Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports SOE

  • Profile of Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN): Indonesia's Electricity Provider

    Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) is the state-owned company (SOE) that holds the monopoly on the distribution of electricity in Indonesia. The company is the second-largest SOE by assets after energy company Pertamina. Total capacity of PLN’s power plants at end-2012 have grown to 32.901 MW. The company is tasked to increase Indonesia's electrification ratio (the percentage of Indonesian households that are connected to the nation's electricity grid) to 90 percent by 2020. Currently, the ratio is around 77 percent.

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  • Bank Mandiri: Company Profile of Indonesia's Largest Bank by Assets

    An updated profile of Bank Mandiri is presented in our Indonesian Companies' section. Bank Mandiri, which is Indonesia’s largest financial institution by assets, offers businesses and individuals throughout Indonesia a full set of banking and non-banking products and services. The bank was established as a result of the Asian Financial Crisis when four state-owned banks (Bank Exim, Bank Bumi Daya, Bank Dagang Negara and Bapindo) were merged into Bank Mandiri as part of the government's bank restructuring program.

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  • Indonesia's Electricity Tariffs Raised to Curb Energy Subsidy Spending

    Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), Indonesia's state-owned company that has a monopoly on the supply and distribution of electricity in Indonesia, introduces the final installment of this year's electricity price hike today (01/10). Electricity tariffs are raised by 4.3 percent each quarter of 2013 as the government tries to curb huge energy subsidies. Poorer households (450 to 900 VA) are not affected by these price adjustments. After the price hikes in January, April, July and October, electricity tariffs will have risen about 15 percent in total in 2013.

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  • Jasa Marga: Company Profile of Indonesia's Leading Toll Road Operator

    Jasa Marga is a state-controlled toll road operator that constructs and provides toll road services in Indonesia. Approximately 73 percent of total toll roads in Indonesia are operated by Jasa Marga, which makes this company the dominant player in Indonesia's toll road sector. Up to the end of 2012, the company has 22 toll road concessions - with a total length of 545 kilometer - in operation and 193 kilometer of toll road that is expected to become operational between 2013 and 2016.

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  • Krakatau Steel: Company Profile of Indonesia's Largest Steel Producer

    Indonesia Investments has updated the company profile of Krakatau Steel, Indonesia's and Southeast Asia's largest steel producer. The company, which is for 80 percent government owned, has a crude steel production capacity of 2.45 million tons per year. However, through a lucrative joint venture with Posco, the world's third-largest steel producer, it will expand production capacity significantly in the years ahead. Besides steel production, the company has expanded into other industries.

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  • Indonesia's MP3EI Masterplan Received IDR 647.46 Trillion in Investments

    The total value of investments in the Masterplan for Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia's Economic Development (MP3EI) between 2011 - when the Masterplan was first introduced - and July 2013 amounted to IDR 647.46 trillion (USD $58.86 billion). Coordinating Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa said this to state-owned news agency Antara. State-owned enterprises invested a total of IDR 173.63 trillion, followed by the private sector with IDR 231.88 trillion, the government with IDR 99 trillion and public-private partnerships with IDR 143.12 trillion.

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  • Indonesia's Top Telecommunication Company Telkom Conducts Stock Split

    Indonesia's largest telecommunication & network provider Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) has conducted a stock split with a ratio of 1:5 yesterday (29/08). The company, which is majority owned by the Indonesian government and has a dominating market share of around 47% in terms of mobile phone subscribers in Indonesia, decided to conduct the stock split to increase the company’s share liquidity. A cheaper price will be more appealing to investors. The stock split was agreed upon at the general shareholders' meeting on 19 April 2013.

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  • Pembangunan Perumahan: Indonesian Building Construction Company

    Pembangunan Perumahan (better known as PP) is a government-controlled construction and investment company in Indonesia. The company's lines of businesses consist of construction services in building and infrastructure, property, engineering, procurement and construction (EPC), as well as investment. PP was the second-largest company in terms of largest net income in Semester I-2013. Being a state-controlled entity, it benefits from the government's increased focus on infrastructure development. 

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  • Indonesia's Construction Sector Continues its Booming Expansion

    Nine Indonesian construction companies that have released their financial results over the first six months of 2013 show a combined net profit of 849 billion (USD $83.2 million). State-controlled Wijaya Karya (Wika) still leads the ranking in terms of net profit. Interestingly enough, another state-controlled company, Adhi Karya, posted the largest YoY percentage growth in net profit (135.6 percent). Lastly, state-controlled Pembangunan Perumahan is second-largest company in terms of largest net income in Semester I-2013.

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  • Company Profile of Wijaya Karya; an Indonesian Construction Company

    Wijaya Karya (Wika) is one of Indonesia's construction companies. The company is involved in engineering and construction work in both Indonesia and abroad. Its businesses include civil engineering, building construction, and construction of industrial plants as well as energy facilities. Being a state-controlled company, Wika has a close connection to the government and as such is one of the first choices to participate in government infrastructure projects. Shares of Wika have grown over 37 percent in 2012.

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Latest Columns SOE

  • The Role of State-Owned Enterprises in the Indonesian Economy

    One characteristic of the Indonesian economy is that the state-owned enterprises (SOEs) play an important role in this USD $1.0 trillion economy. They not only play an important role because some of them rank among Indonesia’s biggest companies (in terms of profit, sales and assets), thereby generating plenty of money for the government (in the form of tax revenue or dividend) while at the same time creating jobs for millions of Indonesians.

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  • Concern Over Financial Ratios Indonesia's State-Controlled Companies

    There are 20 state-controlled, yet publicly-listed (on the Indonesia Stock Exchange) companies that have poor financial ratios, reflected by a high debt-to-equity ratio. This ratio indicates how much debt a company uses to finance its assets relative to the value of shareholders' equity, thus it measures a company's financial leverage. The ratio is calculated by dividing the company's total liabilities by its stockholders' equity.

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  • Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) to Thrive on Infrastructure Credit Growth?

    Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), one of the leading banks in Indonesia, is expected to maintain rising net profit figures in the years ahead due to its decision to focus on (corporate) credit disbursement for domestic infrastructure development projects. In fact, according to RHB OSK Securities, BNI may become the state-controlled bank that benefits most from the government decision to raise its infrastructure budget to IDR 313.5 trillion (approx. USD $24 billion) in the 2016 State Budget. Last year, growth of credit disbursed by BNI to infrastructure projects climbed 116.2 percent (y/y). This year infrastructure credit may grow by another 19 percent.

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  • Difficulties for Indonesia to Join the Trans-Pacific Partnership

    Indonesia has always been hesitant to join free-trade deals with other nations on fears that domestic industries cannot compete with foreign counterparts, which could lead to an influx of cheaper, yet higher-quality foreign products. During his visit to the White House, Indonesian President Joko Widodo said Indonesia intends to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal. Back home, this statement led to concern. What are the negative consequences for Indonesia when joining this deal?

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  • Indonesia Vulnerable to Land Disputes as Few Plantation Estate is Registered

    The plantation sector of Indonesia is vulnerable to land disputes. Noor Marzuki, a Director at the National Land Agency (Badan Pertanahan Nasional, or BPN), a non-departmental government institution, said that currently only 30 percent of Indonesia's total plantation estate area has been registered at the BPN. This implies that 70 percent of Indonesian plantation estates are unregistered and thus susceptible to land conflicts. The total size of Indonesia's plantation estate area is 120 million hectares.

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  • Indonesia Designs Three Scenarios for Infrastructure Funding in the RPJMN

    The government of Indonesia - through its Ministry of National Development Planning (known as Bappenas) - designed three funding scenarios for Indonesia's infrastructure development in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN 2015-2019). The lack of appropriate infrastructure is one of the bottlenecks to Indonesia's development. The scenarios involve the amount of funds and other requirements for infrastructure investment. The three scenarios are divided into a 'full scenario', a 'partial scenario' and a 'baseline scenario'.

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  • Consultancy for the Jakarta-Surabaya Toll Road Project Tendered in Early 2014

    The position of consultant, tasked to conduct a feasibility study for the Jakarta-Surabaya toll road, will be tendered in early 2014. The realization of the Jakarta-Surabaya toll road, a 775 kilometer-long toll road that is built above the sea (along the coast line between Jakarta and Surabaya), is an ambition of the Indonesian government and expected to ease the difficulty of transportation on Java, Indonesia's most populous island. The feasibility study should explore the technical and environmental framework related to the establishment of the toll road.

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  • Indonesia infrastructure Update: Plans for Toll Road from Jakarta to Surabaya

    In order to improve Indonesia's intra-island connectivity on Java (and thus reduce logistics costs that are due to fragile infrastructure), the government is planning to build a toll road above the sea from the capital city of Jakarta in the western part of Java to Surabaya in East Java. Both these cities are Indonesia's centers of industrial productivity and economic growth. The 775 kilometer-long toll road, which is expected to cost about IDR 150 trillion (USD $13.3 billion), will be build by a consortium of 19 Indonesian state-owned enterprises.

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  • Indonesia Stock Index (IHSG) and Rupiah Are Extending its Losing Streak

    On Tuesday (20/08), Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) continued its decline with its fourth consecutive day of losses. Amid major concerns about Indonesia's economic growth, high inflation, tighter monetary policy and current account deficit, the IHSG fell 3.21 percent to 4,174.98 points. It means that the index now stands about 21 percent lower than its record peak in May 2013. Foreign investors have been pulling money out of the Indonesian market. According to Bloomberg, about USD $255 million has been retracted in the last two days.

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  • Indonesia Consumes more Electricity but Investments still Needed

    State-owned electricity provider Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) stated that consumption of electricity in Indonesia grew 7.2 percent to 90,48 terawatt hour (twh) in the first six months of 2013 compared to the same period last year. Head of PLN's Commercial Division, Benny Marbun, explained that Indonesia's industrial sector particularly consumed more electricity. Although industrial customers of PLN only grew by 4.5 percent in Semester 1-2013 (YoY), industrial electricity consumption grew 8.3 percent (YoY).

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