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Latest Reports Economic Package

  • Policy Package Bank Indonesia to Safeguard Rupiah Stability & Enhance Management

    After the government of Indonesia unveiled the second installment of its economic policy package on Tuesday (29/09), the central bank (Bank Indonesia) followed suit by releasing a rupiah exchange rate stabilization package on Wednesday (30/09). Bank Indonesia’s package has three main pillars: (1) safeguarding rupiah rate stability, (2) strengthening rupiah liquidity management, and (3) strengthening foreign exchange supply and demand management.

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  • Economic Policy Package Indonesia: Bonded Zones & Import Tax Cut

    The second installment of Indonesia's September economic policy package, unveiled on Tuesday (29/09), received a warmer response from market participants compared to the first one (released on 9 September), evidenced by rebounding stocks and a stronger rupiah rate yesterday. Indonesia's latest policy package involves interest rate tax cuts for exporters, the speeding up of investment licensing for investment in industrial estates, and a relaxation of taxes on imports of capital goods in industrial estates and in the aviation industry.

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  • President Joko Widodo to Announce Second Economic Policy Package Tomorrow

    Indonesian President Joko Widodo, often called Jokowi, is set to announce the second economic policy package on Tuesday (29/09) at the State Palace in Jakarta according to Indonesian Chief Economics Minister Darmin Nasution. Reportedly, the second package will focus primarily on boosting the competitiveness of Indonesian exports and the attractiveness of Indonesia as an investment destination.

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  • Bank Indonesia Set to Announce Policy Package to Support Rupiah

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) is set to announce the second installment of a policy package that aims at raising onshore US dollar supplies (and liquidity). As the rupiah has been the second worst-performing Asian emerging market currency (after Malaysia’s ringgit), having depreciated 18.1 percent against the US dollar so far in 2015, Indonesian policymakers are anxious to prop up the ailing currency in order to safeguard the country’s financial stability. Bank Indonesia's benchmark rupiah rate (Jakarta Interbank Spot Dollar Rate, abbreviated JISDOR) stood at IDR 14,690 per US dollar on Friday (25/09), a 17-year low.

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  • President Joko Widodo Unveils Indonesia’s 1st Economic Policy Package

    On Wednesday afternoon, Indonesian President Joko Widodo unveiled some details of the new economic policy package, involving major deregulation measures, that had been announced last week by Chief Economics Minister Darmin Nasution. This package aims - on the medium to long term - to boost Indonesia’s sluggish economy.

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  • Indonesian Government Implements 3rd Fiscal Stimulus Package in July

    The Indonesian government plans to introduce its 3rd fiscal policy package, aimed at boosting investments in Indonesia, this month. Deputy Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said that it involves tax incentives (tax allowance and tax holidays). The government will also make it more attractive for foreign companies to re-invest profits in Indonesia. Coordinating Economic Minister Chairul Tanjung added that a dividend tax exemption for both domestic and foreign investors is possible, provided that dividend is re-invested in Indonesian assets.

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Latest Columns Economic Package

  • What are the Stimulus Measures in Indonesia's Third Economic Policy Package?

    The government of Indonesia unveiled the last installment of a series of three stimulus packages on Wednesday (07/10). The first two installments had been unveiled last month. In general, these stimulus packages aim to boost economic growth of Indonesia (which has slowed to a six-year low) and restore investors' confidence in the Indonesian rupiah and stocks. When markets believed that the Federal Reserve would soon raise its key interest rate, Indonesia was plagued by severe capital outflows pushing the rupiah to a 17-year low.

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  • Second Installment Economic Policy Package Indonesia

    The government of Indonesia unveiled the second installment of its September economic policy package on Tuesday (29/09). The package is introduced in an attempt to boost economic growth in Southeast Asia’s largest economy and defend the ailing rupiah. Indonesia’s GDP growth slowed to a six-year low of 4.67 percent (y/y) in Q2-2015, while the rupiah has depreciated to a 17-year low against the US dollar. Capital outflows from Indonesia are the result of monetary tightening in the USA, low commodity prices and sluggish global economic growth (particularly China’s hard landing).

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  • Economic Policy Package Indonesia: What are the Stimulus Measures?

    In response to the ailing global economy, Indonesian President Joko Widodo has unveiled a new economic policy package that aims to boost economic growth of Indonesia amid a highly uncertain global context. On Wednesday (09/09), Joko Widodo (often called Jokowi) provided some details about the first phase of this new stimulus package during a speech at the State Palace in Jakarta.

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