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Latest Reports Bureaucracy

  • Indonesia to Launch Upgraded Online Single Submission (OSS) System

    Next week, Indonesia's Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) plans to launch an upgraded version of its Online Single Submission (OSS) system. The OSS system is a web-based business licensing system that aims at cutting the red tape that is involved when investors try to obtain business permits in Indonesia. Massive red tape is considered to be one of the major obstacles in Indonesia's investment climate.

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  • Investors Complain: Difficult to Obtain Permits in Indonesia

    Hariyadi Sukamdani, Chairman of the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo), said investors continue to complain about the difficulty of obtaining all necessary investment permits in the regions of Indonesia even though, generally, there has been an improvement in the degree of bureaucracy under the Joko Widodo administration.

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  • What is the Biggest Obstacle to Business & Investment in Indonesia?

    Not the lack of (soft and hard) infrastructure development in Indonesia, or the lack of quality human resources, nor corruption or protectionism but the difficulty to obtain the necessary permits from the local governments are the biggest obstacle to investment and business in Indonesia according to a survey that was conducted by the Regional Autonomy Watch (KPPOD) in the 32 regional capital cities across the Archipelago.

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  • Oil & Gas Sector Indonesia: Permitting Process Too Difficult

    For a company it is very difficult to start activities in Indonesia's upstream oil and gas sector. As a result, not unoften, activities related to exploration and production are delayed. This is the major reason why Indonesia's oil production has been declining for the past two decades, while Indonesia's gas production today does not differ much from production one decade ago. Why is it difficult for an oil and gas company to get started in Indonesia?

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  • Update Indonesia's Economic Policy Packages: What's the Progress?

    Recently, most attention has been paid to Indonesia's tax amnesty program launched last Monday (18/07), while the 12 economic policy packages - released between September 2015 and April 2016 by the Indonesian government - have been pushed to the background. These packages, which include tax incentives, deregulation, and somewhat open foreign investment opportunities in Indonesia, were implemented in a bid to boost Indonesia's economic growth. However, according to the latest information, not all 12 economic stimulus packages have been implemented in full force.

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  • 12th Economic Policy Package Indonesia: Ease of Doing Business

    The Indonesian government released the 12th economic policy package on Thursday (28/04). This latest edition focuses on enhancing the ease of doing business for the small and mid-sized companies in Indonesia in a bid to attract more investment, hence giving a boost to economic growth. In the 12th package the government announces it has cut a number of procedures and permits, as well as costs, required for the development of a business. Indonesia's Chief Economics Minister Darmin Nasution unveiled the package on Thursday in Jakarta's Presidential Palace.

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  • Ease of Doing Business Indonesia; World Bank's Doing Business 2016 Ranking

    Indonesia improved 11 positions in the World Bank Doing Business 2016 ranking. Southeast Asia's largest economy jumped from rank 120 in the (revised) 2015 index to 109 in the 2016 ranking. The 'Doing Business 2016: Measuring Regulatory Quality and Efficiency' is an annual flagship publication of the World Bank, monitoring the regulations that enhance the ease of doing business in the following areas: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and resolving insolvency.

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Latest Columns Bureaucracy

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