Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Violence

  • Diplomatic Relations Indonesia & China: Another Illegal Fishing Incident

    Diplomatic relations between Indonesia and China face another challenge as reports suggest that the Indonesian navy fired at an illegal Chinese fishing boat near the Natuna Islands in the South China Sea on Saturday (18/06). According to Chinese sources the incident injured one Chinese fisherman, while Indonesian sources claim there had been no injuries. The waters in the South China Sea are claimed by China, while Indonesia considers these waters part of its exclusive economic zone.

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  • Ransom Paid, 10 Indonesian Hostages Released by Abu Sayyaf Militants

    The ten Indonesian hostages that were kidnapped by Al Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf militants in late March - when their coal vessel was sailing in Philippine waters - have been released, unharmed, on Sunday (01/05). It was reported in local media that tug boat operator Patria Maritime Lines agreed to pay the 50 million peso (approx. USD $1 million) ransom that had been demanded by the rebels. The ten Indonesian hostages arrived in Jakarta in the early hours of Monday (02/05).

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  • Coal Trade Indonesia-Philippines Disturbed by Abu Sayyaf Ship Hijackings

    Coal shipments between Indonesia and the Philippines are disrupted by the recent series of incidents that occurred in the seas off the coast of the southern Philippines. Two Indonesian coal ports are now (temporarily) disallowing Indonesian ships from transporting coal to the Philippines. Security concerns heightened after members of the militant Al Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf network (based in the southwestern part of the Philippines) captured 18 Indonesians and Malaysians in three separate ship hijackings in recent weeks. It is feared that the waters around the southern Philippines become the new Somalia.

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  • 10 Indonesians Kidnapped by Abu Sayyaf Militants in the Philippines

    Ten Indonesians have reportedly been taken hostage by Al Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf militants after their Indonesian vessel, en route from Banjarmasin (South Kalimantan) to the Philippines, was hijacked in Philippine waters. According to local media the Indonesian vessel (a tug boat) was found abandoned in the Philippines' Tawi-Tawi province and a USD $1 million ransom has been demanded in exchange for the crew's release. The incident apparently already happened on Saturday (26/03). Indonesia's Foreign Affairs Ministry and State Intelligence Agency (BIN) have confirmed the case.

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  • Violence at Anti-Transport Services Apps Demonstration in Indonesia

    Today, Indonesian taxi and public transportation drivers staged another demonstration in Jakarta. They protest against the presence of app-based mobile applications such as Uber Taxi, GrabCar and Go-Jek that all recently started offering transportation services in the bigger cities of Indonesia and have become increasingly popular, at the expense of the financial performance of established transportation services such as taxis, public buses, bajaj (three-wheeled scooters) and ojek (motor taxi). The demonstration turned violent on Tuesday morning.

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  • Increasing Cases of Piracy in Indonesian Ports and Waters

    Despite a global drop in piracy incidents in the first half of 2013, Indonesia has experienced a 50 percent surge in pirate attacks to 43 incidents in the same period. Total worldwide pirate attacks in Semester I-2013 fell to 138 cases (from 177). The location where most incidents take place in Indonesia are the waters around the Riau province, particularly around the ports in Dumai and Belawan. "Within Southeast Asia, most of the attacks occur on Indonesian anchorages [not when ships are sailing]" according to the International Maritime Bureau.

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  • Continued Emergence of Scandals Undermines Trust in Indonesian Politics

    Today, most Indonesian newspapers opened with negative headlines concerning the country's political arena. In Indonesian politics, scandals - whether connected to corruption or other issues - are frequently reported and seriously undermine people's (both domestic and foreign) confidence in the nation's governance. In today's newspapers, three cases were center of attention and illustrate the problems within Indonesia's political elite.

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Latest Columns Violence

  • Violence, Racial Discrimination & Calls for Separatism: What Happened in Papua?

    While Indonesian President Joko Widodo emphasized the importance of unity among the Indonesian people on the latest Independence Day (17 August 2019), developments in East Java – that occurred several days before Indonesia’s Independence Day – and subsequent protests and violence in Papua had the exact opposite effect. What explains the upsurge in tensions between Papua and Indonesia?

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  • Women in Indonesia: Informal Employment, Wage Gap & Violence

    Like in many other countries around the globe, Indonesian women often find themselves in a more difficult position than men. For example, there are much more women than men who work in Indonesia's informal sector. Moreover, a significant portion of these women are unpaid workers. While 57.51 percent of Indonesia's total female workforce is employed in the informal sector, the rate is 48.81 percent for men.

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  • Politics of Indonesia: Anti-Ahok Demonstration with Political Motives

    On Friday (04/11) a massive demonstration is scheduled to be staged in Jakarta. In this protest rally thousands of people are expected to gather to ventilate their disapproval of incumbent Jakarta Governor Basuki Cahaya Purnama (better known as Ahok). The rally is organized by a coalition of Islamic groups including hard-line group Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) which has often used violence to achieve their targets. The Muslim groups accuse Ahok of blasphemy by misquoting Quranic verses during a speech in Kepulauan Seribu, off the coast of Jakarta, in early October.

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  • Radical Islam in Indonesia: Lone Wolf Attack in Catholic Church

    The 17-year-old Ivan Armadi who tried to kill a Catholic priest and detonate a self-made bomb during the Sunday service (28/08) in a church in Medan (North Sumatra) is one example of the Islamic State sympathizers that are present in Indonesia. Although the police investigation indicates that there are no direct links between Armadi and existing militant networks within Indonesia or abroad, the case shows that there are so-called "lone-wolves" in Indonesia who are inspired by radical Islamic doctrine and can learn to make bombs from the Internet.

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  • Child Sex Offenders in Indonesia to Face Death Penalty & Castration

    Indonesian President Joko Widodo has signed a controversial decree that introduces tougher penalties for child sex offenders in Indonesia. By replacing a 2002 law, Indonesia now introduces various new consequences for those who have been found guilty of sex offenses against children. The new penalties comprise the death penalty, chemical castration, life-long prison sentences, electronic monitoring (after release from prison), and the publicly announcement of the identity of the child molester.

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  • Indonesian Presidential Election: Army Ready if Public Disorder Occurs

    Indonesian Army Chief of Staff Budiman, without choosing a side, hopes to see a clear victory for one of the presidential candidates - Joko Widodo or Prabowo Subianto - in the election that is scheduled for Wednesday (09/07) as a large win will reduce chances of public disorder caused by disappointed supporters. Budiman said that a gap of at least five percent between the two contenders (based on the quick count results which will be released on the day of election) is considered a safer level.

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  • First Execution in Indonesia Since 4.5 Years and Muslim Militants Killed in Raid

    Last Thursday night, a Nigerian drug dealer, imprisoned since 2004, was executed by firing squad near Kepulauan Seribu to the north of Jakarta's coast. This execution is the first since the execution of three Islamic radicals (who were involved in the 2002 Bali bombings) in 2008. Meanwhile, on Friday morning, counter-terrorism squad Densus 88 killed three suspected Muslim militants that robbed a jewelry store in Tambora, West Jakarta.

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Associated businesses Violence