Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Floods

  • January 2014 Inflation of Indonesia Higher than Expected at 1.07%

    Today (03/02), Statistics Indonesia released Indonesia's official inflation rate for January 2014. The monthly inflation rate accelerated to 1.07 percent, which is higher than most analysts had forecast. The main contributor to January's inflation were higher food products prices. Amid high rainfall and severe floods in several parts of Indonesia, disrupted logistics distribution impacted on these prices. The depreciating rupiah exchange rate is also a factor that makes retailers adjust their prices. Annual inflation rate eased from 8.38 percent to 8.22 percent.

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  • Market Waiting for Today's Release of Indonesia's Inflation and Trade Balance

    Today (03/02), Statistics Indonesia (BPS) will release a number of macroeconomic data which are eagerly awaited for by market participants. Most importantly, Indonesia's January 2014 inflation rate and the December 2013 trade balance. These data will have an impact on the performance of Indonesia's rupiah exchange rate and the country's benchmark stock index (IHSG). Monthly inflation in January is expected to range between 0.8 and 1.0 percent, while a trade surplus of about USD $800 million in December is forecast.

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  • Joko Widodo Continues with Social Housing Plans for Jakarta's Urban Poor

    Joko Widodo, who became Governor of Jakarta in 2012 and enjoys much popular support, has high ambitions to turn Jakarta into a better organized city in terms of public transportation, housing and water management. Currently, Indonesia's capital city - which contains about ten million inhabitants - is plagued by continuous traffic jams, annual floods as well as poor and overcrowded housing for the poorer segments of Jakarta's society. Housing which is frequently flooded.

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  • Heavy Rainfall Causes Floods on Jakarta's Arterial Roads Again

    Today, Jakarta was hit again by floods, brought on by heavy rainfall, that reached up to 50 centimeters at some locations and paralyzed part of Jakarta's traffic. Barely two weeks ago, Indonesia's capital city had experienced sustained floods that took the lives of more than 20 people and resulted in losses totaling US $3.3 billion. It might not be Jakarta's last day of floods as the rainy weather conditions are forecast to continue in February.

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  • Indonesia's January Inflation Rate Increases by 1.03 Percent

    Today, Statistics Indonesia (BPS), a non-departmental government institute, stated that the inflation rate of January increased due to the government's decision to raise electricity tariffs and due to massive floods in Jakarta and other cities. January's headline inflation is 1.03 percent. The year-on-year inflation rate now stands at 4.57 percent; still within Indonesia's Central Bank's target of 4.5 ±1 percent.

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Latest Columns Floods

  • Looking Back at 2017: Again Many Natural Disasters in Indonesia

    In full-year 2017 a total of 2,341 natural disasters occurred in Indonesia according to the country's National Disaster Mitigation Agency (in Indonesian: Badan Koordinasi Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana, or BNPB). Natural disasters include landslides, floods, storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.

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  • Manufacturing in Indonesia (HSBC PMI) Accelerates in April 2014

    Indonesia’s HSBC Markit Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) showed a reading of 51.1 in April 2014, significantly up from 50.1 in the previous month, meaning that manufacturing activity in Indonesia has grown (a reading above 50.0 indicates expansion, while a reading below 50.0 indicates contraction). In fact, amid improved economic conditions as well as strong demand, manufacturing activity in Southeast Asia’s largest economy expanded at the fastest pace in 11 months.

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  • Jakarta's Giant Sea Wall & National Capital Integrated Coastal Development

    The Indonesian government is still studying the feasibility study for the National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) masterplan. The NCICD masterplan, a joint project between the governments of Indonesia and the Netherlands, aims to protect the capital city of Jakarta against floods caused by high tides and faciliates sustainable development of Jakarta. The masterplan is developed by a consortium headed by Witteveen+Bos (main contractor) and Grontmij, with subconsultants KuiperCompagnons, Deltares, Ecorys and Triple-A.

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  • Along Slowing Economy and Floods Indonesia's Cement Sales Decline

    Indonesia's cement sales in January 2014 declined 1 percent to 4.65 million metric tons from the same month in 2013 (4.68 million metric tons). The decline was caused by severe floods brought about by high rainfall amid a peak in Indonesia's rainy season. The floods resulted in disrupted distribution networks, therefore blocking cement shipments to retailers. Moreover, these weather conditions caused the postponement of several construction activities, thus reducing demand for cement.

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  • Inflation Update January 2014: Analysis of Indonesia's 1.07% of Inflation

    The pace of Indonesia's monthly January inflation rate was higher in 2014 than in the same month during the past five years. This relatively high inflation rate this year, recorded at 1.07 percent, was caused by severe rainfall and floods in several parts of Indonesia (particularly in the cities of Jakarta and Manado) amid the peak of the rainy season. These weather-related circumstances impacted on prices of food products as distribution channels were disrupted, thus giving rise to increasing prices. Annual inflation, however, slightly eased.

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