• Commodities: Indonesia's Palm Oil Export Tax Back in May 2016

    For the first time since October 2014, Indonesia's palm oil exporters will have to pay an export tax on crude palm oil (CPO) shipments as the government's reference CPO price was set at USD $754.10 per ton in May (the level of USD $750 per ton separates taxable from non-taxable shipments). The Indonesian government announced that it will impose a USD $3 per ton tax on CPO exports in May 2016. Palm oil is the key foreign exchange earner for Indonesia in terms of non-mining export products. The country is the world's largest producer and exporter of CPO, followed by Malaysia.

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  • Some Thoughts on the Performance of Indonesia's Stock Market in 2016

    The stock performance of Indonesian companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2016 is expected to be better than last year's performance. One of the factors that supports this assumption is Indonesia's accelerating economic growth. Most - if not all - analysts expect GDP growth to rebound from its six-year low of 4.79 percent (y/y) in 2015. Indonesia's Q4-2015 GDP growth at 5.04 percent (y/y) was already promising (supported by government spending). In 2016 a growth pace in the range of 5.0 - 5.2 percent (y/y) should be possible. Although the link is not perfect, there is a correlation between a nation's stock market and its GDP growth.

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  • Sri Rejeki Isman (Sritex) Plans to Acquire German Uniform Producer

    Sri Rejeki Isman (Sritex), one of Indonesia's leading textile and garment manufacturers, plans to acquire a German military uniform manufacturer. Iwan Kurniawan Lukminto, Vice President Director of Sritex, said the acquisition of the German company should be completed in 2017. The aim of this acquisition is to enhance Sritex' business in the European Union. The German uniform manufacturer will be the "extended arm" of Sritex in Europe according to Lukminto's words. Currently, about 15 percent of Sritex' total export revenue is generated from shipments to Europe.

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  • Palm Oil Indonesia: After Dry El Nino, Will Wet La Nina Impact CPO Output?

    Franky Oesman Widjaja, Chairman of Sinar Mas Agribusiness & Foods, expects Indonesia's crude palm oil production in 2016 to drop by 5-10 percent (y/y) due to the impact of the El Nino weather phenomenon that brought extreme dry weather to Southeast Asia in 2015. However, in several Indonesian regions palm oil plantations are now being plagued by floods giving rise to speculation whether El Nino is to be followed by La Nina. La Nina - the opposite of El Nino - brings cooler than average sea temperatures in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean causing wetter-than-usual weather in Southeast Asia.

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