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Latest Reports Natural Disasters

  • Floods, LPG and Electricity Tariffs Impact on Indonesia's January Inflation

    Contrary to reports last week, the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) expects that the country's January inflation rate may exceed 1 percent due to the disturbance of food products distribution amid severe floods in several cities in Indonesia, particularly Jakarta and Manado. Higher food prices are expected to add 0.3 percent to the monthly inflation rate. Apart from the flood issue, higher LPG as well as electricity tariffs (in the industry sector) will also contribute to January 2014 inflation.

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  • Indonesia Plagued by Flooding; Impact on January Inflation Still Uncertain

    Indonesia's Ministry of Finance is optimistic that the country's inflation rate can be kept at 5.5 percent in 2014 as demand and supply of goods is expected to remain stable although the depreciating rupiah exchange rate and weak state of the country's infrastructure will continue to provide inflationary pressures. Deputy Finance Minister Bambang PS Brodjonegoro expects inflation in January 2014 to be lower than in the same month last year (1.03 percent) but it remains uncertain the extent to which the current floods will impact on the inflation rate.

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  • Indonesia's High Rainfall Can Lead to Inflationary Pressures in January

    Traditionally in the first month of the year, heavy rainfalls plague certain areas of Indonesia, particularly parts of Java, Kalimantan and Sumatra as the rainy season hits its peak. These weather conditions cause social problems as tens of thousands of people need to relocate as well as economic turmoil due to disrupted harvests and logistic trouble amid bad connectivity. Governor of Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia), Agus Martowardojo, stated that the current weather conditions may result in higher inflationary pressures in January.

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  • Heavy Rainfall Causes Floods on Jakarta's Arterial Roads Again

    Today, Jakarta was hit again by floods, brought on by heavy rainfall, that reached up to 50 centimeters at some locations and paralyzed part of Jakarta's traffic. Barely two weeks ago, Indonesia's capital city had experienced sustained floods that took the lives of more than 20 people and resulted in losses totaling US $3.3 billion. It might not be Jakarta's last day of floods as the rainy weather conditions are forecast to continue in February.

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  • Indonesia's January Inflation Rate Increases by 1.03 Percent

    Today, Statistics Indonesia (BPS), a non-departmental government institute, stated that the inflation rate of January increased due to the government's decision to raise electricity tariffs and due to massive floods in Jakarta and other cities. January's headline inflation is 1.03 percent. The year-on-year inflation rate now stands at 4.57 percent; still within Indonesia's Central Bank's target of 4.5 ±1 percent.

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Latest Columns Natural Disasters

  • Earthquake & Tsunami: Restrictions on Foreign Aid Workers & How to Protect Oneself against Natural Disasters

    After the devastating 6.9 and 7.4-magnitude earthquakes in Lombok and Central Sulawesi in August and September, local people and businessmen have again been made aware of the risks involved when living, working and investing in Indonesia, a country that is located on the notorious Ring of Fire. This Ring of Fire is a major area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean, a center of seismic activity - triggered by tectonic movements - and thus prone to frequent earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.

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  • New Major Earthquakes Strike Lombok

    While residents on the island of Lombok were still in the process of recovering from the deadly earthquakes in late July 2018, the area was again hit by a series of devastating earthquakes in August.

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  • Looking Back at 2017: Again Many Natural Disasters in Indonesia

    In full-year 2017 a total of 2,341 natural disasters occurred in Indonesia according to the country's National Disaster Mitigation Agency (in Indonesian: Badan Koordinasi Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana, or BNPB). Natural disasters include landslides, floods, storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.

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  • Environment & Natural Disasters in Indonesia: Forest Fires Season Started

    A year ago - between June and October 2015 - severe man-made forest fires on the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan released some 11.3 million tons of carbon per day, caused Indonesia to experience damages estimated at 1.9 percent of GDP (World Bank estimate), and spread toxic haze to other parts of Southeast Asia. Not only its regional neighbors but most of the world directed its anger at Indonesian authorities that failed to combat the fires, and more importantly, failed to uphold laws that forbid the slash-and-burn practice.

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  • Forecasts Suggest that New El Niño Cycle May Be Rather Strong in 2014

    Australia's Bureau of Meteorology is increasingly convinced that the world needs to prepare for a new El Niño cycle. According to the institution, the impact of this new cycle will be felt starting from July 2014 and may continue through the winter. Also the European Center for Medium range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) and the US Climate Prediction Center stated that chances of a new El Niño cycle in 2014 are becoming higher, although it is too early to provide an indication of this year's strength of the weather phenomenon.

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  • Eruption Mount Kelud Volcano Causes Chaos in Central and East Java

    After the Mount Sinabung volcano (located in North Sumatra) has been erupting continously since September 2013 leading to 17 casualties and tens of thousands of evacuees, another Indonesian volcano - Mount Kelud (in East Java) - erupted around 22:50 West Indonesian Time on Thursday evening (13/02). Only hours prior to the eruption, the alert status of Mount Kelud was raised by the National Volcanology Agency. There have been six confirmed deaths. Volcanic ash and rocks have been thrown over a wide distance.

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  • Tourism in Indonesia: One of Indonesia's Untapped Potentials? (Part I)

    Whenever the topic of tourism in Indonesia is touched upon, most people will instantly think of Bali. This small but famous island harbors all sorts of entertainment that will appeal to various segments of international tourism: beautiful landscapes, Balinese Hinduism, lively nightclubs, beaches and more. But apart from Bali - and despite the fact that Indonesia has much to offer on other islands - the country has disappointed in attracting a large amount of foreign tourists so far.

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