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Latest Reports Steel Import

  • Steel Imports from China into Indonesia Surged in 2015

    Indonesia's steel and iron producers urge the government to limit imports of steel into Indonesia as these imports are a burden on the domestic steel industry. Data from the Indonesian Iron and Steel Industry Association (IISIA) show that steel imports from China - the world's largest steel producer - into Indonesia jumped 94 percent year-on-year (y/y) to 3 million tons in 2015. This surge is particularly caused by foreign contractors working on infrastructure projects in Indonesia.

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  • Update on Indonesia's Steel Manufacturing Industry

    Demand for steel in Indonesia is expected to rise in 2016 on enhanced infrastructure development. However, the majority of steel - approximately 60 percent of total demand in Indonesia - is still being imported from abroad (primarily China). Gusti Putu Suryawirawan, Director for Base Metal Industries at Indonesia's Industry Ministry, said the government is eager to support the domestic steel manufacturing industry in order to avert further domination of foreign manufactured steel on the Indonesian market.

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  • Steel Industry Indonesia Still Plagued by Chinese Competition

    The overall capacity utilization of Indonesia's steel industry could grow to 80 percent from 50 percent currently. However, it will require government support. Hidayat Triseputro, Executive Director of the Indonesian Iron and Steel Industry Association (IISIA), is optimistic this target can be achieved as the government's push for infrastructure development is showing positive signs (in the second half of 2015 there have been more groundbreaking ceremonies for large government-led infrastructure projects across the country).

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  • Indonesia to Impose Anti-Dumping Import Duties on Steel Products

    The government of Indonesia plans to introduce a 15 percent anti-dumping duty on steel to prevent massive steel imports thus supporting Indonesia’s domestic steel industry. Indonesia is not the first country to introduce anti-dumping import duties on steel products. China imposed anti-dumping duties on certain stainless steel tubes from Japan and the European Union (thereby increasing the global steel oversupply), while Malaysia imposed anti-dumping duties on hot rolled coils imported from China and Indonesia.

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Latest Columns Steel Import

  • Can Trump's Steel Tariffs Cause Rising Steel Imports in Indonesia?

    Concerns over a trade war are rising as the European Union (EU) plans to impose a 25 percent retaliatory import tariff on various US products, ranging from clothes to motorcycles, if US President Donald Trump indeed goes ahead with his plan to impose a 25 percent import tariff on steel imports and a 10 percent tariff on aluminum imports.

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  • Steel Price Rises but China and Other Steel Producing Nations Divided

    The price of steel has surged 20 percent to USD $365 per ton in April 2016 from USD $305 per ton at the start of the year. The primary reason for the higher steel price is China's plan to curtail the country's installed steel production capacity by a further 150 million tons over the next five years. In recent years the steel price has dropped significantly due to the global oversupply, mainly originating from the chronic steel oversupply in China where domestic demand declined amid the nation's economic slowdown.

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  • No Anti-Dumping Duties on Steel Imports for Indonesia's Automotive Sector

    The Indonesian government approved the request of Indonesia's automotive sector to be exempted from the anti-dumping duties that have been imposed on imports of steel from specific countries. Through Finance Ministry Regulation No. 65/2013 on Anti-Import Duties, the government set import duties - ranging between 7 and 55.6 percent - for steel imports from China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam in an effort to protect the domestic steel manufacturing industry amid a global steel oversupply (particularly caused by a supply glut in China).

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