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Latest Reports Prabowo Subianto

  • What is on the Political Agenda of Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto?

    With the presidential election of Indonesia (scheduled for 9 July) becoming a battle between Governor of Jakarta Joko Widodo, popularly known as Jokowi, and former army general and Suharto crony Prabowo Subianto, it is worth taking a closer look into the ideas and policies that both candidates would like to implement if elected as the next Indonesian president, as well as their stance on specific economic issues. The viewpoints that are mentioned below are based on the documents that both parties provided to the General Election Commission.

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  • Why Indonesian Stocks and the Rupiah Continue to Decline on Tuesday?

    One day after the official announcement that two pairs will compete in the presidential election (9 July 2014), the benchmark stock index of Indonesia (Jakarta Composite Index or IHSG) and the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate are still in a state of decline. Although yesterday (19/05) the rupiah and IHSG strengthened considerably prior and shortly after Joko "Jokowi" Widodo declared that Jusuf Kalla would be his running mate (the vice-presidential candidate) in the election, markets have been selling Indonesian assets since Monday afternoon.

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  • Prabowo Subianto and Hatta Rajasa Officially Join Presidential Election

    After Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo and Jusuf Kalla announced earlier today (19/05) to form a pair in the upcoming Indonesian presidential election (scheduled for 9 July 2014), supported by a coalition consisting of the PDI-P, NasDem, PKB and Hanura, the other pair also presented itself. Prabowo Subianto officially announced that Hatta Rajasa will be his running mate in the election. This pair is backed by Gerindra, PAN, PPP, PKS and Golkar. At the last moment Golkar, second-largest party in the April legislative election, decided to join this coalition.

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  • Indonesia Election Update: Golkar and PDI-P Move Step Closer to Coalition

    It is becoming more and more likely that the Golkar party (the second-largest political party of Indonesia based on the legislative election that was held in April 2014), will join the coalition that consists of the PDI-P (winner of the legislative election), NasDem and PKB. This coalition has already announced its full support for highly popular Governor of Jakarta Joko “Jokowi” Widodo as the coalition’s presidential nominee for the presidential election (9 July 2014). The running mate of Jokowi, however, remains a question mark.

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  • Chairul Tanjung Replaces Hatta Rajasa as Indonesian Economic Minister

    Chairul Tanjung, one of the richest businessmen of Indonesia, will replace Hatta Rajasa as Indonesia's Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs after the latter - who is also chairman of the PAN party - stepped down from his post to focus on his vice-presidential bid (as running mate of Prabowo Subianto) in the 2014 presidential election (scheduled for 9 July 2014). Today (16/05), Indonesian President Yudhoyono inaugurated Tanjung in the state palace. Tanjung only has five months left in office as a new government will be inaugurated in October 2014.

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  • Indonesia Presidential Election Update: Jokowi-Kalla versus Prabowo-Hatta?

    The Indonesian presidential election, scheduled for 9 July 2014, is most likely to become a battle between Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and Prabowo Subianto. Although this had already been expected as both men can rely on popular support (according to various surveys) and have the political backing of important political parties, a number of developments on Tuesday (13/05) seem to confirm this expectation. Moreover, there is more clarity about the vice-presidential candidates that will join the July election.

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  • Hatta Rajasa Pairs with Prabowo Subianto in Presidential Election?

    In Indonesian media it was reported today (13/05) that Hatta Rajasa, the current Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, will meet President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono this afternoon. It is speculated that in this meeting Rajasa wil ask permission to resign from his post in order to be able to run as Prabowo Subianto's running mate in the presidential election (9 July 2014). A 2008 law stipulates that ministers need to resign when participating in the election (as presidential or vice-presidential candidate) to avert a possible conflict of interest.

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  • Golkar-Gerindra Coalition's President: Aburizal Bakrie or Prabowo Subianto?

    Two influential Indonesian political parties, Golkar and Gerindra, may form a coalition in order to nominate a presidential and vice-presidential candidate for Indonesia's presidential election that is scheduled for 9 July 2014. After the PDI-P, which won the legislative election on 9 April 2014 with approximately 19 percent of the vote, Golkar (15 percent) and Gerindra (12 percent) came in second and third. However, both these parties contain a leader who has presidential aspirations.

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  • Analysis of Quick Count Results of the Indonesian Legislative Election 2014

    No Indonesian political party managed to secure a majority in the legislative election that was held on Wednesday (09/04). Based on various quick counts (that have proved to be reliable in previous elections), the election was won by the PDI-P (19 percent), followed by Golkar (15 percent) and Gerindra (12 percent). This outcome implies that political parties will need to form coalitions in order to be able to nominate a presidential candidate for Indonesia's presidential election that is scheduled for 9 July 2014.

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  • Update Indonesia Elections 2014: Half of Electorate Still Unsure Who to Back

    According to a survey from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), 45.8 percent of the Indonesian electorate have still not decided which party or which presidential candidate to back in the legislative election (9 April 2014) and presidential election (9 July 2014). About 42.4 percent of the electorate knows who they will vote for, while 11.8 percent could not answer. These indications are based on a survey that involved interviews with 1,200 people in 33 provinces between 7-17 March 2014 (with a 2.83 percent margin of error).

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Latest Columns Prabowo Subianto

  • Indonesian Politics & Economy: Looking Back on 2019, Looking Forward to 2020

    What marked the year 2019 for Indonesia was national politics. Although in these present times each year feels like a ‘political year’ for Indonesia – as the country’s local elections are spread out across years (and in 2020 it will be the turn of voters in various parts of the Archipelago to elect nine governors, 224 regents and 37 mayors) – the year 2019 was in fact a particularly ‘huge political year’ for Indonesia because of the (general) presidential and legislative elections that were held on 17 April 2019.

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  • New Cabinet Takes Office; Last-Minute Surprise Gives Widodo Majority in Parliament

    Although the signs were there in the past couple of weeks, it still came as a surprise to us that defeated presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto made the last-minute decision to throw his support behind Indonesian President Joko Widodo. It effectively means that his Great Indonesia Movement party (or Gerindra) – previously the biggest opposition party – has now joined Widodo’s coalition, and thereby handing Widodo a massive majority in national parliament.

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  • Presidential and Legislative Elections of Indonesia: Our Views on the Unofficial Results

    Indonesia Investments carefully followed developments surrounding Indonesia’s presidential and legislative elections (which were held on Wednesday 17 April 2019). Although the official results will only be announced in late May (as the General Elections Commission, or KPU, will be busy counting all votes up to 22 May 2019) we can already draw several conclusions from these events.

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  • Road to Indonesia’s 2019 Presidential Election: Gap Narrows after 1st Presidential Debate

    On Thursday 17 January 2019 the first debate between the two presidential pairs - (1) Joko Widodo & Ma'ruf Amin and (2) Prabowo Subianto & Sandiaga Uno - took place at Hotel Bidakara in Pancoran (South Jakarta). It is the first one of a total of five planned debates between the presidential and vice-presidential candidates in the months ahead of the legislative and presidential elections that are scheduled for 17 April 2019 (although the date of the 5th debate is yet to be determined).

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  • Political Update: Preparing & Bracing for the Big Political Year of 2019

    We have entered 2019, which means we have entered a huge political year with the legislative and presidential elections scheduled for 17 April 2019. Indonesia is a young democracy that is maturing – hence experiences growing pains – and where various sides are engaged in a battle to get a hold of the highest political power in Indonesia.

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