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Latest Reports Federal Reserve

  • Stocks & Rupiah Update Indonesia: Impact of Janet Yellen’s Statements

    Whereas the Indonesian rupiah is depreciating on Monday’s trading day (30/03), Indonesian stocks climb significantly. At 14:15 pm local Jakarta time, the benchmark stock index (Jakarta Composite Index) had gained 0.93 percent to 5,444.27 points. In line with other Asian markets, Indonesia’s stock index felt the positive impact of Fed Chief Janet Yellen’s statements on Friday (27/03). Yellen indicated in a speech in San Francisco that it is riskier to raise US interest rates too fast than to raise them too slowly.

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  • Indonesian Rupiah versus US Dollar; Factors at Play

    In the past couple of days the US dollar regained its bullish momentum, strengthening against most other currencies including the Indonesian rupiah. The greenback had been under pressure after the Federal Reserve signalled - contrary to markets expectation - it would not raise the US interest rate environment too soon as the US economic growth outlook and US inflation were still not at the right level yet. This made emerging market assets more attractive for the short-term. However, this development seems to have been short-lived.

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  • Indonesian Currency Update: Stronger Rupiah, Weaker US Dollar

    Indonesia’s rupiah exchange rate started the week on a firm tone as the US dollar weakened amid uncertainty over the timing of higher US interest rates. Contrary to initial expectation, the latest Federal Reserve meeting (held on 17-18 March) did not indicate that there will be a quick interest rate hike in the world’s largest economy hence boosting appetite for emerging market assets. In addition, the Indonesian government and central bank (Bank Indonesia) pledged to safeguard rupiah stability.

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  • What Impacted on the Performance of the Indonesian Rupiah this Week?

    Apparently, the Federal Reserve’s message that it would still wait before raising US interest rates only implied a brief weakening of the US dollar against emerging Asian currencies. On Friday (20/03), the Indonesian rupiah depreciated 0.51 percent to IDR 13,124 per US dollar according to the Bloomberg Dollar Index. Current high volatility is also the result of different policies being executed by different central banks. Whereas the US Federal Reserve aims to further tighten monetary policy, central banks in Japan and Europe do the opposite.

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  • Indonesian Rupiah & Stocks Strong after Federal Reserve Meeting

    Indonesian stocks and the rupiah exchange rate strengthened rapidly on Thursday (19/03) after the Federal Reserve refrained from raising its key interest rate at the two-day FOMC meeting that ended on Wednesday (18/03) as US inflation is still tame while US economic growth somewhat moderated. The US central bank signaled that it is not in a hurry to raise interest rates, but, on the other hand, it also dropped the word ‘patient’ from its guidance on interest rates (which have been at historic lows since late 2008).

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  • Central Bank of Indonesia Keeps Key Interest Rate at 7.50% in March

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) decided to maintain its benchmark interest rate at 7.50 percent at today’s Board of Governors’ Meeting. The overnight deposit facility rate and lending facility rate were maintained at 5.50 percent and 8.00 percent, respectively. Bank Indonesia considers that the current interest rate environment is in line with its target to push inflation within its target range of 3.0-5.0 percent (y/y) in 2015 and to curb the country’s current account deficit to a range of 2.5-3.0 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).

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  • Downward Spiral Indonesian Rupiah; Falls Beyond 13,200 per USD

    Regarding Indonesia, the spotlight remains sharply focused on the drastically depreciating rupiah exchange rate. As speculation is growing that the US Federal Reserve will soon raise its interest rate regime, emerging market assets (both currencies and stocks) tend to weaken. However, although most Asian emerging currencies are weakening against the US dollar, the rupiah is particularly vulnerable as Indonesia is plagued by a wide current account deficit, which informs investors that the country is relying on foreign capital inflows.

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  • Bank Indonesia Comfortable with Weak Rupiah to Improve Current Account

    The Indonesian rupiah exchange rate depreciated 0.79 percent to IDR 12,932 per US dollar according to the Bloomberg Dollar Index on Friday (27/02), its weakest level since end 2008, after the country’s central bank (Bank Indonesia) said it would not intervene too much to support the currency. Bank Indonesia said that it has no target level for the rupiah and will not go against the market. For the market these are signals that the central bank is comfortable with a weaker currency as that would improve the trade balance.

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  • What Impacts on the Indonesian Rupiah Today? Fed, China, Greece & Inflation

    After Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen indicated that the US central bank will be patient in raising the interest rate environment in the world’s largest economy, Indonesian assets gained on Wednesday (25/02). Both the benchmark Jakarta Composite Index and rupiah exchange rate strengthened 0.51 percent yesterday. Apart from increased speculation that the Fed will not raise interest rates before summer, expectation that Greece will avoid a disastrous default brought more positive market sentiments.

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  • Rupiah Indonesia Update: Falling towards IDR 13,000 per US Dollar

    Indonesia’s rupiah depreciated to its lowest level since mid-December 2014 nearly touching the psychological level of IDR 13,000 per US dollar ahead of Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen appearance before the US Senate Banking Committee and the US Congress (in a two-day meeting) to elaborate on the Fed’s stance on US interest rates. As US jobless claims fell more than expected, analysts believe that it will not take long before the US central bank introduces higher borrowing costs in the world’s largest economy.

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Latest Columns Federal Reserve

  • Stock Market Update Indonesia: Rising 0.23% on Jokowi’s Inauguration

    Global Economy, IDX, IHSG, Indonesia Stock Exchange, Jakarta Composite Index, Jakarta Interbank Spot Dollar Rate, JISDOR, Rupiah, Rupiah Exchange Rate, US Economy, Wall Street, Jokowi, Joko Widodo, Federal Reserve,

    It was a good start of the week for the benchmark stock index of Indonesia (known as the Jakarta Composite Index, abbreviated IHSG). Various factors, both internal and external, managed to push the index higher on Monday (20/10). Externally, the IHSG was supported by positive Asian indices which responded to last week’s good US economic data (building permits, housing starts, and consumer sentiment). Moreover, the sharply appreciating Indonesian rupiah exchange rate made Indonesian assets more attractive.

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  • What are the Economic Challenges Faced by President Joko Widodo?

    Today (20/10), Central Jakarta seems to have changed into one big party as Joko Widodo was inaugurated as Indonesia’s seventh president earlier this morning. For the remainder of the day celebrations will be held at Monas (National Monument) and surrounding areas. However, it is of vital importance that Widodo (popularly known as Jokowi) will start to focus on this presidential duties tomorrow as the country is facing a number of economic challenges. What are these challenges?

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  • Stock Market Update Indonesia: Down 1.01% on Global Concerns

    Indonesian stocks tumbled at the first trading day of the week as investors are still concerned about the condition of the global economy. Declining stock indices on Wall Street at the end of last week had a negative impact on Asian stock indices, including Indonesia’s benchmark stock index (known as the Jakarta Composite Index, or abbreviated IHSG). The IHSG fell 1.01 percent to 4,913.05, its lowest level since 4 July 2014, on Monday (13/10). Foreign investors recorded net selling of IDR 595 billion (USD $49.6 million).

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  • How Did Indonesian Stocks & Rupiah Perform in the Past Week?

    In line with the volatile performance of global stocks, led by indices on Wall Street, the benchmark stock index of Indonesia (Jakarta Composite Index, or abbreviated IHSG) showed a volatile performance over the past week. US stocks mostly declined - except for the sharp rebound on Wednesday after Federal Reserve minutes signalled no higher US interest rates anytime soon - on concerns about the global economy (particularly the Eurozone), looming higher US interest rates, and the appreciating US dollar (hurting US exports).

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  • How did Indonesian Stocks & Rupiah Perform on Thursday?

    It was a relief for investors to learn that the benchmark stock index of Indonesia (Jakarta Composite Index, or IHSG) rebounded on Thursday (09/10) after having experienced a sharp decline on the previous day. The IHSG was supported by rising Asian stocks after indices on Wall Street had surged on Wednesday (08/10). Wall Street was up as minutes of the latest Federal Reserve meeting signalled that US interest rates will remain low 'for a while'. Another positive factor was that today’s appreciation of the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate.

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  • IMF & World Bank about Global Economic Growth and Indonesia

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) slightly cut its outlook for global economic expansion for both 2014 and 2015. The institution decided to lower its forecast due to weaker growth in Japan, Latin America and Europe. According the IMF’s latest estimate, the global economy will grow 3.3 percent year-on-year (y/y) in 2014, down from its previous estimate of 3.4 percent y/y, and 3.8 percent y/y in 2015 (down from 4.0 percent y/y in its July estimate). This is the third time this year that the IMF has had to cut its global economic growth forecast.

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  • Rupiah Update Indonesia: Central Bank Ready to Intervene

    Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo said that although the recent weakening trend of the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate is in line with the performance of other Asian currencies, the central bank is prepared to intervene in the market in an effort to support the currency and keep it in a comfortable range. On Monday (06/10), Bank Indonesia Executive Director Tirta Segara already stated that foreign exchange intervention was conducted in September 2014 in order to stabilize the rupiah exchange rate.

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  • Indonesian Stocks Rebound but Rupiah Continues to Depreciate

    Technically the benchmark stock index of Indonesia (Jakarta Composite Index, or IHSG) had to rebound after sharp declines during the last couple of trading days making Indonesian stocks relatively cheap. The IHSG was also supported by rising stock indices in Japan and Hong Kong that rose on strong US jobs data (although other Asian markets fell due to concerns about sooner-than-expected US interest rate hikes. Meanwhile, the rupiah continued to depreciate as the market is concerned about the political situation in Indonesia.

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  • Performance of the Indonesian Rupiah & Stocks in the Past Week

    Amid political uncertainty and a looming increase in US interest rates, Indonesian stocks and the rupiah exchange rate weakened considerably in the past week. Market participants are increasingly concerned about the situation in Indonesia’s parliament where a majority of political parties - named the Merah-Putih coalition (led by defeated presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto) - is expected to undermine president-elect Joko Widodo’s reform programs as well as the democratic foundations of the country.

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  • Federal Reserve & Indonesia: Limiting the Impact of Higher Interest Rates

    US Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen reminded global investors to prepare for a sooner-than-expected US interest rate hike (Fed Funds Rate, FFR) provided that the economy of the USA - the world’s largest economy - continues its improving trend. In fact, speculation has emerged that the FFR will be raised before the end of 2014 although Yellen stated more than once that the ‘close-to-zero’ interest rate environment would be maintained for a considerable period after the US bond-buying program (quantitative easing) has ended.

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