Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports DPR

  • Indonesian Government Expects IPO of two Plantation Companies in 2014

    The government of Indonesia expects to list two state-owned enterprises on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2014. Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Dahlan Iskan announced that the two companies involve Perkebunan Nusantara III and Perkebunan Nusantara IV. The main reason behind conducting the initial public offerings (IPOs) is to reap funds for further expansion. The IPO plan needs to be approved first by the Privatization Committee, under the wings of the Ministry of Economy, and then by the House of Representatives (DPR).

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  • Indonesia's Electricity Tariffs Raised to Curb Energy Subsidy Spending

    Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), Indonesia's state-owned company that has a monopoly on the supply and distribution of electricity in Indonesia, introduces the final installment of this year's electricity price hike today (01/10). Electricity tariffs are raised by 4.3 percent each quarter of 2013 as the government tries to curb huge energy subsidies. Poorer households (450 to 900 VA) are not affected by these price adjustments. After the price hikes in January, April, July and October, electricity tariffs will have risen about 15 percent in total in 2013.

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  • Indonesia's Fuel Subsidy Policy: New Fuel Prices Effective from Saturday

    Both Industry minister M.S. Hidayat and Economic minister Hatta Rajasa confirmed that on Friday (21/06) the government will announce the increase in price of subsidized fuel after it had already been approved by the House of Representatives (DPR) last Monday (17/06). Immediately after the announcement, the price of fuel is set to be raised. It has been reported that the government's announcement will be revealed at midnight, implying that the price hike is effective starting from Saturday.

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  • New Macroeconomic Assumptions in Indonesia's Revised State Budget

    After a long plenary session on Monday (17/06), Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) and the government have agreed to the revised 2013 State Budget (APBN-P). The revision was needed as original macroeconomic assumptions began to fall out of tune with reality. Due to global and domestic conditions a number of assumptions needed to revised down. Most controversial decision that was taken is the increase in price of subsidized fuel by 44 percent to IDR 6,500 (USD $0.66) per liter.

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  • Indonesia's House of Representatives Approves Price Hike Subsidized Fuel

    Late on Monday evening (17/06), the increase in the price of subsidized fuel, as stated in Law No. 19/2012, was approved by Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) through a voting session as political parties could not agree collectively on the price hike as well as on cash programs for the poor to mitigate effects of the higher fuel price. Demonstrations against the price hike were staged in various regions. In Medan (North Sumatra), Jambi (Central Sumatra) and Ternate (North Moluccas), it led to clashes between the police force and protestors.

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  • No Decision Yet on Price Increase Indonesia's Subsidized Fuel

    The plenary session of Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) is still ongoing as the various political parties could not agree yet on the increase in the price of subsidized fuel. Five political parties agree to the price hike, while four others have rejected it. If the political parties can not agree to the proposal, then it will be decided by individual voting starting from midnight (Indonesian time). The price hike has been long awaited as a measure to relieve pressure on Indonesia's budget deficit.

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  • Indonesian Government Announces Subsidized Fuel Price Hike on Monday

    Today (15/06), it was reported in Indonesia's media that the government will announce details regarding the new price of subsidized fuel on Monday (17/06) after a plenary session of the House of Representatives (DPR). The Union of Indonesian Workers (Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia) has announced that it will stage a large demonstration on 17 or 18 June at the DPR/MPR building (the seat of the government) in Indonesia's capital city as well as smaller demonstrations in various cities across the archipelago.

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  • Indonesian Government Raises Royalty Fees in the Coal Mining Sector

    In order to increase government revenues, the Indonesian government announced that, starting from 2014, coal miners that have a Mining Business License (Izin Usaha Pertambangan/IUP) will have to pay a higher royalty fee to the central government. The decision was made during a meeting between the government and Commission XI of the House of Representatives (DPR) this week. The new royalty policy, which was originally planned to be introduced this year, is expected to result in an increase of IDR 4 trillion (USD $408.2 million) in state revenues.

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  • Rajasa: Indonesian Government Targets GDP Growth of 6.2% in Q2-2013

    Indonesia's minister of Economy, Ir. M. Hatta Rajasa, stated that the government of Indonesia intends to realize economic growth of at least 6.2 percent in the second quarter of 2013 in order to remain on track for 6.3 percent growth for full year 2013. Although he reminded that it will take hard effort to realize this target, his message contained more optimism than Finance minister Chatib Basri's statement earlier this week who sees 6.0 percent of economic growth as the limit in Q2-2013.

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  • Indonesian Government and Commission XI Agree on Budget Revision

    The Indonesian government and Commission XI of the House of Representatives (DPR) agreed on several macroeconomic projections for the 2013 Revised State Budget (RAPBN-P 2013). The government requested a number of modifications to the 2013 State Budget as earlier assumptions, mentioned in the original 2013 State Budget, were not in line with the current economic conditions. Before reaching the agreement, fractions in the commission changed a number of proposed revisions of the government.

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Latest Columns DPR

  • Government & House of Representatives Discuss Tax Reform Bill

    The COVID-19 pandemic made governments around the world impose severe social and business restrictions, thus contributing heavily to the unprecedented decline in economic activity. To maintain society’s support, governments subsequently had to spend heavily on social assistance, soft loans, and various fiscal incentives to keep most businesses alive and allow poorer segments of society to have enough to eat.

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  • Indonesia's House Passes Tax Amnesty Bill & Revised State Budget

    In a plenary session on Tuesday (28/06), Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) passed the controversial Tax Amnesty Bill into law as well as the revised 2016 state budget. The Indonesian government will be relieved to see the Tax Amnesty Bill come into effect on 1 July 2016 (ending in May 2017) as it expects the bill to boost tax revenue this year by IDR 165 trillion (approx. USD $12.4 billion). Through tax incentives and the pardoning of tax crimes, the tax amnesty program makes it attractive for tax evaders to declare their offshore assets and repatriate these into Indonesia.

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  • Indonesian Stocks Climb on Capital Injections in State-Owned Companies

    After being in negative territory for quite a while, the benchmark stock index of Indonesia (Jakarta Composite Index) finished 0.13 percent higher at the end of the trading day. In line with the major stock indices in the Asia-Pacific region, Indonesia’s main index climbed although gains were limited as investors are concerned about failed discussions between the Greek government and its creditors in the Eurozone. However, positive sentiments were still felt due to capital injections in Indonesian state-owned companies.

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  • Battle Jokowi-Prabowo; Democratic Future of Indonesia in Jeopardy?

    More and more concerns have arisen recently regarding the democratic future of Indonesia. In fact, some media have reported that an impeachment of president-elect Joko Widodo, who will assume office on 20 October 2014, could become a reality as opposition in parliament - led by controversial and vindictive former army general Prabowo Subianto - is large. The Merah-Putih coalition, referring to the coalition of political parties that supported Subianto in the presidential election (which he narrowly lost to Widodo) will control 353 of the 560 seats in parliament.

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  • Indonesia’s House Approves 2015 State Budget; Budget Deficit 2.21% of GDP

    Indonesia’s House of Representatives (DPR) approved the 2015 State Budget on Monday (29/09) that was proposed by the outgoing President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono administration. The budget deficit is now set at IDR 245.9 trillion (USD $20.5 billion), equivalent to 2.21 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), and lower than the 2.32 percent of GDP proposed by the government in both the Financial Memorandum and the Revised 2015 State Budget. However, the accepted budget deficit is still high compared to previous years.

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  • Insurance Business in Indonesia: Foreign Investment still Welcome

    Indonesian parliament (DPR) decided not to limit foreign ownership in Indonesian insurance companies. Currently, foreigners can have an 80 percent stake in a local insurance company. A new insurance bill on this matter is expected to be passed in a plenary session next month. This bill will enable foreign investors to continue to own local insurance companies through the share-purchase mechanism at the Indonesia stock exchange (IDX). Another important point in the new bill involves the legal entity of the local insurance firm.

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  • Government and Parliament Agree on Indonesian Revised 2014 State Budget

    In a plenary session of Indonesia’s House of Representatives (DPR) on Wednesday evening (18/06), the parliament approved the government’s proposed revised state budget of 2014 (RAPBN-P 2014). Prior to this approval, the revision had already been discussed for a month between the House of Representatives’ Budget Committee (Banggar) and the government. Almost all components of the 2014 State Budget have been revised from the government’s earlier assumptions.

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  • Preliminary Analysis Parliamentary Election Result in Indonesia

    Although several quick counts of today's legislative election in Indonesia still continue, the big picture is clear. The current opposition party PDI-P will win Indonesia's 2014 parliamentary election, followed by Golkar and Gerindra. This is no surprise as most surveys that were released ahead of the election indicated that these three political parties would be the major contenders. As a whole, the election went relatively smoothly, with only a few minor incidents. The official result will be announced on 9 May 2014.

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  • Parliamentary Election in Indonesia; Overview of Popular Political Parties

    On Wednesday 9 April 2014, the Indonesian electorate (consisting of about 190 million people out of a total population of around 250 million) will vote for both the country's national and regional legislatures. This legislative election also bears a big influence on the presidential election that is scheduled for 9 July 2014 as a minimum of 25 percent of the popular vote in the legislative election (or 20 percent of seats in the House of Representatives, DPR) gives a party the authority to nominate a presidential candidate.

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  • Paving the Way for Geothermal Energy Development in Indonesia

    Asep Sugiharta, an official at the Ministry of Forestry, said that a new bill has been submitted to Indonesia's parliament (DPR) which is expected to open up the potential for geothermal power development in Indonesia. Currently, geothermal exploitation is lawfully defined as a 'mining activity' (Law No. 27 2003) and therefore prohibited to be conducted in protected forest and conservation areas (Law No. 41 1999), even though geothermal mining activities have a relatively small impact on the environment (compared to other mining activities).

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