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Latest Reports Tax

  • Schroders Indonesia: Indonesian Investors More Confident in 2014

    According to a recent survey of Schroder Investment Management Indonesia, subsidiary of the British multinational asset management firm and a leading independent international asset management and private banking group, Indonesian investors feel more confident to invest in Indonesia in 2014. Director of Schroder Indonesia Michael Tjoajadi stated that confidence of Indonesian investors has increased due to improving economic conditions and the long-term prospects of Southeast Asia's largest economy.

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  • Conclusion G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting

    On Sunday (23/02), the first G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting was concluded. In a statement, the finance ministers and central bank governors committed to implement policies to grow collective GDP by over 2 percent above the current trajectory over the next five years. Realistically, these policies could mean an extra USD $2 trillion in global economic activity and tens of millions of additional jobs. Each country will deliver a comprehensive growth strategy as part of the Brisbane Leaders Summit in November.

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  • Indonesia's New Fiscal Policies to Curb Imports and Support Exports

    On Monday (09/12), the government of Indonesia outlined the long-awaited extension of its economic policy package that was released in August 2013. This extension involves new fiscal policies, aimed at reducing imports and supporting exports, that will be implemented at the start of 2014. An improving global economy in combination with the government's August package and yesterday's extension package is expected to reduce Indonesia's wide current account deficit to a sustainable level of below 3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).

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  • Income Tax on Imported Goods Raised to 7.5% to Limit Indonesian Imports

    In order to improve the country's trade balance (particularly to curb the large current account deficit), the government of Indonesia will raise income tax on imported products through the issuance of a new ministerial regulation (issued by the Finance Ministry). Currently, there are two income tax tariffs on imported goods (see below). According to Finance Minister Chatib Basri, goods that will fall under the new regulation are consumption goods (except for food products). The new income tax tariff is expected to be implemented next week.

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  • Real Estate Indonesia: Open up Property Sector to Foreign Ownership

    Real Estate Indonesia (REI) advises the Indonesian government to open up the country's property sector to foreign ownership as this is considered to benefit the Indonesian economy through the collection of taxes and foreign exchange earnings. According to Teguh Kinarto, vice-chairman of the REI's Central Board, the state can gain a lot of revenues through taxes, such as the property tax of 10%, luxury tax of 20%, as well as various other taxes. Currently, foreigners can only buy the right to use property in Indonesia, not the right to own.

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  • Weak Rupiah and Global Economy Enlarge Indonesia's Budget Deficit

    The outcome of Indonesia's 2014 budget deficit is expected to be higher than initially planned in the 2014 State Budget Draft (RAPBN 2014). In the 2014 draft, the deficit is proposed to amount to IDR 154.2 trillion (USD $13.6 billion), or 1.49 percent of Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP). However, the government's latest estimate indicates a widening of the deficit to IDR 209.5 trillion (USD $18.5 billion), equivalent to 2.02 percent of GDP. The wider deficit is mainly caused by Indonesia's depreciating rupiah as well as the weak global economy.

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  • Indonesia's Crude Palm Oil Export Duty Lowered to 9% in September 2013

    The government of Indonesia will lower the export duties on crude palm oil (CPO) from 10.5 percent in August to 9 percent in September if the CPO price continues to stay between USD $800-850 per ton. This lower tax policy is done in order to stimulate export revenues amid persistent weak global commodity prices. The international palm oil market is expected to remain stagnant in August and September. Stockpiles of CPO in Malaysia and Indonesia are projected to rise between September and December 2013.

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  • Indonesian Government Wants more Tax out of Property Sector in 2014

    Business players in Indonesia's property sector are not happy with the government's intention to collect more tax from the sector in 2014 and onwards. The property sector has been one of the fastest growing sectors in Indonesia's economy in recent years as demand for property has surged significantly among Indonesia's expanding middle class, resulting in massive profit numbers for Indonesian property companies. Meanwhile, the government of Indonesia has been busy taking efforts to increase tax revenues.

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  • New Tax Incentives to Create a Better Investment Climate in Indonesia

    Head of the Finance Ministry's fiscal agency Bambang Brodjonegoro said that the Indonesian government is preparing tax incentives to spur foreign investments. The new regulation will extend the previous expired one and also provides new incentives that make investing in Indonesia more attractive. One possible change concerns the minimum value of investments. Currently, investments between IDR 1 trillion - 20 trillion receive the same benefits. However, this may be revised in such a way that the bigger the investment, the better the incentives.

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  • Indonesian Government Raises Royalty Fees in the Coal Mining Sector

    In order to increase government revenues, the Indonesian government announced that, starting from 2014, coal miners that have a Mining Business License (Izin Usaha Pertambangan/IUP) will have to pay a higher royalty fee to the central government. The decision was made during a meeting between the government and Commission XI of the House of Representatives (DPR) this week. The new royalty policy, which was originally planned to be introduced this year, is expected to result in an increase of IDR 4 trillion (USD $408.2 million) in state revenues.

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Latest Columns Tax

  • Indonesia Investments January 2022 Report - Full Introduction

    In the first month of 2022, we detected some positive signs, both abroad and at home (in Indonesia) as there is growing evidence that the Omicron variant is encouraging strong herd immunity around the world, while not making too many people ill to the extent that they require hospitalization.

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  • Government & House of Representatives Discuss Tax Reform Bill

    The COVID-19 pandemic made governments around the world impose severe social and business restrictions, thus contributing heavily to the unprecedented decline in economic activity. To maintain society’s support, governments subsequently had to spend heavily on social assistance, soft loans, and various fiscal incentives to keep most businesses alive and allow poorer segments of society to have enough to eat.

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  • Rapidly Developing E-Commerce Sector Changes the Traditional Way of Doing Business in Indonesia

    E-commerce – which refers to the activity of electronically buying (or selling) products through online services or over the Internet – has been developing rapidly in Indonesia over the past decade. More and more Indonesians have started to shop online, forcing many offline retail players to adapt and innovate their business models in order to survive in this new and challenging environment where two newcomers, both tech startups and both e-commerce platforms, have developed into a unicorn (Tokopedia and Bukalapak) which is a startup that is valued above USD $1 billion.

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  • How to Arrange Your Electronic Filing (EFIN) to File Online Tax Reports in Indonesia?

    More and more processes are being shifted online as this, generally, allows processes to become more efficient and easier to complete. This also applies to Indonesia's tax office. Over the past couple of years, tax can be filed online by legal entities and individuals. However, before an individual of company can file the tax online, he - or it - first needs to obtain an Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN).

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  • Interview with SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants: Some Insights on Indonesia’s Tax System

    Tax is not everybody’s favourite topic of conversation. Nonetheless, it is a crucial subject both for the legal entity and the individual as various taxes need to be filed to authorities. Trying to escape from paying (higher) taxes is a risky affair and can lead to serious sanctions. Similarly, innocent mistakes can also cause problems with tax officials and therefore is it advised to invest some time in understanding the tax system. This advice particularly applies to those who move to different jurisdictions – to work and/or live - as tax regulations may not be the same as the regulations in their home country.

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  • Tax Reforms & Incentives: Adjusting Tax Rates to Strengthen the Indonesian Economy

    While reforms related to Indonesia’s corporate income tax rates remain in the planning stage, there is a new important regulation that will come into effect per 1 April 2019. Through Finance Ministry Regulation No. 210/PMK.010/2018 on the Taxation of Trade Transactions through Electronic System or E-commerce, which was signed on 31 December 2018, Indonesia will require e-commerce merchants (sellers) to share data with tax authorities and pay VAT and income taxes.

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  • Investment in Indonesia: Investors Await Tax Incentives & Tax Holiday

    Investors are awaiting a series of fiscal incentives from the Indonesian government, including a new tax holiday. Meanwhile, investors also urge the government to improve the investment and business climate by simplifying the process and procedures to obtain permits for investment projects. This also includes improving the coordination between central and regional authorities, for example through the integration of the permitting process at both levels.

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