Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports FDI

  • Indonesia Investments' Research Report Released: August 2018 Edition

    On Friday 07 September 2018 Indonesia Investments released the August 2018 edition of its monthly research report. The report aims to inform the reader of the key political, economic and social developments that occurred in Indonesia in the month of August 2018 and also touches upon key international developments that impacted on the Indonesian economy.

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  • Indonesia Launched the Online Single Submission Licensing System

    In an effort to boost domestic and foreign direct investment, the Indonesian government launched the online single submission (OSS) licensing system on Monday (09/07). The system, which is based on (1) Presidential Regulation No. 91/2017 on the Acceleration of Business Implementation and (2) Government Regulation No. 24/2018 on the Electronically Integrated Business Licensing Service, was designed to cut lengthy bureaucratic procedures (red tape), thus attract more direct investment.

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  • Investing in Indonesia: Online Single Submission (OSS) System Delayed

    The launch of the online single submission (OSS) system at Indonesia's Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) is again delayed as the BKPM still lacks the availability of enough human resources to operate the new system. Originally, the OSS system was to be implemented in April 2018. After a month's delay, 20 May 2018 was set as the new date for the launch. However, another delay awaited.

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  • Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia Rose 12.4% in Q1-2018

    Total direct investment (foreign plus domestic investment) in Indonesia rose 11.8 percent year-on-year (y/y) to IDR 185.3 trillion in the first quarter of 2018, showing robust investor appetite and giving rise to optimism that Indonesia's full-year direct investment target of IDR 765 trillion can be achieved. Traditionally direct investment realization is lowest in the first quarter of the year (although the upcoming elections in 2018 and 2019 may make some investors prefer to wait and see).

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  • Update: Foreign Universities Can Open Branches in Indonesia

    Indonesia's Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education is optimistic that at least two foreign universities will open their doors in Indonesia this year after the Indonesian government had earlier decided to open opportunities for foreign, private universities to open branches in Indonesia through cooperation with local private universities.

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  • More Companies from the European Union Invest in Indonesia

    There is a rising trend of investment from the European Union (EU) into Indonesia. This is no surprise considering the improving economy in Europe. Based on data from the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), the EU is now the fourth-biggest foreign investor in Indonesia, after Singapore, China and Japan.

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  • Government Opens Opportunities for Foreign Universities in Indonesia

    Indonesian Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Muhammad Nasir said the government of Indonesia decided to open the opportunity for foreign, private universities - especially the world's leading universities - to open branches in Indonesia through cooperation with local private universities. By mid-2018 the first foreign university should be able to open its doors in Indonesia.

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  • Google Invests in Indonesian Ride-Hailing Services Firm Go-Jek

    Today (29/01) it was confirmed by Google that it invested in Indonesia-based Go-Jek, the leading ride-hailing company in Southeast Asia's largest economy. The confirmation stemmed from Google Vice President of Product Management Caesar Sengupta's post, titled "Google in Asia - Investing in Indonesia", on the company's blog.

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  • Indonesia Misses Out on Billions Because of Troubled Investment Climate

    The Indonesian government said it will take a number of steps to tackle several classic problems that obstruct investment realization in the country. Based on internal research, the government counted a total of 190 cases where investors' investment commitment failed to be realized between 2010 and 2017. This led to an estimated IDR 351.2 trillion (approx. USD $26.2 billion) in missed domestic direct investment and USD $54.6 billion in missed foreign direct investment.

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  • Indonesia's Q3-2017 Foreign & Domestic Direct Investment Rise

    Indonesia's Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) announced that total direct investment in Indonesia (foreign + domestic investment) reached IDR 176.6 trillion (approx. USD $13.2 billion using the IDR 13,400 per US dollar exchange rate as set in the revised 2017 state budget) in the third quarter of 2017, up 13.7 percent year-on-year (y/y) from the same quarter one year earlier.

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Latest Columns FDI

  • Foreign Representative Office Indonesia (KPPA)

    A Foreign Representative Office (Kantor Perwakilan Perusahaan Asing [KPPA]) is a more general form of representative office than the foreign trade representative office and the foreign construction services representative office as we covered in previous columns. The Foreign Representative Office is regulated by BKPM, whereas the aforementioned representative offices are regulated by respectively the ministry of trade and the ministry of public works. Due to the general nature of a Foreign Representative Office, it is typically set up to provide managerial support to the parent company abroad.

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  • Foreign Construction Service Representative Office Indonesia

    A foreign construction service representative office in Indonesia is established by foreign overseas parent companies, specifically for conducting business activities in the field of construction services. Construction services can be defined as consultancy services in planning of construction work, construction implementation services, and consultancy services regarding the supervision of construction work.

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  • Activities Foreign Trade Representative Office Indonesia

    A foreign trade representative office in Indonesia can be set up by overseas companies quickly and with relative ease. In general, a foreign trade representative office is established with the purpose to take care of the interests of the parent company abroad and/or for preparation of the establishment and development of foreign investment activities in Indonesia. Due to their purpose the scope of activities is limited to representation of the overseas company and is therefore not allowed to directly be engaged in sales and related activities.

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  • 20 Japanese Food and Beverage Companies Plan to Invest in Indonesia

    A total of twenty Japanese companies engaged in the food and beverage industry are exploring investment opportunities in Indonesia. According to research conducted by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the food and beverage industry of Indonesia is regarded as a lucrative investment opportunity by these companies. If realized, these foreign direct investments could be worth between USD $400 million to USD $1 billion. However, JICA’s research did not mention any names of the Japanese companies.

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  • Domestic and Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia Hit New Record

    The Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) announced on Thursday (24/04) that investment realization of both domestic and foreign direct investment have set a new record in the first quarter of 2014. Total investment realization in Q1-2014 stood at IDR 106.6 trillion (USD $9.4 billion), an increase of 14.6 percent compared to the same period in 2013 (IDR 93 trillion) and the third consecutive time that the quarterly figure exceeded the IDR 100 trillion mark. Foreign direct investment accounted for 52 percent of total investments.

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  • Investments in Indonesia Expected to Exceed IDR 100 Trillion in Q1-2014

    Mahendra Siregar, Head of the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) is optimistic that realized investment in Indonesia can reach over IDR 100 trillion (USD $8.6 billion) in the first quarter of 2014, particularly supported by foreign direct investment (FDI) in the country's automotive and electronics sectors. Siregar uttered his optimistic view at the groundbreaking of the new Toyota factory in Karawang (West Java) on Tuesday (25/02). Foreign investors remain buoyant on the potential of Indonesia's rapidly expanding consumer force.

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  • Official Press Release of Bank Indonesia: BI Rate Kept at 7.50%

    At Bank Indonesia's Board of Governors’ Meeting today (13/02), it was decided to maintain the country's benchmark interest rate (BI rate) at 7.50 percent as well as the interest rates on the Lending Facility and Deposit Facility at 7.50 percent and 5.75 percent respectively. The policy is consistent with the tight monetary policy stance currently adopted in order to steer inflation back towards its target corridor of 4.5±1 percent in 2014 and 4±1 percent in 2015, as well as to reduce the current account deficit to a more sustainable level.

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  • Indonesia Received Record Amount of Direct Investments in 2013

    On Tuesday (21/01), the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) announced that investments in Indonesia grew 27 percent to IDR 398.6 trillion (USD $33 billion) in 2013, thus exceeding the target that was set at the start of the year (IDR 390 trillion). This result, which is a new record high for Southeast Asia's largest economy, was supported by a 39 percent increase in domestic direct investment (IDR 128.2 trillion) and a 22 percent increase in foreign direct investment (IDR 272.6 trillion).

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  • Government of Indonesia Targets to Implement 3 More New Policies in 2013

    Indonesia's Finance Minister Chatib Basri stated that the government of Indonesia is busy preparing three new policies that aim to restore financial stability as well as attract foreign direct investments. These three new policies involve the higher sales tax on imported luxury cars, a revision of Indonesia's negative investment list, and the higher income tax on imported consumption goods. These three new policies are in addition to the policy package that was introduced by the Indonesian government in August 2013.

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  • Indonesia Most Popular Investment Destination for Japanese Expansion

    According to a survey of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), 44.9 percent of respondents assessed Indonesia as the most promising investment destination for the next three years. The respondents in this survey involved 500 Japanese companies that engage in international businesses. For Indonesia it is the first time in 21 years that it forms the preferred choice of overseas investments for Japanese companies, thus replacing China. In 2013, Japan already dominates foreign direct investment in Indonesia.

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