Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Investment

  • Indonesia Investments' Research Report Released: January 2019 Edition

    On Friday (8/02) Indonesia Investments released the January 2019 edition of its monthly research report. The report aims to inform the reader of the key political, economic and social developments that occurred in Indonesia in the month of January 2019 and also touches upon key international developments that impacted on the Indonesian economy.

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  • Foreign Direct Investment Fell Sharply in Q3-2018; Are Foreign Investors Losing Confidence in Indonesia?

    The legislative and presidential elections that are scheduled for April 2019 seem to have a big impact on direct investment realization in Indonesia this year. Based on the latest data from the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), foreign direct investment (FDI) realization dropped 20.2 percent year-on-year (y/y) to IDR 89.1 trillion (USD $5.9 billion) in the third quarter of 2018. This constitutes the third consecutive quarterly decline in FDI realization in Indonesia.

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  • Indonesia Launched the Online Single Submission Licensing System

    In an effort to boost domestic and foreign direct investment, the Indonesian government launched the online single submission (OSS) licensing system on Monday (09/07). The system, which is based on (1) Presidential Regulation No. 91/2017 on the Acceleration of Business Implementation and (2) Government Regulation No. 24/2018 on the Electronically Integrated Business Licensing Service, was designed to cut lengthy bureaucratic procedures (red tape), thus attract more direct investment.

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  • Indonesian Books on Finance & Economics: Investing in Digital Startups

    Seeing various startup companies - across the globe (but also in Indonesia) - having developed into influential unicorns with a valuation of at least USD $1 billion, startup companies deserve some special attention. It is true, however, that most startups end in failure and therefore it is important to fully comprehend all aspects involved when establishing, running, and buying or selling a startup company to turn it into a success.

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  • Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia Rose 12.4% in Q1-2018

    Total direct investment (foreign plus domestic investment) in Indonesia rose 11.8 percent year-on-year (y/y) to IDR 185.3 trillion in the first quarter of 2018, showing robust investor appetite and giving rise to optimism that Indonesia's full-year direct investment target of IDR 765 trillion can be achieved. Traditionally direct investment realization is lowest in the first quarter of the year (although the upcoming elections in 2018 and 2019 may make some investors prefer to wait and see).

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  • Oil & Gas Industry Indonesia: Investment in Exploration Needed

    SKK Migas, the government's special taskforce for upstream oil and gas business activities in Indonesia, said direct investment in the country's upstream oil and gas sector reached USD $1.8 billion by the end of February 2018 (equivalent to around 13.84 percent of SKK Migas' full-year 2018 investment target in the country's oil and gas sector).

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  • Indonesia Misses Out on Billions Because of Troubled Investment Climate

    The Indonesian government said it will take a number of steps to tackle several classic problems that obstruct investment realization in the country. Based on internal research, the government counted a total of 190 cases where investors' investment commitment failed to be realized between 2010 and 2017. This led to an estimated IDR 351.2 trillion (approx. USD $26.2 billion) in missed domestic direct investment and USD $54.6 billion in missed foreign direct investment.

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  • Investment in Indonesia: Investors Not Attracted by Tax Incentives

    Although the Indonesian government offered various attractive incentives to investors (tax holidays and tax allowances) in 2017 in an effort to encourage investment in pioneering industries (particularly the downstream oil & gas industry), there were no companies that took advantage of these incentives. How come investors were not interested in these incentives?

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Latest Columns Investment

  • Government: Indonesia's Economic Growth Will Not Reach 7 Percent in 2014

    Various high government officials, including president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Finance minister Agus Martowardojo and National Development Planning minister Armida Alisjahbana stated that Indonesia's economy is estimated to grow between 6.3 and 6.8 percent in 2014. Its main economic pillars of support are thought to be (foreign and domestic) investments, domestic consumption, and government expenditure. Poverty is targeted to be reduced to ten percent of the population.

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