Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Domestic Consumption

  • Indonesia's Mining Sector Attracts most Investments despite Weak Export

    Indonesia's mining sector is still the biggest beneficiary of both domestic and foreign direct investments. Investments in Indonesia's mining sector rose 23.8 percent in the first six months of 2013 compared to the same period in 2012. This may be somewhat surprising as global economic turmoil in recent years has resulted in falling commodity prices and weak mining exports. Investments are the most important pillar of economic growth in Indonesia after the country's vibrant consumer industry.

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  • Standard Chartered Bank Positive about Indonesia's Economic Potential

    Standard Chartered Bank expects economic growth in Indonesia in 2013 to remain robust at 6.2%. The bank believes this is a realistic assumption amid global economic uncertainty and higher subsidized fuel prices which limits people's purchasing power. The greatest pillar of support for Indonesia's GDP growth is domestic consumption, and which is supported by Indonesia's demographic composition as the country not only has a large population (over 240 million people), but also a young one (half of the population is below thirty years of age).

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  • Capital Outflows from Indonesia as Fed's Quantitative Easing May End

    Emerging markets, such as Indonesia, have been feeling the impact of a recovering economy in the United States. Last month, the Federal Reserve announced that, if the economy of the USA continues its improving trend, it will end its quantitative easing program gradually in 2013 until a complete stop in 2014. As Indonesia is one of the emerging economies that benefited from the spillover effects of the Fed's monthly bond-buying program, the country now feels the negative impact of the possible stop to the program.

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  • Indofood Sukses Makmur, Indonesia's Largest Food Processing Company

    Indofood Sukses Makmur (Indofood), one of the top performing consumer goods companies in Indonesia, has operations in each stage of the country's food manufacturing process. Indofood is Indonesia's largest food processing company and the world's biggest producer of instant noodles. As Indonesian consumers have more purchasing power, the company is well positioned to take benefit from this context. Moreover, Indofood is one of the Indonesian companies that expands its business oversees.

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  • Unilever Indonesia Announces Final Dividend for 2012 Financial Year

    Unilever Indonesia, a major consumer goods producer of Indonesia, plans to distribute IDR 2.54 trillion (USD $260.11 million) in final dividend to its shareholders. The dividend, which is equivalent to IDR 334 per share, will be paid out on 13 July 2013. Together with the company's interim dividend, which was paid out on 20 December 2012, Unilever Indonesia uses its full net income of 2012 (IDR 4.83 trillion) to please the shareholders. Unilever Indonesia Holding BV has an 85 percent stake in the company.

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  • Indonesian Government Projects 6.4% to 6.9% Economic Growth in 2014

    In the draft for the State Budget of 2014 (RAPBN 2014), the government of Indonesia projects economic growth of between 6.4 and 6.9 percent. Continued global recovery is expected to result in higher GDP growth compared to 2012 (6.23 percent) as it will result in better demand for Indonesian products, such as commodities. The main pillar of Indonesia's GDP growth - domestic consumption - is expected to grow due to the population's higher purchasing power and the upcoming legislative and presidential elections.

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  • Company Profile Update: Nippon Indosari, Indonesian Bread Producer

    PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk is Indonesia’s largest producer of bread products and its the country's only bread producing company that is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The company has shown robust growth in recent years due to the increased consumption of bread products by Indonesia's expanding middle class. Nippon Indosari controls a 90 percent market share in Indonesia's mass production of bread products. Its Sari Roti line of bread is a well-known brand in Indonesia.

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  • Indonesia's GDP Slows Down to 6.02 Percent in Quarter 1 - 2013

    Today, Statistics Indonesia released Indonesia's economic growth figure for the first quarter of 2013. Compared to Q1-2012, Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP) grew 6.02 percent. This growth was supported by almost every sector except for Mining and Extracting, which fell 0.43 percent (YoY), indicating that natural resources are still not back on track. The largest contributor to Indonesia's Q1-2013 growth is Transportation and Communication, which grew 9.98 percent.

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  • Indonesian Consumers Most Optimistic About Their Domestic Economy

    According to a research report released by the Nielsen Company, Indonesian consumers are currently the world's most optimistic consumers. The report, based on a survey that was conducted between 17 February and 8 March, indicates global consumer confidence in 58 countries. It is interesting to note that countries that scored highest in the survey are mostly from Asia, particularly the Asia Pacific. Indonesia now has a confidence index of 122 points (up five points from Q4-2012).

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  • Indonesia's P/E Ratio Relatively Low Compared to Regional Economies

    Indonesian newspaper Investor Daily reported that stocks at the Indonesia Stock Exchange are still relatively cheap compared to regional stock indices. Currently, the price to earnings ratio (P/E ratio) of Indonesia's main index is about 18. In contrast, South Korea's Kospi index amounts to 34, Japan's Nikkei 28, Taiwan's Taiex 23, and Philippines' PSE stands at 23 times earnings. As the Indonesian economy as well as its companies' profit figures are projected to grow, the P/E is expected to fall to 16 this year.

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Latest Columns Domestic Consumption

  • Indonesian Government Releases Official GDP Growth Figure for the Year 2012

    An official at Indonesia's Finance Ministry announced today that Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 6.23% in 2012, thus failing to meet the government's revised target of 6.3-6.5%. Factors that contributed to Indonesia's lower than expected economic growth last year were weak exports due to poor international trade and non-optimal government spending. On the positive side, all sectors of the Indonesian economy experienced growth.

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Associated businesses Domestic Consumption