (PD) selected Indonesia's president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as the new chairman of the crumbling political party through an extraordinary congress in Bali. Yudhoyono thus replaced former chairman Anas Urbaningrum, who resigned from his post last month after being accused of involvement in a corruption case. It will be Yudhoyono's task to repair the image of his PD party, while still performing his duties as president.

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  • Agreement Reached in Separation of Bakrie Group and Bumi Plc

    Yesterday it was announced that the Bakrie Group, one of Indonesia's most controversial and richest conglomerates, has signed a heads of terms agreement that sets out conditions for the Bakrie's withdrawal from London-listed coal miner Bumi Plc. Bumi Plc, having the largest coal deposits in Indonesia at its disposal, was established in 2010 by British financier Nathaniel Rothschild and the Bakrie Group to bring coal assets to European investors.

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  • President Yudhoyono Back to Take Leadership of his Crumbling Democratic Party

    Just a few years ago, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's Democratic Party (in Indonesian Partai Demokrat or PD) enjoyed huge popularity among Indonesia's population. More than one fifth of the electorate voted for the 'Democrats' in the 2009 parliamentary election, a notable achievement in Indonesia's pluralistic society. In particular, the party's hard stance towards corruption was likened by the people. Now, however, the party crumbles under its own weight.

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Associated businesses Scandals