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Latest Reports Energy

  • Election Indonesia: Last Debate Subianto-Rajasa vs Jokowi-Kalla

    On Saturday 5 July 2014, the fifth presidential debate between the two presidential pairs took place. Candidates Prabowo Subianto (joined by running mate Hatta Rajasa) and Joko “Jokowi” Widodo (joined by running mate Jusuf Kalla) faced off in the last debate. The theme of this debate was 'energy, food security and environment'. Sudharto P. Hadi, Professor of Sociology at the Diponegoro University in Semarang (Central Java) was the moderator. On Wednesday 9 July 2014, the Indonesian people will go to the ballot boxes to elect their next leader.

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  • Growing Fuel and Electricity Subsidies Burden Indonesia's State Budget

    One of Indonesia's main fiscal problems is the ever increasing amount of public funds spent on energy subsidies (these include fuels and electricity subsidies). These subsidies aim to support the poorer segments of Indonesian society but several studies conclude that it are in fact the middle class and elite segments that benefit the most of these energy subsidies. Furthermore, by keeping energy prices artificially low, the government distorts the economy by creating a more-or-less 'false economy'.

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  • What is on the Political Agenda of Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto?

    With the presidential election of Indonesia (scheduled for 9 July) becoming a battle between Governor of Jakarta Joko Widodo, popularly known as Jokowi, and former army general and Suharto crony Prabowo Subianto, it is worth taking a closer look into the ideas and policies that both candidates would like to implement if elected as the next Indonesian president, as well as their stance on specific economic issues. The viewpoints that are mentioned below are based on the documents that both parties provided to the General Election Commission.

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  • Coal Production of Indonesia at 147 Million Tons in First Four Months of 2014

    An official at Indonesia's Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources stated that the production of coal in the first four months of 2014 grew five percent (year-on-year) to 147 million tons. As such, the country is still on track to meet this year's coal production target of 426 million tons. Exports of Indonesian coal totaled 109 million tons in the January-April 2014 period, while the remainder (38 million tons) was sold on the domestic market. Indonesia, Southeast Asia's largest economy, is one of the world's largest producers and exporters of coal.

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  • Indonesia Needs less Energy Subsidies, more Green Infrastructure Investment

    Indonesian vice president Boediono stated at the opening of the two-day Green Infrastructure Summit in Jakarta (29/04) that Indonesia's heavily subsidized energy prices might be the key reason why the country has failed to make its development policy more environment friendly. According to Boediono, a national consensus - involving the central and regional governments, businesses, lawmakers and other stakeholders - is needed to systematically curb Indonesia's large energy subsidies.

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  • Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN): Indonesia's Largest Gas Company

    An updated company profile of Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) is presented in the Indonesian Companies section. PGN, a government controlled enterprise, is Indonesia's largest natural gas transportation and distribution company. The company and its subsidiaries developed and currently operate a distribution network that extends for 3,950 kilometers as well as a 2,047 kilometer-long transmission pipeline network. Perusahaan Gas Negara is positioned among the largest listed Indonesian companies in terms of market capitalization.

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  • Still No End in Sight to Indonesia's Declining Oil Production

    SKK Migas, Indonesia's upstream oil and gas regulator, announced that oil production in 2013 averaged 825,000 barrels per day (bpd), thus falling short of the target (840,000 bps) set in the State Budget (APBN). Meanwhile, the country's gas production averaged 1,218,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd), short of its target (1,240,000 boepd). As a result, total state revenues from the country's oil & gas sector also fell short of the government's target. In 2013, these revenues totaled USD $31.4 billion instead of USD $31.7 billion.

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  • Government Aims to Limit Coal Production of Indonesia in 2014

    Chairman of the Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI) Bob Kamandanu expects that Indonesia's coal production will decline about 5 percent to 400 million tons in 2014 after the government asked miners to scale back production rates in order to safeguard future domestic supplies as the country needs sufficient energy resources for its future energy supply. Amid low domestic demand, the government asked Indonesian coal mining companies to limit the country's total coal output at 397 million metric tons.

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  • Ministry: Coal Production of Indonesia Reaches 421 Million Tons in 2013

    Indonesia's Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources stated that domestic production of coal in Southeast Asia's largest economy reached 421 million tons in 2013. This implies a 7.6 percent growth in production from the previous year (391 million tons). R. Sukhyar, General Director of Mineral and Coal within the Ministry said that Indonesia's production of coal in 2014 is likely to exceed 400 million tons again as global demand for this fossil fuel remains strong. Indonesia is one of the world's largest producers and exporters of coal.

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  • Indonesian Vertically Integrated Energy Producer: Exploitasi Energi Indonesia

    Indonesia Investments added the preliminary company profile of Exploitasi Energi Indonesia. The company, a vertically-integrated energy company, is engaged in coal production & trading, coal logistics & transportation, and power generation. Currently, most of its revenue is derived from its coal mining activities. However, in the years ahead it intends to focus more on turning electricity generation into its main source of revenue. It has a long-term coal supply contract with state electricity company Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN).

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Latest Columns Energy