Registration of Company Data in Company Register

Based on Law number 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Companies jo. Minister Regulation number M.HH-03.AH.01.01 of 2009 on Company Register, the company register at least includes the following data:

1. the company name;
2. the domicile certificate, including the address details;
3. the purpose, objective and business activities;
4. the period of establishment. A company in Indonesia can be established for a definite period or for an indefinite period;
5. the capital structure;
6. the deed of establishment, including the ratification of this deed by the Minister;
7. the deed(s) of amendment(s) to the articles of association (if any), including approval/receipt of these amendments by the Minister;
8. the name and domicile of the notary who made the deeds as mentioned in point 5 and 6;
9. the personal details of the members of the shareholders, directors and commissioners;
10. in case of dissolution, the deed of dissolution and the date of the court ruling on the dissolution;
11. expiration date of the legal entity status; and
12. the company’s balance sheet and statement of income of the relevant financial year.

Access of Company Data to the Public

The company data in the company register is open to the public. In case a party wishes to obtain company data, it can file a written request to the officials of the Directorate General of Public Law Administration. Such application must be accompanied by the proof of payment of the administration fee of IDR 500,000 (USD $37). Within seven working days the officials should have provided the requested information to the requesting party.
