Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Investment

  • Pembangunan Perumahan: Indonesian Building Construction Company

    Pembangunan Perumahan (better known as PP) is a government-controlled construction and investment company in Indonesia. The company's lines of businesses consist of construction services in building and infrastructure, property, engineering, procurement and construction (EPC), as well as investment. PP was the second-largest company in terms of largest net income in Semester I-2013. Being a state-controlled entity, it benefits from the government's increased focus on infrastructure development. 

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  • New Tax Incentives to Create a Better Investment Climate in Indonesia

    Head of the Finance Ministry's fiscal agency Bambang Brodjonegoro said that the Indonesian government is preparing tax incentives to spur foreign investments. The new regulation will extend the previous expired one and also provides new incentives that make investing in Indonesia more attractive. One possible change concerns the minimum value of investments. Currently, investments between IDR 1 trillion - 20 trillion receive the same benefits. However, this may be revised in such a way that the bigger the investment, the better the incentives.

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Latest Columns Investment

  • Government: Indonesia's Economic Growth Will Not Reach 7 Percent in 2014

    Various high government officials, including president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Finance minister Agus Martowardojo and National Development Planning minister Armida Alisjahbana stated that Indonesia's economy is estimated to grow between 6.3 and 6.8 percent in 2014. Its main economic pillars of support are thought to be (foreign and domestic) investments, domestic consumption, and government expenditure. Poverty is targeted to be reduced to ten percent of the population.

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