• Indonesian Food Manufacturers in Focus: Indofood Sukses Makmur

    Corporate earnings of Indonesia-based food manufacturer Indofood Sukses Makmur, which ranks among the biggest companies that are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, are affected by subdued household consumption and fierce competition in the processed foods and beverage sector of Indonesia. Indofood Sukses Makmur has operations in each stage of the food manufacturing process, ranging from the production and processing of raw materials to consumer end-products on retailers' shelves.

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  • Indonesia's Intervention in Fuel Prices Thwarts Private Investment

    There is concern that the Indonesian government's plan to curb price increases of (non-subsidized) fuels in Indonesia will impact negatively on private investors' enthusiasm to invest in Indonesia's oil and gas industry. Earlier this week Arcandra Tahar, Deputy Minister at the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, informed that the government wants to regulate prices of fuels in order to keep inflation in check.

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  • Widodo Launches Roadmap for Industry 4.0: "Making Indonesia 4.0"

    The Indonesian government officially launched the roadmap called "Making Indonesia 4.0" earlier this week. Industry 4.0 is a term that refers to the fourth industrial revolution in manufacturing and industry. It includes major innovations in the digital technology, biology and hardware automations, and also implies that cyber-physical systems can make their own basic decisions, hence becoming increasingly self-ruling.

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  • Tackling Logistics Costs: Indonesia to Cut Toll Road Ticket Prices?

    The Indonesian government is studying the possibility of cutting toll road prices for specific trucks, hence companies engaged in transportation logistics would be the key beneficiaries. The study comes after stakeholders have complained about the expensive prices that are charged by toll road operators (most of which are state-controlled companies). Indonesian President Joko Widodo said a price cut of up to 30 percent is possible. A cheaper price would improve the competitiveness in the logistics sector.

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