Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Palm Oil

  • Escalating Trade War Impacts on Indonesia's Commodity Prices

    Earlier this week US President Donald Trump announced plans to impose 10 percent import tariffs on USD $200 billion worth of Chinese export products by 30 August 2018, thus further escalating the trade war between the USA and China. While earlier US tariffs focused mostly on industrial goods, the new list of proposed import tariffs includes various commodities (metals, energy and agriculture) as well as consumer products. As a result most commodity prices were in red territory on Wednesday (11/07).

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  • Indonesia Scraps Trade Ministry Regulation No. 82/2017 on National Shipping

    The Indonesian government scrapped Trade Ministry Regulation No. 82/2017 on the Terms of Use of National Shipping and Insurance Companies for the Export and Import of Certain Goods. This regulation, which was originally scheduled to be implemented in May 2018 (but its implementation had already been postponed), would have made it mandatory to use local vessels (owned by Indonesian sea shipping companies) for the export of coal, crude palm oil (CPO), and rice.

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  • Indonesia May File Compaint at WTO over US Anti-Dumping Duties

    In early April 2018 the United States confirmed steep anti-dumping duties and countervailing duties on Indonesian biodiesel imports. Published through the Federal Register the US imposed additional duties that range between 126.97 percent and 341.38 percent. For sure, this seriously harms the competitiveness of Indonesian biodiesel shipments to the world's top economy. If the policy is not altered, then it basically means the end of Indonesian biodiesel exports to the US market.

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  • EU Court Rules in Favor of Indonesia in Anti-Dumping Duty of Biodiesel

    After the World Trade Organization (WTO) had ruled, largely, in favor of Indonesia (in January 2018) in the battle between Indonesia and the European Union (EU) regarding the latter's anti-dumping duties on Indonesian biodiesel exports, Indonesia has now also won its appeal at the EU court. The European Court of Justice, the highest court in the EU, ruled that the bloc needs to scrap its anti-dumping duties on imports of Indonesian biodiesel products that range between 8.8 - 23.3 percent.

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  • Gov't of Indonesia to Delay New Shipping and Insurance Regulation?

    After receiving criticism from various stakeholders, the Indonesian government reportedly decided to postpone the implementation of a new regulation that requires all domestic coal, palm oil and rice exporters to use ships that are owned by local sea shipping companies and requires them to use domestic insurance.

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  • US Confirms Preliminary Anti-Dumping Duty on Indonesian Biodiesel

    Wilbur Ross, US Secretary of Commerce, stated that the US Department of Commerce issued an affirmative final anti-dumping duty on biodiesel shipments that originate from Indonesia. The statement was released overnight (21/02). The decision was made to improve the situation of local US biodiesel producers as their business was undermined by cheap biodiesel imports from Indonesia (and Argentina).

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  • Will 2018 Be a Good Year for Indonesia's Palm Oil Industry?

    Although the crude palm oil price remains under pressure at the start of 2018 (as palm oil stocks touched their highest level in over two years last December), prospects for the crude palm oil industry seem positive in 2018. Meanwhile, 2017 can be labeled the year of recovery for stakeholders in the palm oil industry after having been plagued by El Nino-related weather trouble in the preceding year.

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  • Biodiesel Consumption in Indonesia to Fall in Second Half 2017

    Based on statements from a government agency, Indonesia's biodiesel consumption is set to decline in the second half of 2017 due to some "technical issues". While in the first six months of 2017 biodiesel consumption in Indonesia reached 1.67 million kiloliters, this figure is expected to fall to 0.86 million kiloliters in the second half of the year, hence resulting in an estimated total of 2.53 million kiloliters in full-year 2017.

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  • USA Imposes Anti-Dumping Duties on Biodiesel Imports from Indonesia

    On Monday (23/10) the US Commerce Department issued a preliminary ruling and decided to set anti-dumping duties of 50.71 percent on biodiesel imports from Indonesia. Meanwhile, the USA also set anti-dumping duties, ranging between 54.36 to 70.05 percent, on soy-based biodiesel imports from Argentina.

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Latest Columns Palm Oil

  • Indonesia Benefits from Near-Record High Palm Oil Price, But India’s Demand May Drop

    Although there is plenty of opposition to – and criticism on – Indonesia for allowing crude palm oil (or CPO) to play a big role in the domestic economy (Indonesia being the world’s largest producer and exporter of CPO), the country is currently feeling the windfall from soaring CPO prices. And, it is contributing to Indonesia’s recovery from the severe – and still ongoing – novel coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.

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  • Palm Oil Industry Indonesia: CPO Price Under Pressure in Early March

    Several negative sentiments are putting pressure on the crude palm oil (CPO) price in the first week of March 2018. These sentiments are expected to continue pushing downward pressure on the CPO price in the remainder of this week. On Monday (05/03) the CPO price on the Malaysia Derivatives Exchange (May 2018 shipments) fell 0.28 percent to 2,467 ringgit per metric ton. Compared to one week earlier, the price has now declined 2.91 percent.

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  • WTO Rules in Favor of Indonesia on EU's Biodiesel Anti-Dumping Duties

    In the battle between Indonesia and the European Union (EU) regarding the latter's anti-dumping duties on Indonesian biodiesel exports, Indonesia won six out of seven legal challenges. Indonesia had challenged the EU's duties, set in 2013, on biodiesel imports from Indonesia and Argentina. The World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled, largely, in favor of Indonesia.

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  • Palm Oil Update Indonesia: Rising CPO Price in Q1-2018?

    The crude palm oil (CPO) price is expected to strengthen in the first quarter of 2018 due to the impact of the La Nina weather phenomenon and rising CPO demand in the traditional big CPO importing countries. This is good news for stakeholders in the palm oil industry as the price has been sliding around 16 percent so far this year (toward the 2,700 Malaysian ringgit per ton level).

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  • What Are Indonesia's Top Foreign Exchange Earners?

    Foreign exchange earnings are important assets for a national economy. Therefore, many nations have recently been taking a much more protectionist approach vis-à-vis trade in an effort to strengthen their trade positions, generate trade surpluses, hence see the inflow of more foreign exchange earnings. Foreign exchange assets support a stable local currency as well as economy.

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  • Indonesia Launched Palm Oil Rejuvenation Scheme for Smallholders

    The Indonesian government is eager to boost domestic crude palm oil (CPO) production, but not at the expense of tropical forest (by adding new oil palm plantations). Instead, a new government program aims to replant 20,000 hectares of smallholder palm oil plantations in 2017 under the condition that farmers meet the requirements that are stipulated by Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certification.

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