Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Coal

  • Heavy Equipment Production in Indonesia to Grow 14% in 2017?

    Production of heavy equipment in Indonesia is targeted to grow 14 percent to 4,200 units in 2017, compared to 3,678 produced units in the preceding year. This growth should come on the back of rising activity in the nation's mining sector, particularly Indonesia's coal mining sector, in line with rising commodity prices.

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  • Indonesia's Astra International: Net Profit, Sales & Dividend

    Astra International, among the biggest diversified conglomerates in Indonesia, plans to distribute a total of IDR 6.8 trillion (approx. USD $511 million) worth of dividend for financial year 2016 to its shareholders, about 45 percent of the company's total net profit (slightly below the 50 percent payout ratio in the preceding year). Astra's 2016 dividend involves final dividend of IDR 113 per share and interim dividend of IDR 55 per share (hence total dividend of IDR 168 per share).

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  • Indonesia's Benchmark Coal Price Extends Drop in February 2017

    The benchmark thermal coal price of Indonesia (in Indonesian: Harga Batubara Acuan, or HBA), the a monthly price that is set by Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, and which is based on a selection of domestic and international coal indices - continued to slide in the new year. The HBA fell 3.4 percent to USD $83.32 per metric ton in February 2017. Since the recent peak of USD $101.67 per metric ton in December 2016, the HBA price has now plunged 18 percent over the past two months.

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  • World Coal Association Welcomes Berau Coal as its Newest Member

    The only body acting internationally on behalf of coal, the World Coal Association (WCA), announced on Thursday (12/01) that Indonesian coal mining company Berau Coal Energy has joined its membership. Berau Coal is Indonesia's fifth-largest coal producer with an estimated 509 million tons of coal reserves. Berau was established in 1983 and now operates three mines in Lati, Binungan and Sambarata, all located on the island of Kalimantan.

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  • International Energy Agency (IEA): Global Coal Demand to Stagnate

    The International Energy Agency (IEA) says worldwide demand for coal will not grow significantly over the next five years. It sees worldwide coal demand in 2021 roughly at the same level as in 2014. In a report published on Monday (12/12) the agency says it detects rising demand for renewable energy sources (at the expense of coal) in Europe and North America, while in China coal consumption is also expected to stagnate. However, the IEA believes that coal will remain the most important energy source as it is cheap and easy to produce.

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  • New Regulations in Indonesia's Coal Mining Industry

    Indonesia's Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will prepare new regulations regarding coal production in the regions. Usually, local coal miners, together, produce much more coal than what is targeted by the central government. By implementing stricter regulations and better monitoring (by enhanced coordination between the central and regional governments) there should be less opportunities for Indonesian coal miners to produce excess supply in the future.

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  • Indonesia's Coal Price Continues to Soar in 2nd Half of 2016

    Indonesia's benchmark thermal coal price (Harga Batubara Acuan, or HBA) - a monthly price that is set by Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, and which is based on domestic and international coal indices - continued its impressive rally. In December 2016 the HBA was set at USD $101.69 per metric ton, up nearly 20 percent from the HBA in the preceding month. It is now at its highest level since May 2012. Moreover, price growth between November and December was the steepest monthly rise ever in the history of the HBA.

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  • Moody's Positive about Indonesia's Non-Financial Companies in 2017

    Global credit rating agency Moody's Investors Service believes Indonesia's non-financial companies, specifically those engaged in the commodities sector, will see improving corporate earnings in 2017 due to rising commodity prices and the economic recovery of the USA. In a report released on Monday (21/11), Moody's states that commodity prices are expected to continue their upward movement in 2017. This will trigger investment in the mining, oil & gas and crude palm oil (CPO) sectors.

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  • Coal Mining Industry Indonesia Update: HBA Price Soaring

    Ever since China decided to streamline its coal industry by limiting output (combating the local oversupply), global coal prices have jumped sharply. Indonesia's benchmark thermal coal price (known as the Harga Batubara Acuan, or HBA) - a monthly price that is set by Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry and is based on domestic and international coal indices - soared 22.9 percent (m/m) to USD $84.89 per metric ton in November 2016 (from USD $69.07 per ton in the preceding month).

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  • Coal Price Indonesia at 25-Month High in October 2016

    Indonesia's thermal coal price (in Indonesian: Harga Batubara Acuan, or HBA), a monthly price set by Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry and which is based on domestic and global coal prices, surged further in October 2016. The HBA soared 8.04 percent month-on-month (m/m) to USD $69.07 per metric ton from USD $63.93 per ton in the preceding month. Indonesia's HBA price is now at its highest level since August 2014. This rally is mainly supported by rising coal demand in China.

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Latest Columns Coal

  • After Lebaran Holiday Indonesia's Main Stock Index Starts in the Red

    After its one-week holiday, Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) started in negative territory. The index fell 0.93 percent to 4,597.78 on Monday (12/08) with the country's miscellaneous industry sector and the consumer goods sector leading the fall. It is interesting to note that most Indonesian mining companies showed significantly rising share prices as prices of mining commodities are expected to increase. According to Morgan Stanley, coal imports to India will grow while the global coal price has already reached its lowest point.

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  • Indonesia Consumes more Electricity but Investments still Needed

    State-owned electricity provider Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) stated that consumption of electricity in Indonesia grew 7.2 percent to 90,48 terawatt hour (twh) in the first six months of 2013 compared to the same period last year. Head of PLN's Commercial Division, Benny Marbun, explained that Indonesia's industrial sector particularly consumed more electricity. Although industrial customers of PLN only grew by 4.5 percent in Semester 1-2013 (YoY), industrial electricity consumption grew 8.3 percent (YoY).

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  • Indonesia Intends to Increase Trade with Several European Countries

    Indonesia already is a strong trade partner to a number of countries in Europe. Based on data released by Indonesia's Ministry of Trade, the Netherlands and Spain are two European countries that import a considerable amount of Indonesian products and thus are important contributors to Indonesia's trade surplus in the non oil & gas sector. But other European nations, such as Germany and Russia, pressure Indonesia's trade surplus. It indicates that, despite the wide distance, Indonesia and Europe have a close and valuable trade relationship.

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  • Indonesia's Trade Balance Reports Another Trade Deficit in April

    Indonesia's trade balance recorded another deficit in April 2013 as imports (USD $16.31 billion) exceeded exports (USD $14.70 billion). April's trade deficit, amounting to USD $1.62 billion, was mainly due to continued weak commodity exports in combination with strong oil, basic machinery and utensils imports. After five consecutive months of deficits up to February, Indonesia’s trade account reported a surplus of USD $330 million in March, but fell back into deficit in April. From January to April, Indonesia's trade deficit stands at USD $1.85 billion.

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  • Forecasts for Indonesia's Coal Output and Export are Revised up for 2013

    The chairman of the Indonesia Coal Mining Association said that Indonesia's coal exports are expected to increase from 310 million tons in 2012 to 330 million tons in 2013, a 6.5 percent increase. Coal producers have been facing a tough period since July 2008 when global coal demand weakened and triggered volatile - but mostly declining - coal prices ever since. Coal demand from China and India, however, is expected to increase this year.

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