• Car Sales in Indonesia Unaffected by Weather Conditions in January 2014

    Despite higher car prices due to the depreciating rupiah exchange rate, domestic car sales in Indonesia rose 11 percent to 107,496 in January 2014 compared to the same month last year. January sales were particularly supported by sales of the low cost green car (LCGC) and low multipurpose vehicle (LMPV). Both these car types enjoy high popularity in Indonesia. In 2013, the Indonesian government provided tax incentives for the establishment of a domestic LCGC industry.

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  • Indonesia's Chamber of Commerce: Economic Growth Will Slow in 2014

    This year, legislative and presidential elections will be held in Indonesia. Obviously, there is a strong relationship between the politics and economics of a country. Businessmen from various sectors of Indonesia's economy have already been voicing their views. As the umbrella organization of the Indonesian business chambers and associations, Kadin Indonesia recently shared its views about the elections as well. The institute believes that the 2014 elections will run smoothly because Indonesia's democracy has matured.

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  • Japan's Mitsui Confident in Long-Term Prospects of Investing in Indonesia

    Mitsui & Co, one of the largest trading companies in Japan, believes that Indonesia is one of the most prospective investment destinations for the middle and longer term. After Brasil and Chile, Indonesia is currently the third-largest investment market for Mitsui & Co, which is part of the Mitsui Group. The latter has stakes in various sectors including energy, food, logistics and finance. The CEO of Mitsui & Co, Masami Iijima, stated that Indonesia is lucrative due to its large and young population as well as its rapidly expanding middle class.

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  • Expansion of Indonesia's Automotive Industry: Raising Exports to Asia

    Indonesia's automotive industry experienced some drastic changes in recent years. Originally regarded as a mere production hub due to cheap productions costs (particularly wages), it changed into a major car sales market as per capita GDP continues to grow and gives rise to an expanding middle class. Since 2011, domestic car sales in Indonesia have reached record highs and given that the country's per capita car ownership is still relatively low, there is room for more growth. But Indonesia is also eager to become an important car exporting country.

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Pendapat yang diungkapkan di bagian ini adalah pandangan penulis pribadi atau orang yang diwawancarai dan tidak mencerminkan pandangan Indonesia Investments. Para penulis bebas untuk mengemukakan pendapat mereka menyangkut iklim sektor bisnis di Indonesia. Fakta yang disajikan di dalam kolom ini adalah hasil penelitian penulis sendiri atau diambil dari sumber yang ditunjukkan, baca ketentuan umum