Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Scandals

  • Wiretapping Scandal Cools Relations between Indonesia and Australia

    Relations between Indonesia and Australia have cooled considerably after it became known that Australia's Intelligence Service agency tried to follow telephone conversations of various high positioned Indonesian politicians as well as their inner circle, including President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, his wife Kristiani Herawati and vice-president Boediono, for 15 days in August 2009. This information became known a few days ago due to leaked documents by whistleblower Edward Snowden.

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  • Another High Profile Corruption Case in Indonesia's Judiciary: Akil Mochtar

    Indonesia's credentials in terms of corruption eradication received another blow when Akil Mochtar, the chief justice of Indonesia's Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi), was detained by the country's Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on Wednesday evening (02/10). Allegedly, Mochtar accepted a bribe to influence the court's ruling on the Gunung Mas election dispute in Central Kalimantan. In this regional election, Hambit Bintih (together with Arton S. Dohong) was re-elected as district head of Gunung Mas.

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  • Huge Forest Fires on Sumatra Endanger Singapore's Health and Economy

    Forest fires on the Indonesian island Sumatra have brought severe smog over Singapore's skyline for the past five days, reaching record breaking levels of air pollution in Southeast Asia's wealthy city state. The forest fires are believed to be caused by illegal slash and burn practice on Indonesia's forest-rich island of Sumatra (for palm oil expansion) and represent a recurring problem in the dry season. Besides the environmental disaster, the forest fires cause health issues as well as economic losses for Singapore.

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  • Anti Terror-Raids in Indonesia Leave 7 Suspected Muslim Radicals Dead

    Seven suspected terrorists have been shot dead and 20 more have been arrested by Densus 88, Indonesia’s anti-terrorism squad, on Wednesday (08/05/13) during raids in Kendal (Central Java), Sumedang (West Java), Bandung and Banten. The suspects are believed to be part of a terrorist network that imported weaponry from the Philippines and engaged in violent robberies on bank branches of Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) to fund various terrorist activities in Poso (Sulawesi).

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  • Chairman of Yudhoyono's Democratic Party Named Suspect in Corruption Case

    Although it has been in the air for a while, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) finally named Anas Urbaningrum, chairman of president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's Democratic Party (PD), a suspect in the Hambalang corruption case. This case, in which Anas is charged with accepting a bribe to ensure a contract, is the last in a series of blows to the Democratic Party, which has seen its popularity erode drastically in recent months.

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  • Beef Import Scandal Might Involve More PKS Members

    The corruption scandal which led to the resignation last week of Luthfi Hasan Ishak, chairman of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) - Indonesia's fourth-largest political party - is likely to make more victims in the party, and will put the Muslim-party in a negative light. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) stated that the corruption scandal might involve more people within the PKS, including the party’s new chairman, Anis Matta and Agriculture minister Suswono.

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  • Continued Emergence of Scandals Undermines Trust in Indonesian Politics

    Today, most Indonesian newspapers opened with negative headlines concerning the country's political arena. In Indonesian politics, scandals - whether connected to corruption or other issues - are frequently reported and seriously undermine people's (both domestic and foreign) confidence in the nation's governance. In today's newspapers, three cases were center of attention and illustrate the problems within Indonesia's political elite.

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Latest Columns Scandals

  • Stock Alert Indonesia: Shares Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food Under Pressure

    Shares of food manufacturer Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food fell almost 25 percent on Friday (21/07) after one of its subsidiaries is suspected of fraud. Allegedly, subsidiary Indo Beras Unggul (a rice trader) sold rice under the premium label, while it actually was the cheaper government-subsidized rice that was sold to consumers. Police raided a warehouse of Indo Beras Unggul in Bekasi (West Java) on Thursday evening (20/07), confiscating more than 1,000 tons of rice.

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  • Corruption in Indonesia: DPR the Most Corrupt Government Institution

    The latest survey of Berlin-based Transparency International confirms that Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) is perceived - among Indonesians - as the most corrupt institution in the country. This outcome is no surprise because the DPR, the elected national legislative assembly that draws up and passes laws and budgets as well as monitors the performance of the government, has for long been perceived by the Indonesian people as the most corrupt institution within the country.

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  • Indonesia Wants Facebook to Open Local Company in Hoax Combat

    Rudiantara, Indonesia's Minister for Communications and Information, urges social media platform Facebook to upgrade its existing representative office in Indonesia into a proper company (PT PMA). Earlier this week Rudiantara met a Facebook delegation, led by the head of global policy management Monika Bickert, in Jakarta. Indonesian authorities believe that by having a proper company in Indonesia, Facebook would be in a better position to tackle negative content and fake news (hoaxes), while communication with the government would improve.

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  • Real Reason Why Pertamina CEOs Soetjipto & Bambang were Removed

    After CEO Dwi Soetjipto and Deputy CEO Ahmad Bambang were removed from their posts at Indonesia's state-owned energy company Pertamina there was some confusion what the real reasons behind this move were. In some local media it was even speculated that the removal of both men was related to a corruption case (something that would not be unimaginable in the case of Indonesia, especially when it involves the government and natural resources). However, the real reason for the removal of Soetjipto and Bambang is, seemingly, simply because they couldn't get along with each other and their poor relationship started to impact on Pertamina's operations.

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  • Jessica vs Mirna: Vietnamese Iced Coffee Murder in Cafe Olivier

    Despite being a hot topic in Indonesia since the start of the year, we ignored the murder case of Mirna Salihin. However, we decided to devote one article on the topic because on Thursday (27/10) Mirna's friend, 27-year old Jessica Kumala Wongso, was sentenced to 20 years in prison having been found guilty - by the Central Jakarta District Court - of murdering Mirna by putting cyanide in her Vietnamese iced coffee. The whole case and trial bear resemblance to the O.J. Simpson murder case in Los Angeles (USA) in 1995 in terms of public attention and media coverage.

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  • Ford Motor Indonesia Facing a Tax Scandal & Lawsuit

    In early 2016 Ford Motor Indonesia, the local unit of American car-maker Ford Motor Company, announced it will have completed its exit from Indonesia (and Japan) by the start of 2017. This decision was made because Ford has been unable to compete with its Japanese counterparts on the markets of Indonesia and Japan. The sudden move to exit Indonesia was not warmly welcomed by Ford Motor Co's dealers in Indonesia. The 31 Ford local dealerships demanded USD $75 million in compensation. More recently, Ford Motor Indonesia has become the center of a tax scandal.

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  • New Big Scandal Emerged in Indonesia: Fake Vaccines for Babies

    Relatively frequently Indonesia is shocked by major scandals; usually it is a high-profile corruption case involving politicians or big businessmen but since Friday (24/06) a new scandal arose that has been keeping local media busy. This scandal is more sensitive as it involves the health of little children. Apparently, fake vaccines have been given to children - primarily to babies under one year old - across Java for the past 13 years. Police arrested a total of 16 people on grounds that they have been involved in the production and distribution of fake counterfeit vaccines.

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  • Indonesia's Controversial Batang Power Plant: Human Rights & Environment

    Last week it was announced that the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) agreed to a USD $3.4 billion loan for the construction of the controversial Batang power plant in Central Java. This power plant project is controversial as it met fierce resistance from the local community (triggering concerns about human rights violations related to the land acquisition process) as well as criticism from environmental groups, saying this power plant - set to become Indonesia's largest coal-fired power plant - runs counter to Indonesia's earlier commitment to reduce carbon emissions.

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  • Child Sex Offenders in Indonesia to Face Death Penalty & Castration

    Indonesian President Joko Widodo has signed a controversial decree that introduces tougher penalties for child sex offenders in Indonesia. By replacing a 2002 law, Indonesia now introduces various new consequences for those who have been found guilty of sex offenses against children. The new penalties comprise the death penalty, chemical castration, life-long prison sentences, electronic monitoring (after release from prison), and the publicly announcement of the identity of the child molester.

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  • Outrage on Lion Air Strike, What are the Reliable Indonesian Airlines?

    The spotlights are again turned on low-cost carrier Lion Air, Indonesia's largest privately-held airline that controls about 40 percent of the air passenger market in Indonesia. The airline, owned by Rusdi Kirana (one of the richest Indonesians), has again disappointed thousands of passengers due to delayed flights. This time flight delays were caused by Lion Air pilots going on strike. It is worth to zoom in on this case and to take a look at which Indonesian airlines are most reliable in terms of departure punctuality.

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Associated businesses Scandals