Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Robusta

  • Global Coffee Price: Expected Weak Production in Brazil and Indonesia

    Sentiments on the global coffee market have turned around completely in 2014 as severe drought in Brazil in combination with high rainfall in Indonesia are expected to result in weak harvests, thereby reducing global coffee production and stockpiles, causing a significant price increase since mid January 2014. Both countries are vital for global coffee production. Brazil accounts for about half of the world's total arabica production, while Indonesia is a significant robusta-type producer.

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  • Weather Conditions in Brazil and Indonesia Cause Surge in Coffee Prices

    Prices of coffee have surged 24 percent in 2014 as Brazil experienced the warmest January ever and the least rainfall in 20 years. Being a major arabica bean producer, Brazil's weather conditions particularly influence the arabica coffee price. The arabica coffee price has jumped 26 percent in seven trading sessions, the highest level since July 2000. Meanwhile, weather forecasts do not seem to indicate the arrival of a sufficient amount of rainfall in the remainder of February and March before the dry season kicks in in April.

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  • Indonesian Coffee: Analysis and Overview of Indonesia's Coffee Industry

    Indonesia Investments updated the profile of coffee in our commodities section. Indonesia is one of the world's top coffee producing and exporting countries and thus this beverage is an important foreign exchange earner. Starting from the 1960s, Indonesia has shown a small but stable increase in domestic production of coffee. Apart from the production of regular coffee, Indonesia is famous for certain types of specialty coffee, including  luwak coffee (kopi luwak), Toraja coffee, Aceh coffee and Mandailing coffee.

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  • Coffee Consumption in Asia is Rising Sharply

    Contrary to coffee demand in Western countries (which is expected to grow by about one percent per year), coffee demand in Asia - and in line with the region's economic growth - is expected to grow by about five to ten percent annually. A number of Asian coffee bean producing and exporting countries exhibit populations that drink more coffee and thus need to allocate more of its production to the domestic market, at the expense of its export.

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Latest Columns Robusta

  • Agriculture in Indonesia: Update on Rice and Coffee Production

    Indonesia’s Agriculture Ministry estimates that Indonesia’s rice harvest will not be severely affected by the El Niño weather phenomenon this year. The Ministry expects to see a rice production of at least 70 million tons of unmilled rice in 2014, just 1.9 percent down from the 71.3 million tons of rice that was produced last year. Meanwhile, Indonesia may see a record coffee harvest in 2015 as recent rainfall in the important coffee-producing regions have supported the development of cherries.

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