• Stocks & Rupiah Indonesia: Inflation and US GDP Cause Mixed Performance

    On the first trading day of the new week, both Indonesian stocks and the rupiah moved more-or-less sideways. Generally, indices in Southeast Asia were mixed as positive external sentiments were offset by local negative sentiments. In the case of Indonesia, negative local sentiments stemmed from the higher-than-estimated inflation figure in May and continued contraction of the manufacturing industry. Positive market sentiments stemmed from the USA where GDP growth was revised to minus 0.7 percent in Q1-2015.

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  • Urban Lifestyle Indonesia: Consumption Wheat & Bread Products Rises

    Although most Indonesians still prefer to eat rice and noodles as part of their daily diet, an increasing number of Indonesians (particularly those who live in the urban environments and have adjusted to an ‘urban lifestyle’) have started to consume cereals and bread. In fact, Indonesia has become the world’s second-largest wheat importer and ranks among East Asia’s largest cereal importers. The country is dependent on these imports as domestic production of grains is close to zero (the climate doesn’t suit cultivation).

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  • Perusahaan Diprediksi Melakukan IPO di Bursa Efek Indonesia di 2015

    Prospek untuk penawaran saham perdana (IPO) di Indonesia positif pada 2015, atau, setidaknya lebih positif dibandingkan tahun 2014 yang merupakan ‘tahun politik’ Indonesia (karena pemilihan legislatif dan presiden) sehingga menyebabkan ketidakjelasan di pasar akibat kondisi politik. Meskipun begitu, pertumbuhan ekonomi negara yang melambat dan ancaman capital outflow yang disebabkan oleh prediksi pengetatan moneter lebih lanjut di AS sebelum akhir tahun, telah membuat para pelaku pasar berhati-hati. Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) memprediksi total 32 pendaftaran baru di 2015, naik dari 20 di tahun lalu.

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  • Update Pasar Indonesia: Mengapa Saham Menguat tapi Rupiah Melemah?

    Sejalan dengan indeks lain di Asia, saham Indonesia naik pada hari Selasa (26/05). Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) naik 0,62% menjadi 5.320,90 poin. Sentimen-sentimen positif tidak berasal dari Amerika Serikat (AS) karena pasar saham AS ditutup kemarin karena hari libur namun terutama berasal dari Republik Rakyat Tionghoa (RRT) yang badan perencanaan perekonomiannya mengumumkan akan mengimplementasikan sejumlah kebijakan baru dalam usaha mendongkrak perekonomian yang lambat. Kendati begitu, rupiah melemah 0,25% menjadi Rp 13.220 per dollar AS berdasarkan Bloomberg Dollar Index.

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