Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports FDI

  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Indonesia Hits New Record in Q2-2014

    According to data from the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), total investment realization in Indonesia grew 16.4 percent (year-on-year) in the second quarter of 2014 to IDR 116.2 trillion (USD $10.0 billion), the highest ever quarterly investment result and thus proved that Indonesia’s legislative and presidential elections in 2014 were no reason to postpone direct investments. Foreign direct investment (FDI) was recorded at IDR 78.0 trillion (USD $6.7 billion), while domestic direct investment (DDI) was IDR 38.2 trillion (USD $3.3 billion).

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  • BKPM Optimistic about Q2-2014 Investment Realization in Indonesia

    The Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), the investment service agency of the Indonesian government, is optimistic that investment realization in Indonesia (Southeast Asia’s largest economy) can surpass the level of IDR $100 trillion (USD $8.5 billion) in the second semester of 2014. Sectors that see increased investments in this quarter are the consumer goods and mining sectors. Total investments in Indonesia in the first quarter of 2014 reached IDR 106.6 trillion, an all-time record high quarterly investment realization.

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  • Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board Optimistic on Investment in 2014

    The Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) is optimistic that investments (both foreign and domestic direct investments) in Indonesia can reach IDR 450 trillion (USD $38.1 billion) in 2014. This would be a 15 percentage point increase from investment realization in 2013. Head of BKPM Mahendra Siregar said that there is no evidence yet which indicates that investors are hesitant to invest due to the presidential election (scheduled for 9 July 2014). In the first quarter of 2014, investment realization in Indonesia had set a new record.

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  • Foreign Investors Sell Indonesian Assets if Prabowo Subianto is Elected

    A survey of the Deutsche Bank, one of the world's leading financial service providers, showed that the foreign business community will not be content if Prabowo Subianto takes over the presidential seat from incumbent president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. According to this survey, 56 percent of respondents are planning to sell Indonesian assets if the electorate chooses Subianto as next president in the election that is scheduled for 9 July 2014. About 13 percent answered to buy Indonesian assets in the same scenario.

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  • Indonesia Revises Negative Investment List to Boost Foreign Investments

    The Indonesian government has revised the country's Negative Investment List (Daftar Negatif Investasi) in order to boost foreign and domestic direct investments (FDIs) into Indonesia. The revision, which is not fully published yet, is based on Presidential Decree No 39 - 2014 on the List of Open and Closed Sectors for Investments (Perpres 39 - 2014 tentang Daftar Bidang Usaha Tertutup dan Bidang Usaha Terbuka dengan Persyaratan di Bidang Penanaman Modal). However, for some sectors the maximum limit of foreign ownership has been curbed.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 27 April 2014 Released

    On 27 April 2014, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic topics such as investment realization in Q1-2014, a revision of the Negative Investment List, company profiles of Adaro Energy and Astra Agro Lestari, and more.

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  • European Union Eager to Increase Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia

    Colin Crooks, Deputy Head of the European Union delegation to Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam and ASEAN, said that Europe's businesses are eager to invest in Indonesia. However, the European Union (EU) hopes that several issues that are blocking the Indonesian economy (particularly related to trade and investments) from growing further are dealt with. Crooks pointed at EuroCham's position papers, which discuss bottlenecks to Indonesia's investment climate and provides recommendations for its improvement.

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  • Larger Share of Foreign Ownership in Indonesia's Infrastructure Projects

    The Indonesian government wants to enlarge the role of foreign participation in the country's infrastructure development. Through a proposed revision of Presidential Regulation No 36/2010 regarding the Negative Investment List (Daftar Negatif Investasi), foreign investors will have more room for investing in Indonesia's infrastructure sector within public-private partnership schemes (PPP projects). The Indonesian government needs more foreign participation as the current state of the country's infrastructure is inadequate.

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  • More Foreign Investment Allowed in Airports, Power Plants and Toll Roads

    The government of Indonesia announced on Tuesday (24/12) that increased levels of foreign direct investments will be allowed in the country’s airports, pharmaceutical industries, power plants, and toll roads. The revision of Indonesia's Negative Investment List (Daftar Negatif Investasi), the list which stipulates which sectors are closed (or partly closed) to foreign investment, is conducted in order to attract more foreign investments from abroad as a means to combat slowing economic growth in Southeast Asia's largest economy.

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  • Realized Investment in Indonesia in 2013 Will Exceed Target of the BKPM

    Head of the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Mahendra Siregar, is optimistic that total realized investments in Indonesia will exceed the target that is set for this year. The BKPM, a government institution, aims for investments worth of IDR 390 trillion (USD $32.5 billion) in 2013 and IDR 470 trillion (USD $39.2 billion) in 2014. Siregar is optimistic because many investors, particularly from Japan and the USA, are committed to engage in business expansion at the end of this year as well as next year.

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Latest Columns FDI

  • Investment Growth in Indonesia Continues to Slow in Third Quarter 2013

    The Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) said that total realized investments in Indonesia in the third quarter of 2013 was recorded at IDR 100.5 trillion (USD $8.89 billion). Of this total figure, IDR 67.0 trillion (USD $5.93 billion) was accounted for by foreign direct investment (FDI), while the remainder (IDR 33.5 trillion) was classified as domestic direct investment (DDI). The total investment realization of IDR 100.5 trillion was the highest ever quarterly investment figure since the BKPM releases these quarterly results.

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  • Revised Tax Holiday and Tax Allowance to Attract Investments in Indonesia

    Apart from the five tax incentives that I have mentioned in a previous column, the Indonesian government also intends to ease two other tax rules in order to boost investments in Indonesia from 2014 onwards. These are the tax holiday and tax allowance. Relaxation of the tax holiday involves an alteration to the period as well as the size of the investment, and relaxation of procedural difficulties. Relaxation of the tax allowance involves the revision of the number of sectors that are eligible and a relaxation of procedures in the form of tax clearance.

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  • Investments in Indonesia Continue to Slow; Government Revises Target

    Growth of Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) in Indonesia has continued to slow down in the first six months of 2013. In the first quarter of 2013, GFCF rose 5.78 percent but in the second quarter the pace fell to 4.67 percent. These results are much lower than last year's quarterly growth rates as can be seen in the table below. In fact, the growth rate in Q2-2013 constitutes the lowest growth rate in the last 13 quarters. In Q2-2013, all sectors experienced weakening investments except for domestic machinery and equipment.

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  • Indonesia Plagued by Capital Outflows as Investors Leave Emerging Markets

    After several years of significant foreign capital inflows into Indonesia, a sharp contrast has been visible in recent weeks. Global panic that followed in the days after Ben Bernanke announced that the Federal Reserve intends to withdraw its quantitative easing program in 2014 (if economic recovery of the USA continues), hit Indonesia hard. It triggered a massive capital outflow from the country's stock exchange (IDX) as well as from government securities (Surat Berharga Negara, or SBN).

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  • Import-Export Trade and Investment between USA and Indonesia

    Although the United States continues its traditional focus on direct investments in developed countries, primarily in Western Europe, there has been a significant rise in US investments in Indonesia in recent years. Whereas US investments in the developed economies of Western Europe is mostly found in the financial sector and through holding companies, in developing Asia, the US is more focused on the manufacturing sector due to lower production costs. In the last two years, the US emerged as the second-largest investor in Indonesia after Japan.

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  • Increased Foreign Investment in Indonesia's Stock Market in Quarter 1 - 2013

    Foreign investment in Indonesia has maintained its steady pace in the first quarter of 2013. Ahead of next year's presidential and legislative elections, which trigger uncertainties about the future course of the country, foreigners have bought more Indonesian stocks in Q1-2013 than in the four quarters of 2012 combined. Moreover, foreign direct investments (FDIs) have increased by 27 percent (YoY) in Q1-2013 and show an interesting shift towards Indonesia's manufacturing sector.

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  • Earthquake in China Burdens on Asian Stock Indices, Including the IHSG

    Rising American and European stock indices last Friday, helped to support Asian stock indices today (22 April 2013), including the Indonesia stock index (IHSG). However, the ongoing drama brought on by last Saturday's earthquake in China, impacted on the China stock index as well as on other Asian stock indices, including the IHSG. As the IHSG has been showing signs that it is overbought, market participants preferred to sell portions of their stock portfolios, resulting in a limited fall of the IHSG.

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  • Domestic and Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia Grows Strong in Q1-2013

    In Quarter I 2013 (January-March), total investment in Indonesia increased 30.6 percent to IDR 93.0 trillion (US $9.58 billion) compared to the same period in 2012 according to data from the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal, abbreviated BKPM), a government institution. Of this total amount, about seventy percent is accounted for by foreign direct investment, while the remaining thirty percent constitutes domestic direct investment.

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  • World Bank: Indonesia Shows Steady Growth but Pressures Are Mounting

    This week, the World Bank published its Indonesia Economic Quarterly (IEQ, edition March 2013) titled 'Pressures Mounting'. It reports on key developments over the past three months in Indonesia’s economy, and places these in a longer-term and global context. To read the whole report, please visit the World Bank's website at or download this edition directly through this link. Below we present the executive summary.

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  • Low Competitiveness Blocks Development of Indonesia's Manufacturing Sector

    Despite the fact that Indonesia reported the world's third-highest GDP growth in 2012 (behind China's 7.4 percent and Saudi Arabia's 7.1 percent), supported by rising consumption by a burgeoning middle class and significant increased foreign direct investment, the country's performance in terms of competitiveness is disappointing. It is cheaper to import products from countries that contain competitive businesses than to produce them in Indonesia.

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