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Latest Reports House of Representatives

  • Analysis of Quick Count Results of the Indonesian Legislative Election 2014

    No Indonesian political party managed to secure a majority in the legislative election that was held on Wednesday (09/04). Based on various quick counts (that have proved to be reliable in previous elections), the election was won by the PDI-P (19 percent), followed by Golkar (15 percent) and Gerindra (12 percent). This outcome implies that political parties will need to form coalitions in order to be able to nominate a presidential candidate for Indonesia's presidential election that is scheduled for 9 July 2014.

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  • Update Indonesia's Legislative Election of 2014; Live Quick Count in Progress

    After the polling stations closed at 13:00 local time on Wednesday (09/04), the quick count for Indonesia's 2014 legislative election has started. Contrary to previous election years, the General Election Commission (KPU) will not release the official results of the election quickly. The official outcome of the 2014 parliamentary election is expected to be announced on 9 May 2014. Below, the preliminary results of the quick count are presented. These scores may still be updated as new data come in.

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  • Update Indonesia Elections 2014; Parliamentary Election 9 April 2014

    Today (Wednesday 09/04), the people of Indonesia will choose their representatives for the national and regional legislative institutions. Polling stations have been open since 07:00 local time. Although there are about 190 million Indonesians who are eligible to vote (out of a total population of around 250 million), the turnout may be much lower. At stake are 560 seats in the House of Representatives (DPR), 132 seats in the Regional Consultative Council (DPD), and about 19,000 local government positions.

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  • New Macroeconomic Assumptions in Indonesia's Revised State Budget

    After a long plenary session on Monday (17/06), Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) and the government have agreed to the revised 2013 State Budget (APBN-P). The revision was needed as original macroeconomic assumptions began to fall out of tune with reality. Due to global and domestic conditions a number of assumptions needed to revised down. Most controversial decision that was taken is the increase in price of subsidized fuel by 44 percent to IDR 6,500 (USD $0.66) per liter.

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  • Indonesia's House of Representatives Approves Price Hike Subsidized Fuel

    Late on Monday evening (17/06), the increase in the price of subsidized fuel, as stated in Law No. 19/2012, was approved by Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) through a voting session as political parties could not agree collectively on the price hike as well as on cash programs for the poor to mitigate effects of the higher fuel price. Demonstrations against the price hike were staged in various regions. In Medan (North Sumatra), Jambi (Central Sumatra) and Ternate (North Moluccas), it led to clashes between the police force and protestors.

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  • No Decision Yet on Price Increase Indonesia's Subsidized Fuel

    The plenary session of Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) is still ongoing as the various political parties could not agree yet on the increase in the price of subsidized fuel. Five political parties agree to the price hike, while four others have rejected it. If the political parties can not agree to the proposal, then it will be decided by individual voting starting from midnight (Indonesian time). The price hike has been long awaited as a measure to relieve pressure on Indonesia's budget deficit.

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  • Indonesian Government Announces Subsidized Fuel Price Hike on Monday

    Today (15/06), it was reported in Indonesia's media that the government will announce details regarding the new price of subsidized fuel on Monday (17/06) after a plenary session of the House of Representatives (DPR). The Union of Indonesian Workers (Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia) has announced that it will stage a large demonstration on 17 or 18 June at the DPR/MPR building (the seat of the government) in Indonesia's capital city as well as smaller demonstrations in various cities across the archipelago.

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  • Indonesian Government and Commission XI Agree on Budget Revision

    The Indonesian government and Commission XI of the House of Representatives (DPR) agreed on several macroeconomic projections for the 2013 Revised State Budget (RAPBN-P 2013). The government requested a number of modifications to the 2013 State Budget as earlier assumptions, mentioned in the original 2013 State Budget, were not in line with the current economic conditions. Before reaching the agreement, fractions in the commission changed a number of proposed revisions of the government.

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  • Garuda Indonesia Plans Expansion through Rights Issue in Semester II-2013

    State-controlled airline Garuda Indonesia plans to raise capital through a rights issue in semester II of this year. Funds assembled through this issue will be used to expand the company's fleet. In 2011, Garuda issued 30 percent of its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IHSG) although the House of Representatives (DPR) had in fact approved up to 40 percent. The remaining 10 percent will thus be sold this year.

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Latest Columns House of Representatives

  • Battle Jokowi-Prabowo; Democratic Future of Indonesia in Jeopardy?

    More and more concerns have arisen recently regarding the democratic future of Indonesia. In fact, some media have reported that an impeachment of president-elect Joko Widodo, who will assume office on 20 October 2014, could become a reality as opposition in parliament - led by controversial and vindictive former army general Prabowo Subianto - is large. The Merah-Putih coalition, referring to the coalition of political parties that supported Subianto in the presidential election (which he narrowly lost to Widodo) will control 353 of the 560 seats in parliament.

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  • Indonesia’s House Approves 2015 State Budget; Budget Deficit 2.21% of GDP

    Indonesia’s House of Representatives (DPR) approved the 2015 State Budget on Monday (29/09) that was proposed by the outgoing President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono administration. The budget deficit is now set at IDR 245.9 trillion (USD $20.5 billion), equivalent to 2.21 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), and lower than the 2.32 percent of GDP proposed by the government in both the Financial Memorandum and the Revised 2015 State Budget. However, the accepted budget deficit is still high compared to previous years.

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  • Government and Parliament Agree on Indonesian Revised 2014 State Budget

    In a plenary session of Indonesia’s House of Representatives (DPR) on Wednesday evening (18/06), the parliament approved the government’s proposed revised state budget of 2014 (RAPBN-P 2014). Prior to this approval, the revision had already been discussed for a month between the House of Representatives’ Budget Committee (Banggar) and the government. Almost all components of the 2014 State Budget have been revised from the government’s earlier assumptions.

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  • Preliminary Analysis Parliamentary Election Result in Indonesia

    Although several quick counts of today's legislative election in Indonesia still continue, the big picture is clear. The current opposition party PDI-P will win Indonesia's 2014 parliamentary election, followed by Golkar and Gerindra. This is no surprise as most surveys that were released ahead of the election indicated that these three political parties would be the major contenders. As a whole, the election went relatively smoothly, with only a few minor incidents. The official result will be announced on 9 May 2014.

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  • Indonesia Stock Index Continues Recovery after Fuel Subsidy Decision

    Despite mixed Asian stock indices because of negative news from China and Japan, certainty about the increase in the price of Indonesia’s subsidized fuel after the plenary meeting of the House of Representatives (DPR) on Monday (17/06) formed a pillar of support for Indonesia’s main stock index (IHSG) on Tuesday’s trading day (18/06). Investors took the opportunity to buy stocks, particularly Indonesia’s big cap stocks, after these had experienced significant falls last week due to profit taking actions amid an uncertain market.

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  • Small Gain for the IHSG Despite Uncertainty about Subsidized Fuel Price

    Despite weakening stock indices in the United States on Friday (14/06), most Asian indices were up on Monday (17/06) and impacted positively on the main index of Indonesia (IHSG). On the other hand, market participants are still waiting for the outcome of the plenary session of Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) regarding the approval of the increase in the price of subsidized fuel. The market is speculating that the price increase will be approved even though a number of political parties oppose the plan.

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  • Agus Martowardojo Nominated for Governor of Indonesia's Central Bank

    President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has nominated Agus D.W. Martowardojo, currently serving as Finance minister, to replace Darmin Nasution as governor of Bank Indonesia, Indonesia's central bank. Nasution, who has been governor since September 2010, will see his term end in May this year. To become the next governor, Martowardojo still needs approval of Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR), and that might be a bottleneck.

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