Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Energy

  • Renewable Energy: the Challenges of Biomass Development in Indonesia

    Considering Indonesia is committed to the development of renewable energy in a bid to cut the country’s greenhouse gas emissions, while at the same time reducing its traditional dependence on fossil fuels such as coal and (mainly imported) diesel in terms of the energy supply, biomass is one of the options that can offer a solution.

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  • Challenges & Potential of Indonesia's Biodiesel & Bioethanol Programs

    Biodiesel, which is a form of diesel fuel that is derived from plants or animals (in the case of Indonesia it mainly uses fatty acid methyl ether, FAME, which is derived from palm oil), has been on the political agenda of Indonesia since the 1990s when the first (in-depth) research was conducted by a number of state agencies.

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  • Update on Renewable Energy Sources; Indonesia’s (Untapped) Geothermal Power Potential

    Despite several persistent challenges, geothermal energy remains a very interesting (and relatively environmentally friendly) power source for Indonesia. It is estimated that Indonesia is home to 40 percent of total global geothermal energy potential. But as impressive as that sounds, the country only uses a fraction of the potential. So, let’s take a look at recent developments in terms of geothermal power in Indonesia.

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  • Research Report: Indonesia's Energy Sector

    The latest research report of Indonesia Investments focuses on the energy sector of Indonesia. The energy sector is a crucial sector because without energy it is impossible to pursue economic and social development.

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  • Indonesia Has Become World's 2nd Largest Geothermal Energy Producer

    Indonesia has now overtaken the Philippines in terms of geothermal power capacity. At the end of Q1-2018 Indonesia's installed geothermal power capacity reached 1,925 MW, higher than the 1,868 MW capacity of the Philippines. Moreover, by the end of 2018, Indonesia is expected to see its geothermal power capacity rise to 2,058 MW. However, Indonesia is still far away from becoming the world's biggest geothermal power producer. Capacity of the USA currently stands at 3,591 MW, hence leading by a distance.

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  • Indonesia A Step Closer in Making Pertamina the Oil & Gas Holding Firm

    The government of Indonesia is now one step further in turning fully state-owned energy company Pertamina into an oil & gas holding firm. Indonesian President Joko Widodo signed Government Regulation No. 6/2018 on the Formation of a State-Owned Oil & Gas Holding Firm thus formalizing the government's decision to move its 57 percent stake (Series B shares) in gas distributor Perusahaan Gas Negara to Pertamina.

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  • Solar Panel Producer Sky Energy Indonesia Is Finalizing Its IPO

    Solar panel manufacturer Sky Energy Indonesia is busy finalizing its initial public offering (IPO) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The company will offer 203.26 million shares, equivalent to 20 percent of its total paid-up capital, to the public. Sky Energy Indonesia set its offering price in the range of IDR 375 - 450 per share, hence the company targets to raise between IDR 76.2 - 91.5 billion (approx. USD $6.4 million) through the IPO.

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Latest Columns Energy