• Pariwisata Syariah: Grup Kagum Akan Berinvestasi di Hotel-Hotel Syariah

    Grup Kagum, sebuah perusahaan manajemen perhotelan di Indonesia, sangat ingin untuk mengembangkan sektor pariwisata syariah dengan mendirikan serangkaian hotel syariah di seluruh Indonesia. Hotel-hotel syariah adalah hotel-hotel yang mengikuti prinsip Islam seperti menawarkan kolom renang indoor yang terpisah (dan tidak dapat dilihat oleh orang luar) untuk laki-laki dan perempuan atau menyajikan makanan dan minumam halal (tidak menyediakan daging babi dan minuman beralkohol). Melalui hotel-hotel yang mengikuti aturan syariah, grup ini menarget untuk menyambut lebih banyak turis dari Timur Tengah.

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  • Can Indonesia Cut Gasoline Imports and Stop Diesel Imports in 2016?

    As Indonesia's oil production is expected to rise while a new oil refinery in Tuban (East Java) has started to come online, Indonesia's Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources targets to stop imports of diesel fuel altogether and cut imports of gasoline fuel by 30 percent in 2016. The refinery in Tuban is owned by Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama, which was recently acquired by Indonesia's state-owned energy company Pertamina.

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  • Indonesia Steps Up ORI and Sukri Bond Issuances in 2016

    The Indonesian government will increase retail bond issuances in 2016. Robert Pakpahan, General Director of Debt Management at the Ministry of Finance, said the government will issue conventional retail bonds, known as ORI (Obligasi Negara Ritel Indonesia), twice in 2016. Furthermore, the government plans two rounds of sharia-compliant government retail bond (Sukuk Negara Ritel, or abbreviated Sukri) issuances next year. These bonds are only available to domestic investors.

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  • Fed Rate Hike & China Slowdown. What is the Impact on Emerging Markets?

    With a staggering 271,000 jobs added to the US economy in October, exceeding forecasts by a big margin, while the US unemployment rate eased to 5.0 percent, the majority of analysts and market participants now expect to see a 25 basis points Fed Fund Rate hike in December (markets are currently pricing in a 70 percent chance of a December US rate hike). Meanwhile, trade data from China underscore the persistent economic slowdown in the world's second-largest economy. What are the effects of these issues on Indonesian assets?

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