Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Commodities

  • IMF: Slowing Growth and Widening Macro-Imbalances in Indonesia

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) detects a slowdown in GDP growth in major emerging market economies and decline in commodity prices, and more recently, a reversal in push factors tied to a prospective exit from extraordinarily easy global monetary conditions, has put pressure on Indonesia’s balance of payments and heightened its vulnerability to shocks. Domestic policy accommodation and rising energy subsidies have also given rise to increased external and fiscal imbalances.

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  • Profile of Intraco Penta: Indonesian Heavy Equipment Manufacturer

    Indonesia Investments uploaded the preliminary company profile of Intraco Penta (INTA). The company is an Indonesian heavy equipment manufacturer and distributor which distributes various heavy equipment brands, such as Volvo, Ingersoll-Rand, Bobcat, SDLG, Mahindra and Sinotruk. The company integrates a wide range of businesses from sales of heavy equipments (both new and used), financing, rental of heavy equipments, manufacturing, engineering and mining contracting.

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  • Export Ban on Unprocessed Minerals Temporarily Pressures Trade Balance

    Although the ban on the export of unprocessed minerals, which is set to start on 12 January 2014, is expected to result in a direct revenue loss of USD $4 billion in 2014 due to a decline in mineral exports, Deputy Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro believes that from 2016 onward a trade surplus can be recorded in Indonesia's minerals sector. In 2014, Indonesia's minerals sector may show a USD $10 billion trade deficit. But exports of processed minerals may grow from USD $4.9 billion in 2013 to USD $9 billion in 2015.

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  • Salim Ivomas Pratama: A Leading Indonesian Agribusiness Company

    Indonesia Investments updated the company profile of Salim Ivomas Pratama. The company, controlled by the Salim Group, is one of Indonesia's largest vertically integrated agribusiness players. It is a leading oil palm plantation company that - besides producing crude palm oil, fresh fruit bunches, palm kernel and other palm oil derivative products - also produces rubber and sugar cane. Salim Ivomas Pratama is known as the leading producer of cooking oil and margarine.

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  • Falling Production & Growing Imports: Revitalizing the Indonesian Tea Sector

    The tea industry of Indonesia has been in decline in the last decade. During this decade, the size of Indonesia's tea plantations fell from 150,000 hectares (ha) to 120,000 ha. The country's tea production and tea export slowed, while tea import grew. The lucrative business prospects of palm oil is partly responsible to have caused Indonesia's tea output to stagnate as some tea plantations have been transformed into palm oil plantations. To reverse this situation, the Indonesian government intends to revitalize the country's tea sector.

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  • Fitch Ratings Affirms Indonesia's Sovereign Credit Rating at BBB-/Stable

    Fitch Ratings, one of the three major global rating agencies, affirmed Indonesia's sovereign credit rating at BBB- with a stable outlook. In a press release, the rating agency mentioned four key factors that led to the affirmation of the sovereign rating. These are: good policy management by Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia) and government amid external pressures, relatively high economic growth, prudent fiscal management (resulting in low public debt), and a strong banking sector (confirmed by multiple stress tests).

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  • Moody's: Despite Some Risks Outlook for Indonesia's Economy Still Stable

    Moody's Investors Service, one of the big credit rating agencies, stated in its 'Credit Analysis: Indonesia' report that - despite the ongoing current account deficit (which is considered to be structural) and a relatively shallow and volatile domestic capital market (which contributes to Indonesia’s reliance on external funding) - the agency is positive about Indonesia's outlook due to its growth prospects, narrow fiscal deficits and low public debt. Indonesian government bonds are rated at Baa3, which is Moody's lowest investment-grade status.

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  • Company Profile of Timah: Indonesia's Leading Tin Producer and Exporter

    Indonesia Investments added a preliminary company profile of Timah (TINS), an Indonesian manufacturer and exporter of tin. The company, a state-controlled enterprise (SOE), has an integrated tin mining business ranging from exploration, mining, processing to marketing. The company is one of the largest integrated tin mining companies in the world and accounts for eight percent of total global tin production. Recently, the company has been eager to expand to Myanmar in order to increase production volumes.

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  • Profile of Bakrie Sumatera Plantations: Palm Oil and Rubber Producer

    Indonesia Investments has updated the company profile of Bakrie Sumatera Plantations. The company is an Indonesian integrated agribusiness company that engages in oil palm and rubber plantations. It produces palm oil and its derivatives, and processes natural rubber products as well as oleo-chemicals. The company currently manages oil palm and rubber plantations with a total planted area of 122,024 ha, supported by six palm oil processing plants, four natural rubber processing plants and two oleo-chemicals processing facilities.

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  • Aneka Tambang (Antam): Indonesian Leading Mining and Metals Company

    The company profile of state-controlled Aneka Tambang (Antam) has been updated in the Indonesian companies' section. Antam is a vertically integrated, export-oriented, diversified mining and metals company in Indonesia. With operations spread throughout the mineral-rich archipelago, Antam undertakes all activities from exploration, exploitation, processing, refining to the marketing of its nickel ore, ferronickel, gold, silver, bauxite, coal and precious metals refining services.

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Latest Columns Commodities

  • Narendra Modi’s Reforms: India at the Basis of a New Commodities Boom?

    Prestigious Hong Kong-based HSBC Bank claims that a new commodity boom may appear if India will boost investments in infrastructure and housing. Chances of increased spending in India have grown considerably after reform-minded Narendra Modi posted a victory in the May 2014 election. Economists at the HSBC Bank say that this may give rise to a new prolonged commodities boom as had occurred in the 2000s which - to a large extent - was triggered by accelerated economic growth in emerging economies, particularly China.

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  • Indonesia Financial Update: Analysis June Inflation and May Trade Balance

    Inflation in June 2014 increased by 0.43 percent (month-to-month, mtm) in accordance with the traditional pattern ahead of the holy fasting month of Ramadan and Idul Fitri celebrations. These occasions always trigger inflationary pressures as consumers increase spending. However, June inflation remains under control and is even lower than the historical average in June in recent years (0.56 percent mtm). On a year-on-year (yoy) basis, inflation stood at 6.70 percent, thus continuing the downward trend since the beginning of 2014.

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  • Poverty in Indonesia: National Poverty Rate Fell to 11.25% in March 2014

    Head of Statistics Indonesia (BPS) Suryamin announced on Tuesday (01/07) that the number of poor people in Indonesia declined slightly to 28.28 million people (or 11.25 percent of the total population) in March 2014, from 28.60 million (11.46 percent of the total population) in September 2013. However, compared to March last year, poverty has increased by 110,000 people due to high inflation and a slowing economy; economic growth slowed to 5.78 percent in 2013 and this decline continued to 5.21 percent in the first quarter of 2014.

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  • Bank Indonesia Keeps Benchmark Interest Rate (BI Rate) at 7.50%

    On Thursday 12 June 2014 it was decided at the central bank’s Board of Governors’ Meeting to maintain the country’s benchmark interest rate (BI rate) at 7.50 percent, with the Lending Facility rate and Deposit Facility rate held at 7.50 percent and 5.75 percent, respectively. This decision is consistent with ongoing efforts to steer inflation back towards its target corridor of 4.5±1 percent in 2014 and 4.0±1 percent in 2015, as well as to reduce Indonesia’s current account deficit to a more sustainable level.

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  • Official Press Release Bank Indonesia: BI Rate Maintained at 7.50%

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) decided at today’s Bank Indonesia Board of Governors’ Meeting, convened on 8 May 2014, to maintain the country's benchmark interest rate (BI rate) at 7.50 percent, with the Lending Facility rate and Deposit Facility rate held at 7.50 percent and 5.75 percent respectively. This policy is consistent with efforts to steer the rate of inflation towards its target corridor of 4.5±1 percent in 2014 and 4.0±1 percent in 2015, as well as to reduce the current account deficit to a more sustainable level.

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  • Update on Indonesian April Inflation and March Trade Balance Data

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) stated that the country's inflation outcome in April 2014 is further evidence of a continuing downward trend. In fact, Indonesia's consumer price index (CPI) in April recorded deflation of -0.02 percent month-to-month (mtm) or 7.25 percent year-on-year (yoy), thus easing compared to 0.08 percent (mtm) of inflation or 7.32 percent (yoy) in March 2014. Since January 2014, Indonesia has now recorded moderating inflation, both on a monthly and annual basis.

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  • Forecasts Suggest that New El Niño Cycle May Be Rather Strong in 2014

    Australia's Bureau of Meteorology is increasingly convinced that the world needs to prepare for a new El Niño cycle. According to the institution, the impact of this new cycle will be felt starting from July 2014 and may continue through the winter. Also the European Center for Medium range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) and the US Climate Prediction Center stated that chances of a new El Niño cycle in 2014 are becoming higher, although it is too early to provide an indication of this year's strength of the weather phenomenon.

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  • Safeguarding Financial Stability: Some Notes on Indonesia's Trade Balance

    Although Indonesia is the world's largest archipelago, contains an abundance of commodities and has the world's fourth-largest population, the country's export and import figures are still small compared to the world's leading exporting and importing countries (see table below). There are many - and much smaller - countries that post much more impressive import and export data. In terms of exports, Indonesia is too dependent on commodities (accounting for around 60 percent of all exports) causing problems in times of price downswings.

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  • Without Reform, Indonesia's Oil Imports Reach 1.6 Million Bpd by 2020

    Imports of oil will accelerate to 1.6 million barrels per day (bpd) by 2020 if fuels continue to be subsidized by the Indonesian government. This development will seriously burden Indonesia's trade balance (and current account). In 2013, Indonesia posted a trade deficit of USD $12.6 billion in the oil & gas sector. Due to improved performance in the non-oil & gas sector, the overall trade deficit was kept at USD $4.06 billion. Besides placing downward pressure on the rupiah exchange rate, expensive subsidies also burden the state budget.

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  • Palm Oil Rich Indonesia Can Become a Global Force in the Biodiesel Industry

    Indonesia has the potential to become a global force in the biodiesel industry because of the country’s position as the world’s top producer of crude palm oil (CPO). In 2014, Indonesia’s CPO production is estimated to total 30 million tons. Traditionally, Indonesia exports about 75 percent of its total CPO production, particularly to the giant economies of China and India. As such, this commodity is one of Indonesia's most important foreign exchange earners, apart from coal, in the non-oil and gas sector.

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