Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports FDI

  • Kohler Builds New Factory in Indonesia for Export Focus

    Kohler Co, the American manufacturing company that is best known for the manufacturing of plumbing products, furniture, cabinetry, and tiles, is busy expanding its business in Indonesia by developing a new factory on a two-hectares plot of land in the Greenland International Industrial Center (GIIC) in Bekasi (West Java).

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  • Investment on Bali: 10th in Foreign Direct Investment Ranking

    Bali, the most popular tourist destination in Indonesia (and therefore an important destination for foreign direct investment, or FDI), is optimistic that it will achieve its full-year 2017 investment target. Ida Bagus Made Parwata, Head of Bali's Investment Board (BPMP), said the island targets to see IDR 12.4 trillion (approx. USD $918 million) worth of investment in 2017.

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  • Deals Signed between Belgium and Indonesian Companies

    Three cooperation agreements were signed between Indonesian and European companies at the Indonesia-Belgium High Level Roundtable Discussion held at the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (FEB). Meanwhile, at the occasion there are also talks being held about (free) trade agreements with the aim to improve bilateral relations between Indonesia and the European Union (EU).

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  • Rising Foreign Investment in Indonesia's Hospital Industry

    Foreign direct investment (FDI) in the healthcare industry of Indonesia rose steeply in the first half of 2017 after the government opened up the general hospital sector to foreign investment by revising the Negative Investment List (in Indonesian: Daftar Negatif Investasi) in 2016.

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  • Indonesia's 16th Economic Policy Package to Focus on Investment

    After macroeconomic growth was rather disappointing at 5.01 percent year-on-year (y/y) in the second quarter of 2017, the Indonesian government will soon release a new economic policy package, specifically aimed at boosting investment in Indonesia. However, Indonesia's business world urge the government to first evaluate the effectiveness of preceding policy packages before implementing a new deregulation package. Moreover, some say it would be better to focus on improving confidence among consumers.

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  • Facebook to Open Limited Liability Company in Indonesia

    Leading American online social media and social networking service Facebook will open a permanent business entity (a foreign limited liability company, in Indonesian: perseroan terbatas penanaman modal asing, or PT PMA) in Indonesia later this month. The move is in line with Indonesian government requests. Earlier, Facebook only operated a representative office in Jakarta.

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  • China Interested to Develop Industrial Zone in North Kalimantan

    Several Chinese companies that are ranked in the Fortune 500 are exploring investment in Indonesia, including North Kalimantan, as part of their follow-up initiative after the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) that was held on 14–15 May 2017 in Beijing. This event, visited by Indonesian President Joko Widodo, is a platform for working out action plans for investment in the areas of infrastructure, energy and resources, production capacity, trade, financial cooperation, and the identification of major projects.

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  • Indonesia to Allow More Foreign Investment in Airports?

    The Indonesian government may soon revise its negative investment list (in Indonesian: dafter negatif investasi) to attract more foreign investment into Indonesia. The government is specifically seeking to allow bigger foreign stakes in the management of airports across the Archipelago.

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  • Integrated Investment Projects in Indonesia: North Sulawesi

    Thomas Lembong, Head of the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), said he wants Indonesia to tap the momentum of the recent "One Belt, One Road" summit in Beijing (China), organized earlier this month, by promoting three Indonesian provinces to foreign investors as a great investment destination. These three provinces are North Sumatra, North Kalimantan, and North Sulawesi.

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  • Indonesia Should Attract More Investment to Boost Economic Growth

    After Standard & Poor's (S&P) assigned investment grade status to Indonesia's sovereign rating, hence boosting positive perceptions about the Indonesian economy, the government should use this momentum to encourage public and private investment to push macroeconomic growth to the targeted range of 5.4 - 6.1 percent year-on-year (y/y) in 2018.

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Latest Columns FDI

  • Indonesian Government Releases Official GDP Growth Figure for the Year 2012

    An official at Indonesia's Finance Ministry announced today that Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 6.23% in 2012, thus failing to meet the government's revised target of 6.3-6.5%. Factors that contributed to Indonesia's lower than expected economic growth last year were weak exports due to poor international trade and non-optimal government spending. On the positive side, all sectors of the Indonesian economy experienced growth.

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