• Indonesia's United Tractors Plagued by Weak Demand for Heavy Equipment

    United Tractors, the largest distributor of heavy equipment in Indonesia, is still facing challenges due to persistently weak demand for heavy equipment amid low commodity prices. Business activity in the agribusiness, mining and infrastructure sectors have slowed This context is expected to lead to slowing net profit for the company in both 2015 and 2016. The company, a subsidiary of Astra International (Indonesia's largest diversified conglomerate), controls a market share of around 40 percent in Indonesia's heavy equipment market.

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  • Bank Central Asia (BCA) to See Slower Credit Growth than State Banks

    Bank Central Asia (BCA), one of the leading commercial banks in Indonesia, is estimated to continue posting growing net profit and rising credit growth in the years ahead despite the persistently sluggish domestic economy. However, contrary to the state-controlled banks - such as Bank Mandiri, Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) and Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) - BCA will most likely not see double-digit credit growth in the near future as BCA's customers mostly originate from the private sector. The state-controlled banks, on the other hand, have the advantage of being involved in the government's push for infrastructure development and government spending.

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  • Indonesian Mining Firm Aneka Tambang (Antam) Still in Troubled Waters

    New funds obtained from a rights issue and the revaluation of its assets will have a positive impact on Aneka Tambang (Antam), a diversified mining company in Indonesia. The miner, majority-owned by the Indonesian government, is engaged in all activities ranging from exploration, exploitation, processing, refining to the marketing of nickel ore, ferronickel, gold, silver, bauxite, coal and precious metals refining services. However, its corporate earnings remained disappointing so far in 2015.

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  • Horticulture Sector Indonesia: Flexible toward Foreign Ownership Cap

    The Indonesian government's decision to limit foreign ownership in the horticulture sector to a maximum of 30 percent (through Law No. 13/2010 on Horticulture), from 95 percent previously, continues to cause a polemic as such protectionism may be a big disadvantage to the development of Indonesia's horticulture sector. Moreover, the law works retroactively implying that existing companies owned by foreign investors need to divest their majority ownership interests. In Law No. 13/2010 foreigners were given four years to divest their shares.

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