• Mining Renegotiations: Freeport Indonesia Builds Copper Smelter

    Subsidiary of US-based natural resources company Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc, Freeport Indonesia, decided to build its copper smelter in Gresik (East Java) as infrastructure around this regency makes it easier to transport its mining products for export purposes. The other location that Freeport was considering was in Papua, near its mining site the Grasberg mine, the world’s largest gold mine and third-largest copper mine. However, infrastructure in Papua (one of the poorest regions in Indonesia) is still underdeveloped.

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  • Foreign Investment Company: Company Law Indonesia

    The establishment of a foreign investment company in Indonesia is partially regulated by law number 40 of 2007 (Company Law) regarding limited liability companies. The Company Law provides the general corporate requirements for the establishment of both a foreign investment limited liability company (PT PMA) and a local investment limited liability company (PT). In this column we will discuss the establishment requirements for a foreign investment limited liability company (foreign investment company) in Indonesia as regulated in the Company Law.

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  • Draft Bill Proposes to Limit Foreign Ownership of Plantations in Indonesia

    Foreign ownership of plantations in Indonesia may be limited to a maximum of 30 percent if a new draft bill designed by Indonesian parliament is approved. This draft bill aims to encourage local participation within Indonesia’s plantation sector at the expense of foreign ownership. Currently, foreign ownership of plantations in Indonesia is set at a maximum of 95 percent. The draft bill also aims to simplify complex rules regarding land use, protect indigenous people, and will make it easier to prosecute companies responsible for forest fires.  

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  • Company Establishment Requirements (PT PMA) Indonesia

    Establishment of a company in Indonesia is done through a foreign investment and is subject to specific establishment requirements. A foreign investment is by law 25 of 2007 (Investment Law) defined as an investing activity conducted by a foreign investor for running a business inside Indonesia (including company establishment). Such foreign investment can be conducted either by using 100% foreign capital (which is subject to certain restrictions) or by partially using domestic capital. A foreign investor can be a foreign person, a foreign company or a foreign government body.

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The views expressed in these business columns are the views of the authors or the interviewed persons only and therefore do not necessarily reflect the views of Indonesia Investments. The authors are free to ventilate their opinions about the Indonesian business climate. Facts presented in these columns are the result of the author's own research or indicated sources, read disclaimer