• Market Entry into Indonesia; BRIGHT Indonesia's Business Partnership Engagement

    Our assistance intends to connect you with the reliable and proper partners to fulfill your institution’s goals. To find a reliable partner is very challenging since Indonesia generally puts more emphasis on personal relationships and less on formal business agreements. Qualified local partners will not take international institutions seriously unless these institutions are committed to visiting Indonesia on a regular basis. Patience, persistence and presence are key factors for successful entry strategies into the Indonesian market.

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  • Overview of Indonesia's Cement Industry; Challenging Times to Persist into 2020 and Beyond

    Between the years 2011 and 2013 Indonesia’s cement industry seemed to be a goldmine. Double-digit growth in annual domestic cement sales – supported by strong growth in the country’s property sector, particularly on the islands of Java and Sumatra – attracted new foreign investment in cement production facilities, while established cement producers in the Archipelago invested in expansion of their cement production facilities.

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  • Rapidly Developing E-Commerce Sector Changes the Traditional Way of Doing Business in Indonesia

    E-commerce – which refers to the activity of electronically buying (or selling) products through online services or over the Internet – has been developing rapidly in Indonesia over the past decade. More and more Indonesians have started to shop online, forcing many offline retail players to adapt and innovate their business models in order to survive in this new and challenging environment where two newcomers, both tech startups and both e-commerce platforms, have developed into a unicorn (Tokopedia and Bukalapak) which is a startup that is valued above USD $1 billion.

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Pendapat yang diungkapkan di bagian ini adalah pandangan penulis pribadi atau orang yang diwawancarai dan tidak mencerminkan pandangan Indonesia Investments. Para penulis bebas untuk mengemukakan pendapat mereka menyangkut iklim sektor bisnis di Indonesia. Fakta yang disajikan di dalam kolom ini adalah hasil penelitian penulis sendiri atau diambil dari sumber yang ditunjukkan, baca ketentuan umum