Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Indonesian Government

  • Indonesia's House of Representatives Approves Price Hike Subsidized Fuel

    Late on Monday evening (17/06), the increase in the price of subsidized fuel, as stated in Law No. 19/2012, was approved by Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) through a voting session as political parties could not agree collectively on the price hike as well as on cash programs for the poor to mitigate effects of the higher fuel price. Demonstrations against the price hike were staged in various regions. In Medan (North Sumatra), Jambi (Central Sumatra) and Ternate (North Moluccas), it led to clashes between the police force and protestors.

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  • No Decision Yet on Price Increase Indonesia's Subsidized Fuel

    The plenary session of Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) is still ongoing as the various political parties could not agree yet on the increase in the price of subsidized fuel. Five political parties agree to the price hike, while four others have rejected it. If the political parties can not agree to the proposal, then it will be decided by individual voting starting from midnight (Indonesian time). The price hike has been long awaited as a measure to relieve pressure on Indonesia's budget deficit.

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  • Indonesian Government Announces Subsidized Fuel Price Hike on Monday

    Today (15/06), it was reported in Indonesia's media that the government will announce details regarding the new price of subsidized fuel on Monday (17/06) after a plenary session of the House of Representatives (DPR). The Union of Indonesian Workers (Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia) has announced that it will stage a large demonstration on 17 or 18 June at the DPR/MPR building (the seat of the government) in Indonesia's capital city as well as smaller demonstrations in various cities across the archipelago.

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  • Indonesian Government Raises Royalty Fees in the Coal Mining Sector

    In order to increase government revenues, the Indonesian government announced that, starting from 2014, coal miners that have a Mining Business License (Izin Usaha Pertambangan/IUP) will have to pay a higher royalty fee to the central government. The decision was made during a meeting between the government and Commission XI of the House of Representatives (DPR) this week. The new royalty policy, which was originally planned to be introduced this year, is expected to result in an increase of IDR 4 trillion (USD $408.2 million) in state revenues.

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  • Rajasa: Indonesian Government Targets GDP Growth of 6.2% in Q2-2013

    Indonesia's minister of Economy, Ir. M. Hatta Rajasa, stated that the government of Indonesia intends to realize economic growth of at least 6.2 percent in the second quarter of 2013 in order to remain on track for 6.3 percent growth for full year 2013. Although he reminded that it will take hard effort to realize this target, his message contained more optimism than Finance minister Chatib Basri's statement earlier this week who sees 6.0 percent of economic growth as the limit in Q2-2013.

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  • Indonesia Launches Committee to Prepare for ASEAN Economic Community

    In order to be fully prepared for the start of the ASEAN Economic Community in late 2015, the Indonesian government has formed a national committee that will provide analysis, evaluations as well as recommendations to the government. Indonesia's president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono announced plans to set up this committee in April. He stated that the committee will include representatives from the government, entrepreneurs, analysts and members of the public.

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  • Indonesian Government and Commission XI Agree on Budget Revision

    The Indonesian government and Commission XI of the House of Representatives (DPR) agreed on several macroeconomic projections for the 2013 Revised State Budget (RAPBN-P 2013). The government requested a number of modifications to the 2013 State Budget as earlier assumptions, mentioned in the original 2013 State Budget, were not in line with the current economic conditions. Before reaching the agreement, fractions in the commission changed a number of proposed revisions of the government.

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  • Indonesian Government: Inflation Rises in 2013, but Eases in 2014

    The government of Indonesia expects inflation to rise to 7.2 percent in 2013 because of the increase in the price of subsidized fuel in June, and expects it to ease to 4 percent in both 2014 and 2015 provided that good monetary policy is implemented. This good monetary policy should particularly be targeted at maintaining food security. The projections were presented by the Fiscal Policy Agency (Badan Kebijakan Fiskal), the Ministry of Finance, and Indonesia's central bank Bank Indonesia.

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  • Indonesian Government Projects 6.4% to 6.9% Economic Growth in 2014

    In the draft for the State Budget of 2014 (RAPBN 2014), the government of Indonesia projects economic growth of between 6.4 and 6.9 percent. Continued global recovery is expected to result in higher GDP growth compared to 2012 (6.23 percent) as it will result in better demand for Indonesian products, such as commodities. The main pillar of Indonesia's GDP growth - domestic consumption - is expected to grow due to the population's higher purchasing power and the upcoming legislative and presidential elections.

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  • Indonesia's Government Debt Still Low by International Standard

    Indonesian central government debt increased IDR 15.8 trillion (USD $1.6 billion) in the first quarter of 2013 to a total current debt of IDR 1,991.22 trillion (USD $205.3 billion). This total debt consists of loans amounting to IDR 590.2 trillion (USD $60.8 billion) and government securities (Surat Berharga Negara, or SBN) totaling 1,401.1 trillion (USD $144.4 billion). The loans are divided in foreign loans (IDR 588.4 trillion) and domestic loans (IDR 1.8 trillion). The country's debt-to-GDP ratio is currently approximately 24 percent.

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Latest Columns Indonesian Government

  • Economic Packages Indonesia: Key to Success Lies in Regions

    Infrastructure development and deregulation are the two main recipes used by the Indonesian government - under the leadership of Joko Widodo - to attract investment. By making it easier and cheaper to obtain permits and by providing better infrastructure (implying investors need to invest less in additional infrastructure facilities while logistic costs ease) Indonesia's investment climate improves. As such, the ease of doing business in Indonesia will improve accordingly. However, good coordination and cooperation between the central and regional governments is required.

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  • Government Issues Indonesian Retail Government Bonds (ORI)

    In an attempt to strengthen the domestic investor base and to meet financing of the Revised 2014 State Budget (APBN-P 2014), the government offers Indonesian Retail Government Bonds (Obligasi Negara Ritel Indonesia, abbreviated ORI) again. This is the 11th time, the government issues ORI bonds since its first launch in 2006. The ORI series ORI011 is offered in the period 1-16 October 2014 with a coupon rate of 8.5 percent and a tenor of three years. The minimum allowed order is IDR 5 million and the maximum IDR 3 billion per individual.

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  • Indonesian Government Proposes Additional Fuel Subsidy Spending

    The sharply depreciated Indonesian rupiah exchange rate in the second half of 2013 in combination with the decline in domestic oil lifting has led to a soaring of fuel subsidy spending in 2014. In the 2014 State Budget (APBN 2014), the ceiling of energy subsidy spending for 3-kg LPG and fuels was set at IDR 210.7 billion (USD $18.3 billion). However, in the 2014 Revised State Budget Draft, the government proposes to raise the subsidy ceiling to IDR 285 trillion (USD $24.8 billion), thus swelling IDR 74.3 trillion from the initial ceiling.

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  • Preliminary Analysis Parliamentary Election Result in Indonesia

    Although several quick counts of today's legislative election in Indonesia still continue, the big picture is clear. The current opposition party PDI-P will win Indonesia's 2014 parliamentary election, followed by Golkar and Gerindra. This is no surprise as most surveys that were released ahead of the election indicated that these three political parties would be the major contenders. As a whole, the election went relatively smoothly, with only a few minor incidents. The official result will be announced on 9 May 2014.

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  • Third Economic Policy Package Being Prepared by Indonesian Government

    Indonesian Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa said that the government is currently engaged in preparing a third economic policy package that aims to reduce the country's current account deficit. In August and December 2013, the government had already implemented two policy reform packages as Indonesia's wide current account deficit and high inflation in combination with the looming end of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing program led to large capital outflows, thus resulting in sharp rupiah depreciation.

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  • Can Joko Widodo Accelerate the Democratization Process in Indonesia?

    With Indonesia's presidential election approaching (9 July 2014), investors - both domestic and foreign - have become more hesitant to commit to large investments, instead preferring to wait for the election results first. Obviously, investors want to see a 'market friendly' president to lead Southeast Asia's largest economy for (at least) the next five years; a ruler who can safeguard a conducive investment climate. For the Indonesian people, a just ruler is needed; one who can improve Indonesia's political and social issues.

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  • Macroeconomic Assumptions in Indonesia's State Budget Revised Down

    Only 50 days since the start of the fiscal year 2014 have passed and the government has already shown that it is not convinced to meet targets of basic macroeconomic assumptions set in the 2014 State Budget (APBN 2014). Therefore, the Indonesian government has lowered the outlook for all basic macroeconomic assumptions in the 2014 State Budget. On Thursday 19 February 2014, the government formally presented the downward revision of economic targets in the State Budget to the House of Representitative's Budget Agency.

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  • Analysis: What Caused Indonesia's Slowing Economic Growth in 2013

    On Wednesday 5 February 2014, Statistics Indonesia (BPS, a non-departmental government institute) is expected to release Indonesia's official GDP growth figure for the year 2013. It is estimated that the outcome will be the lowest GDP growth figure since 2009 when Southeast Asia's largest economy grew 4.6 percent after feeling the impact of the global financial crisis. In 2013, again, Indonesia felt the negative influence of external troubles. And in combination with domestic factors, Indonesia's economic growth is expected to be around 5.7 percent in 2013.

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  • Official Press Release Bank Indonesia: Interest Rates Left Unchanged

    Today, Bank Indonesia kept its benchmark interest rate (BI rate) at 7.50 percent at the Board of Governors’ meeting. The lending facility rate and deposit facility rate were maintained at 7.50 percent and 5.75 percent respectively. An assessment of the economy in 2013 and outlook for 2014-2015 indicated that such policy is consistent with ongoing efforts to keep inflation within the target of 4.5±1 percent in 2014 and 4±1 percent in 2015, as well as to help reduce the current account deficit to a sustainable level.

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  • Government of Indonesia Targets to Implement 3 More New Policies in 2013

    Indonesia's Finance Minister Chatib Basri stated that the government of Indonesia is busy preparing three new policies that aim to restore financial stability as well as attract foreign direct investments. These three new policies involve the higher sales tax on imported luxury cars, a revision of Indonesia's negative investment list, and the higher income tax on imported consumption goods. These three new policies are in addition to the policy package that was introduced by the Indonesian government in August 2013.

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Associated businesses Indonesian Government