• Growth in Indonesia’s Manufacturing Sector Revised Down

    Growth of the manufacturing industry in Indonesia is expected to be significantly weaker in 2015 than initially forecast. Indonesia’s Industry Ministry cut its 2015 forecast for expansion of the country’s manufacturing industry to 6.1 percent (year-on-year) from the previous estimate of 6.8 percent. In tandem with slowing economic growth in Southeast Asia’s largest economy, manufacturing growth has slowed to 4.99 percent (y/y) in Q3-2014. Moreover, the HSBC/Markit PMI contracted to a record low of 48.0 in November 2014.

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  • Divestment Foreign Companies (PMA) Indonesia

    The obligation for foreign companies to perform a divestment of part their shares to Indonesian companies has raised already much discussion among foreign investors. Before the enactment of BKPM regulation number 5/2013 on Guidelines and Procedures on Licensing and Non-licensing of Capital Investment as amended by BPKM regulation number 12/2013 (BKPM Regulation), divestment was required for all foreign companies (PMA) in Indonesia. The new regime of the BKPM Regulation removes this obligation, even though there are still sectors in Indonesia which require foreign companies to divest, such as the mining sector.

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  • New Regulation Construction Representative Office Indonesia

    In late September, the Minister of Public Works (Minister) issued Minister Regulation number 10/PRT/M/2014 regarding Guideline Requirements for Giving Permission Foreign Construction Service Representative Office (New Regulation). The New Regulation for construction representative offices in Indonesia replaces the old Minister regulation 05/PRT/M/2011 (Old Regulation) which had a similar title. The New Regulation has become more comprehensive than the Old Regulation and in this column we will discuss the most significant changes for foreign investors.

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  • Rubber Update: Indonesia, Thailand & Malaysia Make New Policies

    Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia, the world’s three largest rubber producing countries (accounting for about 70 percent of total global natural rubber output), have agreed to avoid excessive natural rubber supply on the international market by limiting their rubber exports. The countries also agree to curb new rubber plantation development as well as to spur domestic rubber consumption in each country. This statement was read out by Douglas Uggah Embas, Plantation Industries Minister of Malaysia, in Kuala Lumpur today (20/11).

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