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Latest Reports Tenders

  • Anas Urbaningrum Sentenced to 8 Years in Prison for Corruption

    Former Chairman of the Democratic Party (Partai Demokrat, PD) Anas Urbaningrum was sentenced to eight years imprisonment by the Jakarta Anti-Corruption Court in Jakarta on Wednesday (24/09). Urbaningrum was found guilty of sustained corruption and repeated money laundering. He was also given a fine of IDR 300 million (USD $25,000). The sentence is much lower than the prosecution’s demand for 15-years imprisonment and therefore it is likely that the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will appeal.

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  • Political Corruption in Indonesia: the Case of Anas Urbaningrum

    Former Chairman of the Democratic Party (Partai Demokrat, PD) Anas Urbaningrum could face 15 years in prison and a fine of IDR 500 million (USD $42,372), or an additional five-month imprisonment, as the Indonesian prosecution finds him guilty of accepting bribes related to several government projects that are (partly) financed by the state budget. In addition to the above, the prosecutor also demands that Urbaningrum compensates the state by reimbursing the IDR 94.2 billion and USD $5.3 million he obtained unlawfully.

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Latest Columns Tenders

  • Oil & Gas Industry: Indonesia to offer Open Bid Split Tender Schemes

    There is few interest from the private sector to participate in Indonesia's oil & gas block tenders. Besides Indonesia's unconducive investment climate (that includes weak government management, bureaucracy, an unclear regulatory framework and legal uncertainty), low global petroleum prices have also managed to curb investors' enthusiasm. In a bid to entice private investors the Indonesian government has decided to change the concept for oil & gas tenders in 2016 from a fixed revenue split to an open bid split scheme.

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  • Government of Indonesia Cancels Construction Cilamaya Seaport

    The government of Indonesia decided to relocate the planned Cilamaya deep seaport project in West Java to a different location (possibly Subang or Indramayu) as the initially proposed location is too closely located to an oil and gas block operated by Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java, a subsidiary of state-owned energy company Pertamina. Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla said that it would be dangerous to construct the seaport close to this block as there is a high likelihood that ships will hit oil and gas rigs.

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  • Soekarno-Hatta Railway Project Indonesia: Tendered to Private Sector

    The Indonesian government changed the funding scheme for the construction of the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Railway project (which will connect Soekarno Hatta International Airport, located nearby Jakarta, and Halim Airport in Jakarta). Previously, it was planned that this project, valued at IDR 26 trillion (USD $2.1 billion), would be offered through a public-private partnership (PPP) construction in which the Indonesian government would finance 55 percent of the costs. Now, however, the project is offered fully to the private sector.

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  • Indonesia’s Quest for Energy Security: 25 Geothermal Projects Tendered

    The Indonesian government plans to tender 25 new geothermal development sites with a total combined capacity of 1,225 megawatt (MW). These 25 projects will require a total of USD $4.6 billion worth of investments and help to achieve the government’s target to raise the portion of geothermal energy in the country’s energy mix to 7.1 percent by 2025. These 25 projects are in addition to the 31 geothermal development projects that are currently being constructed and which should be operational by 2020.

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  • Indonesia Tenders 21 Oil & Gas Blocks; Overview of the Indonesian Oil Sector

    General Director of Oil and Gas at the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Edy Hermantoro said at the 38th IPA Convention and Exhibition on Friday (23/05) that the Indonesian government plans to tender a total of 21 blocks of oil and gas in a first bidding round in 2014. This involves 13 conventional oil and gas blocks and eight non-conventional (shale) oil and gas blocks. The government expects that these oil and gas blocks will add 3.5 billion barrels of oil and 107.7 trillion cubic (tcf) of gas resources.

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