• Export Ban Dispute Newmont Nusa Tenggara vs Indonesian Government

    Whether Newmont Nusa Tenggara (NNT) will file for international arbitration over a six-month old export dispute with the Indonesian government remains unclear. Although many analysts would like to see international arbitration over this case, such a step would imply several risks for the copper miner (which is for 56 percent owned by US-based Newmont Mining Corporation and Japan’s Nusa Tenggara Mining Corporation). The source of the dispute is Indonesia’s recently-introduced ban on exports of ore concentrates.

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  • Activities Foreign Trade Representative Office Indonesia

    A foreign trade representative office in Indonesia can be set up by overseas companies quickly and with relative ease. In general, a foreign trade representative office is established with the purpose to take care of the interests of the parent company abroad and/or for preparation of the establishment and development of foreign investment activities in Indonesia. Due to their purpose the scope of activities is limited to representation of the overseas company and is therefore not allowed to directly be engaged in sales and related activities.

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  • Five Companies List (IPO) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange this Week

    As all spotlights this week were - and still are - focused on the 2014 Indonesian presidential election, it almost passed unnoticeably that five Indonesian companies will be listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) this week. If all these listings will go according to schedule, then the number of initial public offerings (IPOs) in 2014 will increase to 18 by the end of the week. The five companies are: Batavia Prosperindo Internasional, Magna Finance, Mitrabara Adiperdana, Bank Dinar Indonesia, and Sitara Propertindo.

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  • Indonesian Government Tenders Soekarno-Hatta Airport Train Project

    The Indonesian Transportation Ministry will tender the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport train project in August 2014. The project, which will connect one of the world’s busiest airports to the capital city of Jakarta, is offered in the shape of a public-private partnership (PPP) with the Indonesian government. The total of investment required to develop the railway, which will be built partly underground, is estimated at IDR 26 trillion (USD $2.2 billion). The project aims to improve connectivity to the airport.

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Pendapat yang diungkapkan di bagian ini adalah pandangan penulis pribadi atau orang yang diwawancarai dan tidak mencerminkan pandangan Indonesia Investments. Para penulis bebas untuk mengemukakan pendapat mereka menyangkut iklim sektor bisnis di Indonesia. Fakta yang disajikan di dalam kolom ini adalah hasil penelitian penulis sendiri atau diambil dari sumber yang ditunjukkan, baca ketentuan umum